564 lines
18 KiB

//! Device hierachy management code
use core::{fmt, ops::Range};
use alloc::{
sync::{Arc, Weak},
use device_api::{
clock::{ClockController, ClockHandle, ResetHandle},
device::{Device, DeviceInitContext},
interrupt::{ExternalInterruptController, FullIrq, MessageInterruptController},
use fdt_rs::spec::Phandle;
use libk::dma::DummyDmaAllocator;
use libk_mm::address::PhysicalAddress;
use libk_util::OneTimeInit;
use yggdrasil_abi::error::Error;
use crate::{DeviceTree, DeviceTreeNodeExt, DeviceTreePropertyRead, TNode, TProp};
use super::{
controller::{ClockIter, ResetIter},
lookup_phandle, map_interrupt,
registry::{register_phandle, DEVICE_TREE, DRIVERS, ROOT},
DeviceTreeClockController, DeviceTreeInterruptController, DeviceTreeResetController, Driver,
InitSequence, ProbeContext,
/// Represents a single node in the device tree, which may or may not:
/// * Have a device probed (see [Node::probe])
/// * Have a device initialized (see [Node::lazy_init])
/// * Be a bus
/// * Be an interrupt-controller
pub struct Node {
// Info from device tree
dt_node: TNode<'static>,
bus_address_cells: usize,
bus_size_cells: usize,
interrupt_parent: Option<Phandle>,
name: Option<&'static str>,
compatible: Option<&'static str>,
// Hierachy info
children: OneTimeInit<Vec<Arc<Node>>>,
parent: Option<Weak<Node>>,
// Driver/device info
device: OneTimeInit<NodeDevice>,
pub(crate) interrupt_controller: OneTimeInit<Arc<dyn DeviceTreeInterruptController>>,
pub(crate) msi_controller: OneTimeInit<Arc<dyn MessageInterruptController>>,
pub(crate) clock_controler: OneTimeInit<Arc<dyn DeviceTreeClockController>>,
pub(crate) reset_controller: OneTimeInit<Arc<dyn DeviceTreeResetController>>,
pub(crate) struct ProbedDevice {
driver: &'static dyn Driver,
sequence: InitSequence,
init_token: OneTimeInit<Result<(), Error>>,
irq_init_token: OneTimeInit<Result<(), Error>>,
device: Arc<dyn Device>,
enum NodeDevice {
// Node probed, no device found
// Node probed and driver found
struct EnumerationContext {
address_cells: usize,
size_cells: usize,
interrupt_parent: Option<Phandle>,
impl NodeDevice {
fn as_probed(&self) -> Option<&ProbedDevice> {
match self {
Self::Missing => None,
Self::Present(probed) => Some(probed),
impl Node {
fn probe_single(node: &Arc<Node>, cx: &mut ProbeContext) -> Option<ProbedDevice> {
let compatible = node.compatible?;
let drivers = DRIVERS.read();
let driver = drivers.iter().find(|d| d.matches(compatible));
if driver.is_none() {
// log::warn!("No driver for {compatible:?}");
let driver = driver?;
let device = driver.imp.probe(node, cx);
// Move to early init unless driver wants to sleep
let sequence = cx.sequence.unwrap_or(InitSequence::Early);
device.map(|device| ProbedDevice {
driver: driver.imp,
init_token: OneTimeInit::new(),
irq_init_token: OneTimeInit::new(),
fn probe_upwards(self: &Arc<Self>) -> (Option<&ProbedDevice>, Option<Weak<dyn Bus>>) {
let mut parent_bus = None;
if let Some(parent) = self.parent.as_ref().and_then(Weak::upgrade) {
let (_, bus) = parent.probe_upwards();
parent_bus = bus;
// Don't even try if `status = "disabled"`
if let Some(status) = self.property("status") {
let status = status.as_str().unwrap_or("");
if status == "disabled" {
return (None, parent_bus);
let mut cx = ProbeContext {
bus: parent_bus.clone(),
sequence: None,
let inner = self
.or_init_with(|| match Self::probe_single(&self, &mut cx) {
Some(probed) => NodeDevice::Present(probed),
None => NodeDevice::Missing,
let probed = inner.as_probed();
let bus = if let Some(probed) = probed.as_ref() {
} else {
(probed, bus)
/// Performs a "probe" of the node by looking up a matching driver. If the node
/// has a parent, its parent is probed first.
/// If the node has already been probed, the device reference is just returned instead.
pub(crate) fn probe(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Option<&ProbedDevice> {
let (device, _) = self.probe_upwards();
/// Returns the parent node of this node
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Arc<Node>> {
/// When called from an interrupt-controller driver, informs the node of its capability as
/// an interrupt controller, allowing any other nodes which refer to it to map their
/// interrupts.
/// This function has to be called in the driver's `probe` impl to function properly.
pub fn make_interrupt_controller(&self, intc: Arc<dyn DeviceTreeInterruptController>) {
/// When called from an msi-controller driver, informs the node of its capability as an MSI
/// controller.
pub fn make_msi_controller(&self, intc: Arc<dyn MessageInterruptController>) {
/// Informs the node of its capability as a reset controller, allowing `resets` to be mapped
/// through this device.
pub fn make_reset_controller(&self, rstc: Arc<dyn DeviceTreeResetController>) {
/// Informs the node of its capability as a clock controller, allowing `clocks` to be mapped
/// through this device.
pub fn make_clock_controller(&self, clkc: Arc<dyn DeviceTreeClockController>) {
/// Returns the device driver associated with this node, if any was probed.
pub fn driver(&self) -> Option<&'static dyn Driver> {
let probed = self.device.try_get()?.as_probed()?;
/// Performs a lazy initialization of the node:
/// 1. If the node hasn't yet been probed for a device, a driver is looked up
/// (see [Node::probe]).
