
321 lines
11 KiB

//! Translation table manipulation facilities
use crate::mem::{
phys::{self, PageUsage},
use core::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use libsys::{error::Errno, mem::memset};
/// Transparent wrapper structure representing a single
/// translation table entry
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Entry(u64);
/// Structure describing a single level of translation mappings
#[repr(C, align(0x1000))]
pub struct Table {
entries: [Entry; 512],
/// Wrapper for top-most level of address translation tables
pub struct Space(Table);
bitflags! {
/// Attributes attached to each translation [Entry]
pub struct MapAttributes: u64 {
// TODO use 2 lower bits to determine mapping size?
/// nG bit -- determines whether a TLB entry associated with this mapping
/// applies only to current ASID or all ASIDs.
const NOT_GLOBAL = 1 << 11;
/// AF bit -- must be set by software, otherwise Access Error exception is
/// generated when the page is accessed
const ACCESS = 1 << 10;
/// The memory region is outer-shareable
const SH_OUTER = 2 << 8;
/// This page is used for device-MMIO mapping and uses MAIR attribute #1
const DEVICE = 1 << 2;
const EX_COW = 1 << 55;
/// UXN bit -- if set, page may not be used for instruction fetching from EL0
const UXN = 1 << 54;
/// PXN bit -- if set, page may not be used for instruction fetching from EL1
const PXN = 1 << 53;
// AP field
// Default behavior is: read-write for EL1, no access for EL0
/// If set, the page referred to by this entry is read-only for both EL0/EL1
const AP_BOTH_READONLY = 3 << 6;
/// If set, the page referred to by this entry is read-write for both EL0/EL1
const AP_BOTH_READWRITE = 1 << 6;
impl Table {
/// Returns next-level translation table reference for `index`, if one is present.
/// If `index` represents a `Block`-type mapping, will return an error.
/// If `index` does not map to any translation table, will try to allocate, init and
/// map a new one, returning it after doing so.
pub fn next_level_table_or_alloc(&mut self, index: usize) -> Result<&'static mut Table, Errno> {
let entry = self[index];
if entry.is_present() {
if !entry.is_table() {
return Err(Errno::InvalidArgument);
Ok(unsafe { &mut *(mem::virtualize(entry.address_unchecked()) as *mut _) })
} else {
let phys = phys::alloc_page(PageUsage::Paging)?;
let res = unsafe { &mut *(mem::virtualize(phys) as *mut Self) };
self[index] = Entry::table(phys, MapAttributes::empty());
/// Returns next-level translation table reference for `index`, if one is present.
/// Same as [next_level_table_or_alloc], but returns `None` if no table is mapped.
pub fn next_level_table(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&'static mut Table> {
let entry = self[index];
if entry.is_present() {
if !entry.is_table() {
panic!("Entry is not a table: idx={}", index);
Some(unsafe { &mut *(mem::virtualize(entry.address_unchecked()) as *mut _) })
} else {
/// Constructs and fills a [Table] with non-present mappings
pub const fn empty() -> Table {
Table {
entries: [Entry::invalid(); 512],
impl Index<usize> for Table {
type Output = Entry;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
impl IndexMut<usize> for Table {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
&mut self.entries[index]
impl Entry {
const PRESENT: u64 = 1 << 0;
const TABLE: u64 = 1 << 1;
const PHYS_MASK: u64 = 0x0000FFFFFFFFF000;
/// Constructs a single non-present mapping
pub const fn invalid() -> Self {
/// Constructs a `Block`-type memory mapping
pub const fn block(phys: usize, attrs: MapAttributes) -> Self {
Self((phys as u64 & Self::PHYS_MASK) | attrs.bits() | Self::PRESENT)
/// Constructs a `Table` or `Page`-type mapping depending on translation level
/// this entry is used at
pub const fn table(phys: usize, attrs: MapAttributes) -> Self {
Self((phys as u64 & Self::PHYS_MASK) | attrs.bits() | Self::PRESENT | Self::TABLE)
/// Returns `true` if this entry is not invalid
pub const fn is_present(self) -> bool {
self.0 & Self::PRESENT != 0
/// Returns `true` if this entry is a `Table` or `Page`-type mapping
pub const fn is_table(self) -> bool {
self.0 & Self::TABLE != 0
/// Returns the target address of this translation entry.
