use core::{ pin::Pin, sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering}, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use alloc::{ boxed::Box, collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque}, string::String, sync::Arc, }; use futures_util::{task::AtomicWaker, Future}; use libk_util::sync::{IrqSafeSpinlock, LockMethod}; use yggdrasil_abi::{ error::Error, io::{ChannelPublisherId, MessageDestination}, }; use crate::{ task::sync::Mutex, vfs::{FileReadiness, FileRef}, }; /// Describes a channel over which messages can be sent to [Subscription]s pub struct Channel { last_id: AtomicU32, subscriptions: Mutex>>, } /// Describes message payload pub enum MessagePayload { /// Payload contains a file File(FileRef), /// Payload contains byte data Data(Box<[u8]>), } /// Describes a message sent over a channel pub struct Message { /// Channel descriptor ID from which the message came pub source: ChannelPublisherId, /// Data of the message pub payload: MessagePayload, } /// Describes a single subscription so some [Channel] pub struct Subscription { queue: Mutex>>, notify: AtomicWaker, } /// Describes a pair of a [Channel] descriptor plus an optional [Subscription] pub struct ChannelDescriptor { id: u32, tx: Arc, rx: Option>, } impl ChannelDescriptor { /// Opens a channel descriptor, optionally creating a subscription to it pub fn open(name: &str, subscribe: bool) -> ChannelDescriptor { let tx = Channel::get_or_create(name.into()); // NOTE The first one to open the channel is guaranteed to get an ID of 0 let id = tx.last_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); let rx = if subscribe { Some(tx.subscribe(id)) } else { None }; Self { tx, rx, id } } /// Receives a message from the subscription pub fn receive_message(&self) -> Result, Error> { let Some(rx) = self.rx.as_ref() else { return Err(Error::InvalidOperation); }; rx.receive_message_inner() } /// Asynchronously receives a message from the subscription pub async fn receive_message_async(&self) -> Result, Error> { let rx = self.rx.as_ref().ok_or(Error::InvalidOperation)?; rx.receive_message_async().await } /// Sends a message to the channel pub fn send_message( &self, payload: MessagePayload, dst: MessageDestination, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let message = Arc::new(Message { source: unsafe { ChannelPublisherId::from_raw( }, payload, }); let lock = self.tx.subscriptions.lock()?; match dst { MessageDestination::Specific(id) => { if let Some(sub) = lock.get(&id) { sub.push_message(message)?; } } MessageDestination::AllExceptSelf => { for (&id, sub) in lock.iter() { if id == { continue; } sub.push_message(message.clone())?; } } MessageDestination::All => todo!(), } Ok(()) } } impl Channel { fn new() -> Arc { Arc::new(Self { last_id: AtomicU32::new(0), subscriptions: Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()), }) } fn get_or_create(name: String) -> Arc { let mut channels = CHANNELS.lock(); channels.entry(name).or_insert_with(Self::new).clone() } fn subscribe(&self, id: u32) -> Arc { let mut lock = self.subscriptions.lock().unwrap(); let sub = Arc::new(Subscription { queue: Mutex::new(VecDeque::new()), notify: AtomicWaker::new(), }); lock.insert(id, sub.clone()); sub } } impl Subscription { fn receive_message_async(&self) -> impl Future, Error>> + '_ { struct F<'f> { rx: &'f Subscription, } impl<'f> Future for F<'f> { type Output = Result, Error>; fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { let mut lock = self.rx.queue.lock()?; if let Some(msg) = lock.pop_front() { return Poll::Ready(Ok(msg)); } drop(lock); self.rx.notify.register(cx.waker()); let mut lock = self.rx.queue.lock()?; if let Some(msg) = lock.pop_front() { Poll::Ready(Ok(msg)) } else { Poll::Pending } } } F { rx: self } } fn receive_message_inner(&self) -> Result, Error> { block!(self.receive_message_async().await)? } fn push_message(&self, msg: Arc) -> Result<(), Error> { self.queue.lock()?.push_back(msg); self.notify.wake(); Ok(()) } } impl FileReadiness for ChannelDescriptor { fn poll_read(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { let Some(rx) = self.rx.as_ref() else { return Poll::Ready(Err(Error::InvalidOperation)); }; if !rx.queue.lock()?.is_empty() { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); } rx.notify.register(cx.waker()); if !rx.queue.lock()?.is_empty() { Poll::Ready(Ok(())) } else { Poll::Pending } } } static CHANNELS: IrqSafeSpinlock>> = IrqSafeSpinlock::new(BTreeMap::new());