x86_64: get some text on the screen

This commit is contained in:
Mark Poliakov 2023-07-29 19:31:56 +03:00
parent e2381ee25a
commit 48d12c9e77
14 changed files with 922 additions and 358 deletions

View File

@ -7,18 +7,17 @@ edition = "2021"
yggdrasil-abi = { git = "https://git.alnyan.me/yggdrasil/yggdrasil-abi.git" }
vfs = { path = "lib/vfs" }
memfs = { path = "lib/memfs" }
# vfs = { path = "lib/vfs" }
# memfs = { path = "lib/memfs" }
aarch64-cpu = "9.3.1"
atomic_enum = "0.2.0"
# atomic_enum = "0.2.0"
bitflags = "2.3.3"
fdt-rs = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false }
linked_list_allocator = "0.10.5"
spinning_top = "0.2.5"
static_assertions = "1.1.0"
tock-registers = "0.8.1"
# linked_list_allocator = "0.10.5"
# spinning_top = "0.2.5"
# static_assertions = "1.1.0"
# tock-registers = "0.8.1"
cfg-if = "1.0.0"
embedded-graphics = "0.8.0"
version = "0.7.2"
@ -26,5 +25,10 @@ git = "https://git.alnyan.me/yggdrasil/yggdrasil-elf.git"
default-features = false
features = ["no_std_stream"]
[target.'cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")'.dependencies]
fdt-rs = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false }
aarch64-cpu = "9.3.1"
[target.'cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")'.dependencies]
bitmap-font = { version = "0.3.0" }
yboot-proto = { git = "https://git.alnyan.me/yggdrasil/yboot-proto.git" }

View File

@ -41,12 +41,6 @@ pub struct L2;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct L3;
/// Tag trait to mark that the page table level may point to a next-level table
pub trait NonTerminalEntryLevel: EntryLevel {
/// Tag type of the level this entry level may point to
type NextLevel: EntryLevel;
impl NonTerminalEntryLevel for L1 {
type NextLevel = L2;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
//! Provides architecture/platform-specific implementation details
use abi::error::Error;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
cfg_if! {
@ -11,50 +12,53 @@ cfg_if! {
use abi::error::Error;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
/// Describes messages sent from some CPU to others
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum CpuMessage {
/// Indicates that the sender CPU entered kernel panic and wants other CPUs to follow
/// Interface for an architecture-specific facilities
pub trait Architecture {
/// Address, to which "zero" address is mapped in the virtual address space
const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize;
/// Initializes the memory management unit and sets up virtual memory management.
/// `bsp` flag is provided to make sure mapping tables are only initialized once in a SMP
/// system.
/// # Safety
/// Unsafe to call if the MMU has already been initialized.
unsafe fn init_mmu(&self, bsp: bool);
/// Allocates a virtual mapping for the specified physical memory region
fn map_device_pages(&self, phys: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize, Error>;
// Architecture intrinsics
/// Suspends CPU until an interrupt is received
fn wait_for_interrupt();
/// Sets the local CPU's interrupt mask.
/// # Safety
/// Enabling interrupts may lead to unexpected behavior unless the context explicitly expects
/// them.
unsafe fn set_interrupt_mask(mask: bool);
/// Returns the local CPU's interrupt mask
fn interrupt_mask() -> bool;
} else if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
pub mod x86_64;
pub use x86_64::{X86_64 as ArchitectureImpl, ARCHITECTURE};
} else {
compile_error!("Architecture is not supported");
/// Describes messages sent from some CPU to others
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum CpuMessage {
/// Indicates that the sender CPU entered kernel panic and wants other CPUs to follow
/// Interface for an architecture-specific facilities
pub trait Architecture {
/// Address, to which "zero" address is mapped in the virtual address space
const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize;
/// Initializes the memory management unit and sets up virtual memory management.
/// `bsp` flag is provided to make sure mapping tables are only initialized once in a SMP
/// system.
/// # Safety
/// Unsafe to call if the MMU has already been initialized.
unsafe fn init_mmu(&self, bsp: bool);
/// Allocates a virtual mapping for the specified physical memory region
fn map_device_pages(&self, phys: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize, Error>;
// Architecture intrinsics
/// Suspends CPU until an interrupt is received
fn wait_for_interrupt();
/// Sets the local CPU's interrupt mask.
/// # Safety
/// Enabling interrupts may lead to unexpected behavior unless the context explicitly expects
/// them.
unsafe fn set_interrupt_mask(mask: bool);
/// Returns the local CPU's interrupt mask
fn interrupt_mask() -> bool;