/// # Safety
/// Does not check if the entry is actually valid.
pub const unsafe fn address_unchecked(self) -> usize {
(self.0 & Self::PHYS_MASK) as usize
unsafe fn set_address(&mut self, address: usize) {
self.0 &= !Self::PHYS_MASK;
self.0 |= (address as u64) & Self::PHYS_MASK;
unsafe fn fork_flags(self) -> MapAttributes {
MapAttributes::from_bits_unchecked(self.0 & !Self::PHYS_MASK)
fn set_cow(&mut self) {
self.0 |= (MapAttributes::AP_BOTH_READONLY | MapAttributes::EX_COW).bits();
fn clear_cow(&mut self) {
self.0 &= !(MapAttributes::AP_BOTH_READONLY | MapAttributes::EX_COW).bits();
self.0 |= MapAttributes::AP_BOTH_READWRITE.bits();
fn is_cow(self) -> bool {
let attrs = (MapAttributes::AP_BOTH_READONLY | MapAttributes::EX_COW).bits();
self.0 & attrs == attrs
impl Space {
/// Creates a new virtual address space and fills it with [Entry::invalid()]
/// mappings. Does physical memory page allocation.
pub fn alloc_empty() -> Result<&'static mut Self, Errno> {
let phys = phys::alloc_page(PageUsage::Paging)?;
let res = unsafe { &mut *(mem::virtualize(phys) as *mut Self) };
/// Inserts a single `virt` -> `phys` translation entry to this address space.
/// TODO: only works with 4K-sized pages at this moment.
pub fn map(&mut self, virt: usize, phys: usize, flags: MapAttributes) -> Result<(), Errno> {
let l0i = virt >> 30;
let l1i = (virt >> 21) & 0x1FF;
let l2i = (virt >> 12) & 0x1FF;
let l1_table = self.0.next_level_table_or_alloc(l0i)?;
let l2_table = l1_table.next_level_table_or_alloc(l1i)?;
if l2_table[l2i].is_present() {
} else {
l2_table[l2i] = Entry::table(phys, flags | MapAttributes::ACCESS);
#[cfg(feature = "verbose")]
debugln!("Map {:#x} -> {:#x}", virt, phys);
pub fn try_cow_copy(&mut self, virt: usize) -> Result<(), Errno> {
let virt = virt & !0xFFF;
let l0i = virt >> 30;
let l1i = (virt >> 21) & 0x1FF;
let l2i = (virt >> 12) & 0x1FF;
let l1_table = self.0.next_level_table(l0i).ok_or(Errno::DoesNotExist)?;
let l2_table = l1_table.next_level_table(l1i).ok_or(Errno::DoesNotExist)?;
let entry = l2_table[l2i];
if !entry.is_present() {
warnln!("Entry is not present: {:#x}", virt);
return Err(Errno::DoesNotExist);
let src_phys = unsafe { entry.address_unchecked() };
if !entry.is_cow() {
"Entry is not marked as CoW: {:#x}, points to {:#x}",
return Err(Errno::DoesNotExist);
let dst_phys = unsafe { phys::copy_cow_page(src_phys)? };
unsafe {
/// Performs a copy of the address space, cloning data owned by it
pub fn fork(&mut self) -> Result<&'static mut Self, Errno> {
let res = Self::alloc_empty()?;
for l0i in 0..512 {
if let Some(l1_table) = self.0.next_level_table(l0i) {
for l1i in 0..512 {
if let Some(l2_table) = l1_table.next_level_table(l1i) {
for l2i in 0..512 {
let entry = l2_table[l2i];
if !entry.is_present() {
let src_phys = unsafe { entry.address_unchecked() };
let virt_addr = (l0i << 30) | (l1i << 21) | (l2i << 12);
let dst_phys = unsafe { phys::fork_page(src_phys)? };
let mut flags = unsafe { entry.fork_flags() };
if dst_phys != src_phys {
// res.map(virt_addr, dst_phys, flags)?;
} else {
// TODO only apply CoW to writable pages
flags |= MapAttributes::AP_BOTH_READONLY | MapAttributes::EX_COW;
unsafe {
asm!("tlbi vaae1, {}", in(reg) virt_addr);
res.map(virt_addr, dst_phys, flags)?;
pub unsafe fn release(space: &mut Self) {
for l0i in 0..512 {
let l0_entry = space.0[l0i];
if !l0_entry.is_present() {
let l1_table = &mut *(mem::virtualize(l0_entry.address_unchecked()) as *mut Table);
for l1i in 0..512 {
let l1_entry = l1_table[l1i];
if !l1_entry.is_present() {
let l2_table = &mut *(mem::virtualize(l1_entry.address_unchecked()) as *mut Table);
for l2i in 0..512 {
let entry = l2_table[l2i];
if !entry.is_present() {
memset(space as *mut Space as *mut u8, 0, 4096);