Better argument passing from kernel

This commit is contained in:
Mark Poliakov 2023-11-16 16:14:04 +02:00
parent ab13d0fec7
commit 7785a8310f
5 changed files with 122 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ pub struct UnmountOptions {
/// Describes device-specific requests
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DeviceRequest {
/// Configure the terminal's options
@ -64,3 +65,9 @@ impl RawFd {
/// Temporary hack to represent `Option<RawFd>::None`
pub const NONE: Self = Self(u32::MAX);
impl From<u32> for RawFd {
fn from(value: u32) -> Self {

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
//! Yggdrasil OS user-kernel communication ABI
#![feature(trace_macros, const_trait_impl)]
// #![deny(missing_docs)]
pub(crate) mod macros;
pub mod pass;
pub mod arch;
pub mod error;
pub mod io;
pub mod path;
pub mod process;
pub mod serde;
pub mod syscall;

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
//! Interfaces for passing stuff between the kernel and the userspace
use crate::error::Error;
// TODO use NonNull instead
pub trait Placer {
fn place_ref<T: Place>(&mut self, r: &T) -> Result<*const T::Output, Error>;
fn place_slice<T: Place>(&mut self, r: &[T]) -> Result<*const [T::Output], Error>;
pub trait Place {
type Output: 'static;
fn place<P: Placer>(&self, placer: &mut P) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;
fn place_ref<P: Placer>(&self, placer: &mut P) -> Result<&'static Self::Output, Error>
Self: Sized,
let ptr = placer.place_ref(self)?;
unsafe { Ok(&*ptr) }
macro_rules! impl_primitive {
($($ty:ty),+) => {
impl $crate::pass::Place for $ty {
type Output = $ty;
fn place<P: $crate::pass::Placer>(&self, _placer: &mut P) -> Result<$ty, Error> {
impl_primitive!(u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, bool, char);
impl<'s> Place for &'s str {
type Output = &'static str;
fn place<P: Placer>(&self, placer: &mut P) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
let data = placer.place_slice(self.as_bytes())?;
// Safety: safe, object passed in was already a proper &str
Ok(unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(data.as_ref().unwrap()) })
impl<T: Place> Place for [T] {
type Output = &'static [T::Output];
fn place<P: Placer>(&self, placer: &mut P) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
let data = placer.place_slice(self)?;
Ok(unsafe { data.as_ref().unwrap() })
macro_rules! impl_place_lifetime {
$( #[ $struct_meta:meta ] )*
$struct_vis:vis struct $struct_name:ident<$struct_lifetime:lifetime> {
$( #[ $field_meta:meta ] )*
$field_vis:vis $field_name:ident: $field_ty:ty,
) => {
$( #[$struct_meta] )*
$struct_vis struct $struct_name<$struct_lifetime> {
$( #[$field_meta] )*
$field_vis $field_name: $field_ty
impl<$struct_lifetime> $crate::pass::Place for $struct_name<$struct_lifetime> {
type Output = $struct_name<'static>;
fn place<P: $crate::pass::Placer>(&self, placer: &mut P)
-> Result<Self::Output, $crate::error::Error> {
let $field_name = self.$;
Ok($struct_name {

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use core::num::NonZeroI32;
use crate::{arch::SavedFrame, io::RawFd, primitive_enum};
use crate::{arch::SavedFrame, impl_place_lifetime, io::RawFd, primitive_enum};
/// Code signalled by a process when it finishes or is terminated by a signal
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ pub enum SpawnOption {
/// What FD number should be used in the child
child: RawFd,
/// The new process should be placed in the specified group
/// Gain terminal control for the given FD
primitive_enum! {
@ -64,6 +68,18 @@ pub struct SpawnOptions<'a> {
pub optional: &'a [SpawnOption],
// TODO not sure if I really need #[repr(C)] ABI here
impl_place_lifetime! {
#[doc = "Argument struct passed from the kernel to a spawned process"]
pub struct ProgramArgumentInner<'a> {
#[doc = "Argument list"]
pub args: &'a [&'a str],
#[doc = "List of KEY=VALUE environment variable pairs"]
pub env: &'a [&'a str],
impl ExitCode {
/// Returned when a process has exited successfully
pub const SUCCESS: Self = Self::Exited(0);

View File

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
use core::ops::DerefMut;
use crate::error::Error;
pub trait SerializeBuffer {
fn write_bytes(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;
pub trait DeserializeBuffer {
fn read_bytes(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;
pub unsafe trait Serialize {
fn serialize<B: SerializeBuffer>(&self, target: &mut B) -> Result<(), Error>;
pub trait Deserialize: Sized {
unsafe fn deserialize<B: DeserializeBuffer>(source: &mut B) -> Result<Self, Error>;
pub struct SliceSerializeBuffer<T: DerefMut<Target = [u8]>> {
data: T,
impl<T: DerefMut<Target = [u8]>> SliceSerializeBuffer<T> {
pub fn new(data: T) -> Self {
Self { data }
impl<T: DerefMut<Target = [u8]>> SerializeBuffer for SliceSerializeBuffer<T> {
fn write_bytes(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if data.len() > {
return Err(Error::InvalidArgument);
macro_rules! int_serde_impl {
($ty:ty) => {
unsafe impl Serialize for $ty {
fn serialize<B: SerializeBuffer>(&self, target: &mut B) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl Deserialize for $ty {
unsafe fn deserialize<B: DeserializeBuffer>(source: &mut B) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; core::mem::size_of::<Self>()];
source.read_bytes(&mut bytes)?;
unsafe impl Serialize for u8 {
fn serialize<B: SerializeBuffer>(&self, target: &mut B) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl Deserialize for u8 {
unsafe fn deserialize<B: DeserializeBuffer>(source: &mut B) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut buffer = [0; 1];
source.read_bytes(&mut buffer)?;
unsafe impl<T: Serialize> Serialize for [T] {
fn serialize<B: SerializeBuffer>(&self, target: &mut B) -> Result<(), Error> {
for item in self.iter() {
unsafe impl Serialize for str {
fn serialize<B: SerializeBuffer>(&self, target: &mut B) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe impl<T: Serialize + ?Sized> Serialize for &T {
fn serialize<B: SerializeBuffer>(&self, target: &mut B) -> Result<(), Error> {