src/arch/x86_64/boot/mod.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
use core::arch::global_asm;
use abi::error::Error;
use bitmap_font::TextStyle;
use embedded_graphics::{
prelude::{DrawTarget, OriginDimensions, Point},
Drawable, Pixel,
use yboot_proto::{
v1::FramebufferOption, LoadProtocolHeader, LoadProtocolV1, KERNEL_MAGIC, LOADER_MAGIC,
use crate::{
debug::{self, DebugSink},
use super::ARCHITECTURE;
pub const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize = 0xFFFFFF8000000000;
const BOOT_STACK_SIZE: usize = 65536;
#[repr(C, align(0x20))]
struct BootStack {
data: [u8; BOOT_STACK_SIZE],
#[link_section = ".bss"]
static mut BSP_STACK: BootStack = BootStack {
data: [0; BOOT_STACK_SIZE],
#[link_section = ".data.yboot"]
static mut YBOOT_DATA: LoadProtocolV1 = LoadProtocolV1 {
header: LoadProtocolHeader {
kernel_magic: KERNEL_MAGIC,
kernel_virt_offset: KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET as _,
opt_framebuffer: FramebufferOption {
req_width: 640,
req_height: 480,
res_width: 0,
res_height: 0,
res_stride: 0,
res_address: 0,
res_size: 0,
struct LinearFramebufferInner {
mmio: DeviceMemory,
base: usize,
stride: usize,
width: usize,
height: usize,
pub struct LinearFramebuffer {
inner: IrqSafeSpinlock<LinearFramebufferInner>,
struct Position {
row: u32,
col: u32,
pub struct FramebufferConsole {
framebuffer: &'static LinearFramebuffer,
position: IrqSafeSpinlock<Position>,
char_height: usize,
char_width: usize,
width_chars: usize,
height_chars: usize,
impl OriginDimensions for LinearFramebufferInner {
fn size(&self) -> embedded_graphics::prelude::Size {
embedded_graphics::prelude::Size::new(self.width as _, self.height as _)
impl DrawTarget for LinearFramebufferInner {
type Color = BinaryColor;
type Error = ();
fn draw_iter<I>(&mut self, pixels: I) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
I: IntoIterator<Item = Pixel<Self::Color>>,
for Pixel(coord, color) in pixels {
let x = coord.x as usize;
let y = coord.y as usize;
let addr = self.base + y * self.stride + x * 4;
let ptr = addr as *mut u32;
unsafe {
if color.is_on() {
} else {
impl DebugSink for FramebufferConsole {
fn putc(&self, c: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut pos = self.position.lock();
self.char_width * pos.col as usize,
self.char_height * pos.row as usize,
if c == b'\n' {
pos.row += 1;
pos.col = 0;
} else {
pos.col += 1;
if pos.col == self.width_chars as u32 {
pos.row += 1;
pos.col = 0;
if pos.row == self.height_chars as u32 {
pos.row = self.height_chars as u32 - 1;
impl LinearFramebuffer {
pub fn from_yboot(fb: &FramebufferOption) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mmio =
unsafe { DeviceMemory::map("framebuffer", fb.res_address as _, fb.res_size as _) }?;
let inner = LinearFramebufferInner {
base: mmio.base(),
stride: fb.res_stride as _,
width: fb.res_width as _,
height: fb.res_height as _,
Ok(Self {
inner: IrqSafeSpinlock::new(inner),
pub fn draw_glyph(&self, x: usize, y: usize, c: u8) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
let font = &bitmap_font::tamzen::FONT_6x12;
let text_data = [c];
let text_str = unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&text_data) };
let text = Text::new(
Point::new(x as _, y as _),
TextStyle::new(font, BinaryColor::On),
text.draw(&mut *inner).ok();
impl FramebufferConsole {
pub fn new(framebuffer: &'static LinearFramebuffer) -> Self {
let char_width = 6;
let char_height = 12;
let (w, h) = {
let inner = framebuffer.inner.lock();
(inner.width, inner.height)
Self {
position: IrqSafeSpinlock::new(Position { row: 0, col: 0 }),
width_chars: w / char_width,
height_chars: h / char_height,
static DISPLAY: OneTimeInit<LinearFramebuffer> = OneTimeInit::new();
static CONSOLE: OneTimeInit<FramebufferConsole> = OneTimeInit::new();
extern "C" fn __x86_64_upper_entry() -> ! {
unsafe {
let fb = unsafe { &YBOOT_DATA.opt_framebuffer };
for i in 0..10 {
debugln!("Test {}", i);
loop {
unsafe {
core::arch::asm!("cli; hlt");
// if let Ok(fb_mmio) = unsafe { DeviceMemory::map("framebuffer", fb.res_address as _, 0x1000) } {
// unsafe {
// core::arch::asm!("mov %cr3, %rax; mov %rax, %cr3", options(att_syntax));
// }
// let addr = 0xffffff8140000000usize;
// let slice = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(addr as *mut u32, 1024) };
// slice.fill(0xFFFF0000);
// loop {}
// // for y in 0..2 {
// // let y_val = (y * 255) / fb.res_height;
// // let addr = fb_mmio.base() + y as usize * fb.res_stride as usize;
// // let row =
// // unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(addr as *mut u32, fb.res_width as _) };
// // let v = 0xFF000000 | (y_val << 16) | (y_val << 8) | y_val;
// // row.fill(v);
// // }
// }
// unsafe {
// core::arch::asm!(
// r#"
// mov $0x3F8, %dx
// mov $'@', %al
// out %al, %dx
// "#,
// options(att_syntax)
// );
// }
loop {}
.global __x86_64_entry
.section .text.entry
mov ${yboot_loader_magic}, %edi
cmp %edi, %eax
je 2f
// (Currently) unsupported bootloader
jmp 1b
// yboot entry method
movabsq ${stack_bottom} + {stack_size}, %rax
movabsq ${entry}, %rcx
mov %rax, %rsp
jmp *%rcx
.section .text
yboot_loader_magic = const LOADER_MAGIC,
stack_size = const BOOT_STACK_SIZE,
stack_bottom = sym BSP_STACK,
entry = sym __x86_64_upper_entry,

