/* Copyright 2022~2024 @ lokher (https://www.keychron.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "quantum.h" #include "report_buffer.h" #include "wireless.h" #include "lpm.h" /* The report buffer is mainly used to fix key press lost issue of macro * when wireless module fifo isn't large enough. The maximun macro * string length is determined by this queue size, and should be * REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE devided by 2 since each character is implemented * by sending a key pressing then a key releasing report. * Please note that it cosume sizeof(report_buffer_t) * REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE * bytes RAM, with default setting, used RAM size is * sizeof(report_buffer_t) * 256 = 34* 256 = 8704 bytes */ #ifndef REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE # define REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE 256 #endif extern wt_func_t wireless_transport; /* report_interval value should be less than bluetooth connection interval because * it takes some time for communicating between mcu and bluetooth module. Carefully * set this value to feed the bt module so that we don't lost the key report nor lost * the anchor point of bluetooth interval. The bluetooth connection interval varies * if BLE is used, invoke report_buffer_set_inverval() to update the value */ uint8_t report_interval = DEFAULT_2P4G_REPORT_INVERVAL_MS; static uint32_t report_timer_buffer = 0; uint32_t retry_time_buffer = 0; report_buffer_t report_buffer_queue[REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE]; uint16_t report_buffer_queue_head; uint16_t report_buffer_queue_tail; report_buffer_t kb_rpt; uint8_t retry = 0; void report_buffer_task(void); void report_buffer_init(void) { // Initialise the report queue memset(&report_buffer_queue, 0, sizeof(report_buffer_queue)); report_buffer_queue_head = 0; report_buffer_queue_tail = 0; retry = 0; report_timer_buffer = timer_read32(); } bool report_buffer_enqueue(report_buffer_t *report) { uint16_t next = (report_buffer_queue_head + 1) % REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE; if (next == report_buffer_queue_tail) { return false; } report_buffer_queue[report_buffer_queue_head] = *report; report_buffer_queue_head = next; return true; } inline bool report_buffer_dequeue(report_buffer_t *report) { if (report_buffer_queue_head == report_buffer_queue_tail) { return false; } *report = report_buffer_queue[report_buffer_queue_tail]; report_buffer_queue_tail = (report_buffer_queue_tail + 1) % REPORT_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE; return true; } bool report_buffer_is_empty() { return report_buffer_queue_head == report_buffer_queue_tail; } void report_buffer_update_timer(void) { report_timer_buffer = timer_read32(); } bool report_buffer_next_inverval(void) { return timer_elapsed32(report_timer_buffer) > report_interval; } void report_buffer_set_inverval(uint8_t interval) { report_interval = interval; } uint8_t report_buffer_get_retry(void) { return retry; } void report_buffer_set_retry(uint8_t times) { retry = times; } void report_buffer_task(void) { if (wireless_get_state() == WT_CONNECTED && (!report_buffer_is_empty() || retry) && report_buffer_next_inverval()) { bool pending_data = false; if (!retry) { if (report_buffer_dequeue(&kb_rpt) && kb_rpt.type != REPORT_TYPE_NONE) { if (timer_read32() > 2) { pending_data = true; retry = RETPORT_RETRY_COUNT; retry_time_buffer = timer_read32(); } } } else { if (timer_elapsed32(retry_time_buffer) > 2) { pending_data = true; --retry; retry_time_buffer = timer_read32(); } } if (pending_data) { #if defined(NKRO_ENABLE) && defined(WIRELESS_NKRO_ENABLE) if (kb_rpt.type == REPORT_TYPE_NKRO && wireless_transport.send_nkro) { wireless_transport.send_nkro(&kb_rpt.nkro.mods); } else if (kb_rpt.type == REPORT_TYPE_KB && wireless_transport.send_keyboard) wireless_transport.send_keyboard(&kb_rpt.keyboard.mods); #else if (kb_rpt.type == REPORT_TYPE_KB && wireless_transport.send_keyboard) wireless_transport.send_keyboard(&kb_rpt.keyboard.mods); #endif if (kb_rpt.type == REPORT_TYPE_CONSUMER && wireless_transport.send_consumer) wireless_transport.send_consumer(kb_rpt.consumer); report_timer_buffer = timer_read32(); lpm_timer_reset(); } } }