View File

@ -1,73 +1,41 @@
use core::arch::global_asm;
use abi::error::Error;
use yboot_proto::{
v1::FramebufferOption, LoadProtocolHeader, LoadProtocolV1, KERNEL_MAGIC, LOADER_MAGIC,
use crate::arch::x86_64::table::{init_fixed_tables, KERNEL_TABLES};
pub const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize = 0xFFFFFF8000000000;
const BOOT_STACK_SIZE: usize = 65536;
use super::Architecture;
#[repr(C, align(0x20))]
struct BootStack {
data: [u8; BOOT_STACK_SIZE],
pub mod boot;
pub mod table;
pub struct X86_64;
impl Architecture for X86_64 {
const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize = 0xFFFFFF8000000000;
unsafe fn init_mmu(&self, bsp: bool) {
if bsp {
let cr3 = KERNEL_TABLES.physical_address();
core::arch::asm!("wbinvd; mov {0}, %cr3", in(reg) cr3, options(att_syntax));
fn map_device_pages(&self, phys: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize, Error> {
unsafe { KERNEL_TABLES.map_device_pages(phys, count) }
fn wait_for_interrupt() {
unsafe fn set_interrupt_mask(mask: bool) {
fn interrupt_mask() -> bool {
#[link_section = ".bss"]
static mut BSP_STACK: BootStack = BootStack {
data: [0; BOOT_STACK_SIZE],
#[link_section = ".data.yboot"]
static mut YBOOT_DATA: LoadProtocolV1 = LoadProtocolV1 {
header: LoadProtocolHeader {
kernel_magic: KERNEL_MAGIC,
kernel_virt_offset: KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET as _,
opt_framebuffer: FramebufferOption {
req_width: 1024,
req_height: 768,
res_width: 0,
res_height: 0,
res_stride: 0,
res_address: 0,
extern "C" fn __x86_64_upper_entry() -> ! {
loop {}
.global __x86_64_entry
.section .text.entry
mov ${yboot_loader_magic}, %edi
cmp %edi, %eax
je 2f
// (Currently) unsupported bootloader
jmp 1b
// yboot entry method
movabsq ${stack_bottom} + {stack_size}, %rax
movabsq ${entry}, %rcx
mov %rax, %rsp
jmp *%rcx
yboot_loader_magic = const LOADER_MAGIC,
stack_size = const BOOT_STACK_SIZE,
stack_bottom = sym BSP_STACK,
entry = sym __x86_64_upper_entry,
pub static ARCHITECTURE: X86_64 = X86_64;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
use abi::error::Error;
use crate::{
arch::x86_64::table::{PageAttributes, PageEntry, PageTable, L0, L1, L2, L3},
// Means 4 lower GiB are mapped
const KERNEL_PD_COUNT: usize = 4;
// Leave 1GiB gap just for fool safety
pub struct FixedTables {
// Common
l0: PageTable<L0>,
l1: PageTable<L1>,
// Kernel mapping
kernel_l2: [PageTable<L2>; KERNEL_PD_COUNT],
// Device mapping
// 511 entries
device_l2: PageTable<L2>,
// 512 entries
device_l3: PageTable<L3>,
device_l3i: usize,
impl FixedTables {
pub const fn zeroed() -> Self {
Self {
// Global
l0: PageTable::zeroed(),
// Higher-half common
l1: PageTable::zeroed(),
// Kernel
kernel_l2: [PageTable::zeroed(); KERNEL_PD_COUNT],
// Device
device_l2: PageTable::zeroed(),
device_l3: PageTable::zeroed(),
device_l3i: 0,
pub fn map_device_pages(&mut self, phys: usize, count: usize) -> Result<usize, Error> {
if count > 512 * 512 {
panic!("Unsupported device memory mapping size");
} else if count > 512 {
// 2MiB mappings
} else {
// 4KiB mappings
if self.device_l3i + count > 512 {
return Err(Error::OutOfMemory);
let virt = DEVICE_VIRT_OFFSET + (self.device_l3i << 12);
for i in 0..count {
self.device_l3[self.device_l3i + i] =
PageEntry::page(phys + i * 0x1000, PageAttributes::WRITABLE);
self.device_l3i += count;
pub fn physical_address(&self) -> usize {
pub static mut KERNEL_TABLES: FixedTables = FixedTables::zeroed();
pub unsafe fn init_fixed_tables() {
// Kernel L2
for i in 0..512 * KERNEL_PD_COUNT {
let table_index = i / 512;
let table_offset = i % 512;
KERNEL_TABLES.kernel_l2[table_index][table_offset] =
PageEntry::block(i << 21, PageAttributes::WRITABLE);
// Device L2
let addr = KERNEL_TABLES.device_l3.physical_address();
KERNEL_TABLES.device_l2[0] = PageEntry::table(addr, PageAttributes::empty());
// Higher-half L1
// Map kernel nGiB
for i in 0..KERNEL_PD_COUNT {
let addr = KERNEL_TABLES.kernel_l2[i].physical_address();
KERNEL_TABLES.l1[i] = PageEntry::table(addr, PageAttributes::empty());
// Map device tables
let addr = KERNEL_TABLES.device_l2.physical_address();
KERNEL_TABLES.l1[DEVICE_MAPPING_L1I] = PageEntry::table(addr, PageAttributes::empty());
// Global L0
let addr = KERNEL_TABLES.l1.physical_address();
// No lower mapping anymore
KERNEL_TABLES.l0[511] = PageEntry::table(addr, PageAttributes::empty());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
use core::{
ops::{Index, IndexMut},
use bitflags::bitflags;
mod fixed;
pub use fixed::{init_fixed_tables, KERNEL_TABLES};
use crate::mem::{
table::{EntryLevel, NonTerminalEntryLevel},
bitflags! {
pub struct PageAttributes: u64 {
const PRESENT = 1 << 0;
const WRITABLE = 1 << 1;
const BLOCK = 1 << 7;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct PageEntry<L: EntryLevel>(u64, PhantomData<L>);
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
#[repr(C, align(0x1000))]
pub struct PageTable<L: EntryLevel> {
data: [PageEntry<L>; 512],
// L0: PML4, 512GiB page
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct L0;
// L1: PDPT, 1GiB page
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct L1;
// L2: Page directory, 2MiB page
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct L2;
// L3: Page table, 4KiB page
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct L3;
impl NonTerminalEntryLevel for L0 {
type NextLevel = L1;
impl NonTerminalEntryLevel for L1 {
type NextLevel = L2;
impl NonTerminalEntryLevel for L2 {
type NextLevel = L3;
// #[repr(C)]
// pub struct AddressSpace {
// l0: *mut PageTable<L0>,
// }
impl const EntryLevel for L0 {
fn index(addr: usize) -> usize {
fn page_offset(addr: usize) -> usize {
impl const EntryLevel for L1 {
fn index(addr: usize) -> usize {
(addr >> 30) & 0x1FF
fn page_offset(addr: usize) -> usize {
addr & 0x3FFFFFFF
impl const EntryLevel for L2 {
fn index(addr: usize) -> usize {
(addr >> 21) & 0x1FF
fn page_offset(addr: usize) -> usize {
addr & 0x1FFFFF
impl const EntryLevel for L3 {
fn index(addr: usize) -> usize {
(addr >> 12) & 0x1FF
fn page_offset(addr: usize) -> usize {
addr & 0xFFF
impl PageEntry<L3> {
pub fn page(phys: usize, attrs: PageAttributes) -> Self {
(phys as u64) | (attrs | PageAttributes::PRESENT).bits(),
impl PageEntry<L2> {
pub fn block(phys: usize, attrs: PageAttributes) -> Self {
(phys as u64) | (attrs | PageAttributes::PRESENT | PageAttributes::BLOCK).bits(),
impl<L: NonTerminalEntryLevel> PageEntry<L> {
pub fn table(phys: usize, attrs: PageAttributes) -> Self {
(phys as u64) | (attrs | PageAttributes::PRESENT | PageAttributes::WRITABLE).bits(),
impl<L: EntryLevel> PageEntry<L> {
pub const INVALID: Self = Self(0, PhantomData);
impl<L: EntryLevel> PageTable<L> {
pub const fn zeroed() -> Self {
Self {
data: [PageEntry::INVALID; 512],
pub fn physical_address(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { (self.data.as_ptr() as usize).physicalize() }
impl<L: EntryLevel> Index<usize> for PageTable<L> {
type Output = PageEntry<L>;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
impl<L: EntryLevel> IndexMut<usize> for PageTable<L> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Self::Output {
&mut self.data[index]

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
//! Utilities for debug information logging
use core::fmt::{self, Arguments};
use crate::{
device::{platform::Platform, serial::SerialDevice},
use abi::error::Error;
use crate::{sync::IrqSafeSpinlock, util::OneTimeInit};
// use crate::{
// arch::PLATFORM,
// device::{platform::Platform, serial::SerialDevice},
// sync::IrqSafeSpinlock,
// util::OneTimeInit,
// };
/// Defines the severity of the message
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
@ -23,8 +27,16 @@ pub enum LogLevel {
pub trait DebugSink {
fn putc(&self, c: u8) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn supports_color(&self) -> bool {
return false;
struct DebugPrinter {
sink: &'static dyn SerialDevice,
sink: &'static dyn DebugSink,
macro_rules! log_print_raw {
@ -35,7 +47,7 @@ macro_rules! log_print_raw {
macro_rules! log_print {
($level:expr, $($args:tt)+) => {
log_print_raw!($level, "cpu{}:{}:{}: {}", $crate::arch::aarch64::cpu::Cpu::local_id(), file!(), line!(), format_args!($($args)+))
log_print_raw!($level, "{}:{}: {}", file!(), line!(), format_args!($($args)+))
@ -92,7 +104,7 @@ impl LogLevel {
impl fmt::Write for DebugPrinter {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
for c in s.bytes() {
@ -126,14 +138,18 @@ pub fn hex_dump(level: LogLevel, addr_offset: usize, data: &[u8]) {
/// Will panic if called more than once.
pub fn init() {
DEBUG_PRINTER.init(IrqSafeSpinlock::new(DebugPrinter {
sink: PLATFORM.primary_serial().unwrap(),
unsafe {
vfs::init_debug_hook(&move |args| {
debug_internal(args, LogLevel::Debug);
// DEBUG_PRINTER.init(IrqSafeSpinlock::new(DebugPrinter {
// sink: PLATFORM.primary_serial().unwrap(),
// }));
// unsafe {
// vfs::init_debug_hook(&move |args| {
// debug_internal(args, LogLevel::Debug);
// });
// }
pub fn init_with_sink(sink: &'static dyn DebugSink) {
DEBUG_PRINTER.init(IrqSafeSpinlock::new(DebugPrinter { sink }));
@ -143,8 +159,8 @@ pub fn debug_internal(args: Arguments, level: LogLevel) {
if DEBUG_PRINTER.is_initialized() {
let mut printer = DEBUG_PRINTER.get().lock();
// printer.write_str(level.log_prefix()).ok();
// printer.write_str(level.log_suffix()).ok();

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// extern crate yggdrasil_abi as abi;
extern crate yggdrasil_abi as abi;
// use abi::{
// error::Error,
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
// extern crate alloc;
// #[macro_use]
// pub mod debug;
pub mod debug;
pub mod arch;
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ fn panic_handler(_pi: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
// pub mod device;
// pub mod fs;
// pub mod mem;
pub mod mem;
// pub mod panic;
// pub mod proc;
// pub mod sync;
pub mod sync;
// pub mod syscall;
// pub mod task;
// pub mod util;
pub mod util;
// fn setup_root() -> Result<VnodeRef, Error> {
// let initrd_data = INITRD_DATA.get();

View File

@ -29,14 +29,20 @@ impl DeviceMemory {
/// points to some device's MMIO. The caller must also make sure no aliasing for that range is
/// possible.
pub unsafe fn map(name: &'static str, phys: usize, size: usize) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if size > 0x1000 {
todo!("Device memory mappings larger than 4K");
let aligned_base = phys & !0xFFF;
let base_offset = phys & 0xFFF;
let aligned_size = (size + 0xFFF) & !0xFFF;
let base = ARCHITECTURE.map_device_pages(phys, 1)?;
let base = ARCHITECTURE.map_device_pages(aligned_base, aligned_size / 0x1000)?;
let base = base + base_offset;
Ok(Self { name, base, size })
pub fn base(&self) -> usize {
impl<T> DeviceMemoryIo<T> {

View File

@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
//! Memory management utilities and types
use core::{alloc::Layout, mem::size_of};
use abi::error::Error;
use crate::{
arch::{Architecture, ArchitectureImpl, PlatformImpl},
use self::table::AddressSpace;
// use abi::error::Error;
// use crate::{
// arch::{Architecture, ArchitectureImpl, PlatformImpl},
// device::platform::Platform,
// };
// use self::table::AddressSpace;
pub mod device;
pub mod heap;
pub mod phys;
// pub mod heap;
// pub mod phys;
pub mod table;
/// Kernel's physical load address
pub const KERNEL_PHYS_BASE: usize = PlatformImpl::KERNEL_PHYS_BASE;
// pub const KERNEL_PHYS_BASE: usize = PlatformImpl::KERNEL_PHYS_BASE;
/// Kernel's virtual memory mapping offset (i.e. kernel's virtual address is [KERNEL_PHYS_BASE] +
pub const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize = ArchitectureImpl::KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET;
// pub const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize = ArchitectureImpl::KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET;
// TODO fix this
pub const KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET: usize = 0xFFFFFF8000000000;
/// Interface for converting between address spaces.
@ -49,74 +51,74 @@ pub unsafe trait ConvertAddress {
unsafe fn physicalize(self) -> Self;
/// Helper trait to allow cross-address space access to pointers
pub trait ForeignPointer: Sized {
/// Perform a volatile pointer write without dropping the old value.
/// # Panics
/// The function panics if any of the following conditions is met:
/// * The address of the pointer is not mapped in the `space`.
/// * The pointer is not writable.
/// * The pointer is misaligned.
/// # Safety
/// As this function allows direct memory writes, it is inherently unsafe.
unsafe fn write_foreign_volatile(self: *mut Self, space: &AddressSpace, value: Self);
/// Performs pointer validation for given address space:
/// * Checks if the pointer has proper alignment for the type.
/// * Checks if the pointer is mapped in the address space.
/// * Checks if the pointer is above the userspace memory boundary.
/// # Safety
/// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
/// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
unsafe fn validate_user_ptr<'a>(
self: *const Self,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a Self, Error>;
/// [ForeignPointer::validate_user_ptr], with extra "writability" check.
/// # Safety
/// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
/// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
unsafe fn validate_user_mut<'a>(
self: *mut Self,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a mut Self, Error>;
/// [ForeignPointer::validate_user_ptr], but for slices
/// # Safety
/// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
/// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
unsafe fn validate_user_slice<'a>(
self: *const Self,
len: usize,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a [Self], Error>;
/// [ForeignPointer::validate_user_slice], but for mutable slices
/// # Safety
/// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
/// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
unsafe fn validate_user_slice_mut<'a>(
self: *mut Self,
len: usize,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a mut [Self], Error>;
// /// Helper trait to allow cross-address space access to pointers
// pub trait ForeignPointer: Sized {
// /// Perform a volatile pointer write without dropping the old value.
// ///
// /// # Panics
// ///
// /// The function panics if any of the following conditions is met:
// ///
// /// * The address of the pointer is not mapped in the `space`.
// /// * The pointer is not writable.
// /// * The pointer is misaligned.
// ///
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// As this function allows direct memory writes, it is inherently unsafe.
// unsafe fn write_foreign_volatile(self: *mut Self, space: &AddressSpace, value: Self);
// /// Performs pointer validation for given address space:
// ///
// /// * Checks if the pointer has proper alignment for the type.
// /// * Checks if the pointer is mapped in the address space.
// /// * Checks if the pointer is above the userspace memory boundary.
// ///
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
// /// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
// unsafe fn validate_user_ptr<'a>(
// self: *const Self,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a Self, Error>;
// /// [ForeignPointer::validate_user_ptr], with extra "writability" check.
// ///
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
// /// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
// unsafe fn validate_user_mut<'a>(
// self: *mut Self,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a mut Self, Error>;
// /// [ForeignPointer::validate_user_ptr], but for slices
// ///
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
// /// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
// unsafe fn validate_user_slice<'a>(
// self: *const Self,
// len: usize,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a [Self], Error>;
// /// [ForeignPointer::validate_user_slice], but for mutable slices
// ///
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// Even though this function does the necessary checks, it is still a raw pointer to reference
// /// conversion, and thus is unsafe.
// unsafe fn validate_user_slice_mut<'a>(
// self: *mut Self,
// len: usize,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a mut [Self], Error>;
// }
unsafe impl ConvertAddress for usize {
unsafe fn virtualize(self) -> Self {
@ -163,120 +165,120 @@ unsafe impl<T> ConvertAddress for *const T {
impl<T> ForeignPointer for T {
unsafe fn write_foreign_volatile(self: *mut Self, space: &AddressSpace, value: T) {
// TODO check align
let addr = self as usize;
let start_page = addr & !0xFFF;
let end_page = (addr + size_of::<T>() - 1) & !0xFFF;
let page_offset = addr & 0xFFF;
if start_page != end_page {
todo!("Foreign pointer write crossed a page boundary");
let phys_page = space
.expect("Address is not mapped in the target address space");
let virt_ptr = (phys_page + page_offset).virtualize() as *mut T;
unsafe fn validate_user_slice_mut<'a>(
self: *mut Self,
len: usize,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a mut [Self], Error> {
let base = self as usize;
let layout = Layout::array::<T>(len).unwrap();
validate_user_align_size(base, &layout)?;
validate_user_region(space, base, layout.size(), true)?;
Ok(core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self, len))
unsafe fn validate_user_slice<'a>(
self: *const Self,
len: usize,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a [Self], Error> {
let base = self as usize;
let layout = Layout::array::<T>(len).unwrap();
validate_user_align_size(base, &layout)?;
validate_user_region(space, base, layout.size(), false)?;
Ok(core::slice::from_raw_parts(self, len))
unsafe fn validate_user_mut<'a>(
self: *mut Self,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a mut Self, Error> {
let addr = self as usize;
let layout = Layout::new::<T>();
// Common validation
validate_user_align_size(addr, &layout)?;
// Validate that the pages covered by this address are mapped as writable by the process
// TODO for CoW this may differ
validate_user_region(space, addr, layout.size(), true)?;
Ok(&mut *self)
unsafe fn validate_user_ptr<'a>(
self: *const Self,
space: &AddressSpace,
) -> Result<&'a Self, Error> {
let addr = self as usize;
let layout = Layout::new::<T>();
// Common validation
validate_user_align_size(addr, &layout)?;
validate_user_region(space, addr, layout.size(), false)?;
fn validate_user_align_size(addr: usize, layout: &Layout) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Explicitly disallow NULL
if addr == 0 {
return Err(Error::InvalidArgument);
// Validate alignment
if addr % layout.align() != 0 {
return Err(Error::InvalidArgument);
if addr + layout.size() > KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET {
/// Validates access to given userspace memory region with given constraints
pub fn validate_user_region(
space: &AddressSpace,
base: usize,
len: usize,
_need_write: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if base + len > crate::mem::KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET {
panic!("Invalid argument");
let aligned_start = base & !0xFFF;
let aligned_end = (base + len + 0xFFF) & !0xFFF;
for page in (aligned_start..aligned_end).step_by(0x1000) {
// TODO check writability
// impl<T> ForeignPointer for T {
// unsafe fn write_foreign_volatile(self: *mut Self, space: &AddressSpace, value: T) {
// // TODO check align
// let addr = self as usize;
// let start_page = addr & !0xFFF;
// let end_page = (addr + size_of::<T>() - 1) & !0xFFF;
// let page_offset = addr & 0xFFF;
// if start_page != end_page {
// todo!("Foreign pointer write crossed a page boundary");
// }
// let phys_page = space
// .translate(start_page)
// .expect("Address is not mapped in the target address space");
// let virt_ptr = (phys_page + page_offset).virtualize() as *mut T;
// virt_ptr.write_volatile(value);
// }
// unsafe fn validate_user_slice_mut<'a>(
// self: *mut Self,
// len: usize,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a mut [Self], Error> {
// let base = self as usize;
// let layout = Layout::array::<T>(len).unwrap();
// validate_user_align_size(base, &layout)?;
// validate_user_region(space, base, layout.size(), true)?;
// Ok(core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self, len))
// }
// unsafe fn validate_user_slice<'a>(
// self: *const Self,
// len: usize,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a [Self], Error> {
// let base = self as usize;
// let layout = Layout::array::<T>(len).unwrap();
// validate_user_align_size(base, &layout)?;
// validate_user_region(space, base, layout.size(), false)?;
// Ok(core::slice::from_raw_parts(self, len))
// }
// unsafe fn validate_user_mut<'a>(
// self: *mut Self,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a mut Self, Error> {
// let addr = self as usize;
// let layout = Layout::new::<T>();
// // Common validation
// validate_user_align_size(addr, &layout)?;
// // Validate that the pages covered by this address are mapped as writable by the process
// // TODO for CoW this may differ
// validate_user_region(space, addr, layout.size(), true)?;
// Ok(&mut *self)
// }
// unsafe fn validate_user_ptr<'a>(
// self: *const Self,
// space: &AddressSpace,
// ) -> Result<&'a Self, Error> {
// let addr = self as usize;
// let layout = Layout::new::<T>();
// // Common validation
// validate_user_align_size(addr, &layout)?;
// validate_user_region(space, addr, layout.size(), false)?;
// Ok(&*self)
// }
// }
// fn validate_user_align_size(addr: usize, layout: &Layout) -> Result<(), Error> {
// // Explicitly disallow NULL
// if addr == 0 {
// return Err(Error::InvalidArgument);
// }
// // Validate alignment
// if addr % layout.align() != 0 {
// return Err(Error::InvalidArgument);
// }
// if addr + layout.size() > KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET {
// todo!();
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// /// Validates access to given userspace memory region with given constraints
// pub fn validate_user_region(
// space: &AddressSpace,
// base: usize,
// len: usize,
// _need_write: bool,
// ) -> Result<(), Error> {
// if base + len > crate::mem::KERNEL_VIRT_OFFSET {
// panic!("Invalid argument");
// }
// let aligned_start = base & !0xFFF;
// let aligned_end = (base + len + 0xFFF) & !0xFFF;
// for page in (aligned_start..aligned_end).step_by(0x1000) {
// // TODO check writability
// space.translate(page).ok_or(Error::InvalidArgument)?;
// }
// Ok(())
// }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
//! Virtual memory table interface
use abi::error::Error;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
pub use crate::arch::aarch64::table::{AddressSpace, PageAttributes, PageEntry, PageTable};
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] {
pub use crate::arch::aarch64::table::{AddressSpace, PageAttributes, PageEntry, PageTable};
} else if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
pub use crate::arch::x86_64::table::{PageAttributes};
/// Interface for virtual memory address space management
pub trait VirtualMemoryManager {
@ -38,3 +45,9 @@ pub trait EntryLevel: Copy {
/// Returns the offset of an address from the page start at current level
fn page_offset(addr: usize) -> usize;
/// Tag trait to mark that the page table level may point to a next-level table
pub trait NonTerminalEntryLevel: EntryLevel {
/// Tag type of the level this entry level may point to
type NextLevel: EntryLevel;

View File

@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ use core::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
use aarch64_cpu::registers::DAIF;
use tock_registers::interfaces::{ReadWriteable, Readable, Writeable};
/// Simple spinloop-based fence guaranteeing that the execution resumes only after its condition is
/// met.
pub struct SpinFence {
@ -132,15 +129,16 @@ impl<'a, T> DerefMut for IrqSafeSpinlockGuard<'a, T> {
impl IrqGuard {
/// Saves the current IRQ state and masks them
pub fn acquire() -> Self {
let this = Self(DAIF.get());
// let this = Self(DAIF.get());
// DAIF.modify(DAIF::I::SET);
// this
impl Drop for IrqGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// DAIF.set(self.0);