/// 2. If the node hasn't yet been initialized, initialization is performed.
/// Returns:
/// * `Some(Ok(()))` - device was probed and initialized (now or before).
/// * `Some(Err(...))` - device was probed, but initialization failed.
/// * `None` - no driver matched the device.
pub fn lazy_init(self: Arc<Self>, sequence: InitSequence) -> Option<Result<(), Error>> {
let probed = self.probe()?;
// Needs to be initialized later
if probed.sequence > sequence {
return None;
let state = probed.init_token.or_init_with(|| {
let cx = self.make_init_context();
unsafe { probed.device.clone().init(cx) }
/// Performs an IRQ initialization for the node's device:
/// 1. Does the same thing that [Node::lazy_init] does.
/// 2. If [Node::lazy_init] succeeds and a device exists, calls [Device::init_irq].
/// Return value is the same as in [Node::lazy_init].
pub fn init_irqs(self: Arc<Self>, sequence: InitSequence) -> Option<Result<(), Error>> {
let probed = match self.clone().lazy_init(sequence) {
Some(Ok(())) => {
let device = self.device.get();
Some(Err(_)) | None => return None,
let state = probed
.or_init_with(|| unsafe { probed.device.clone().init_irq() });
/// "Forces" an initialization of the device. This is a stricter version of [Node::lazy_init]
/// which enforces that:
/// 1. A device/driver actually exists for this node.
/// 2. The node's device hasn't been initialized before.
/// Returns:
/// * `Ok(())` - if probe/init succeeded.
/// * `Err(Error::DoesNotExist)` - couldn't find a device/driver for this node.
/// * `Err(other)` - initialization failed.
pub fn force_init(self: Arc<Self>, sequence: InitSequence) -> Result<(), Error> {
let probed = self.probe().ok_or(Error::DoesNotExist)?;
// Needs to be initialized later
if probed.sequence > sequence {
return Ok(());
let state = probed.init_token.try_init_with(|| {
let cx = self.make_init_context();
unsafe { probed.device.clone().init(cx) }
fn make_init_context(&self) -> DeviceInitContext {
let cx = DeviceInitContext {
dma_allocator: Arc::new(DummyDmaAllocator),
/// Returns an iterator over the node's children
pub fn children(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Arc<Node>> {
// Properties
/// Returns the node's name string
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Returns the addresses by which some part of the device is represented on its parent bus.
/// The bus address is taken from `reg[index]` property and is expected to be a pair
/// of `(#address-cells, #size-cells)`-sized elements.
pub fn bus_range(&self, index: usize) -> Option<Range<u64>> {
let reg = self.dt_node.property("reg")?;
let (base, size) = reg.read_cells(index, (self.bus_address_cells, self.bus_size_cells))?;
Some(base..base + size)
/// Returns the physical-address range used by some part of the device.
/// This function is a result of [Node::bus_range], passed through its' parent bus mapper
/// (or returned as-is if the device has no parent bus).
pub fn map_range(&self, context: &ProbeContext, index: usize) -> Option<Range<u64>> {
let bus_range = self.bus_range(index)?;
/// Same as [Node::map_range], but only returns the base of the range, cast to
/// [PhysicalAddress].
pub fn map_base(&self, context: &ProbeContext, index: usize) -> Option<PhysicalAddress> {
self.map_range(context, index)
.map(|range| PhysicalAddress::from_u64(range.start))
/// Returns an input `clock` handle for a given reset name
pub fn named_clock(&self, name: &str) -> Option<ClockHandle> {
.position(|n| n == name)
.and_then(|i| self.clock(i))
/// Returns a `reset` handle for a given reset name
pub fn named_reset(&self, name: &str) -> Option<ResetHandle> {
.position(|n| n == name)
.and_then(|i| self.reset(i))
/// Returns an iterator over the node's input clocks
pub fn clocks(&self) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = ClockHandle>> {
let clocks = self.property("clocks")?;
Some(ClockIter { clocks, offset: 0 })
/// Returns an iterator over the node's resets
pub fn resets(&self) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = ResetHandle>> {
let resets = self.property("resets")?;
Some(ResetIter { resets, offset: 0 })
/// Returns the `index`th input clock of the node
pub fn clock(&self, index: usize) -> Option<ClockHandle> {
/// Returns the `index`th reset of the node
pub fn reset(&self, index: usize) -> Option<ResetHandle> {
/// Reads interrupt information from `interrupts[index]` property, mapped by the node's
/// `interrupt-parent`.
pub fn interrupt(&self, index: usize) -> Option<FullIrq> {
let interrupts = self.property("interrupts")?;
let phandle = self.interrupt_parent?;
map_interrupt(phandle, &interrupts, index)
/// Same as [Node::interrupt], but allows specifying other property to read the information
/// from.
pub fn interrupt_from(&self, property: &TProp, index: usize) -> Option<FullIrq> {
let phandle = self.interrupt_parent?;
map_interrupt(phandle, property, index)
/// Returns a node reference to the device's `interrupt-parent`.
pub fn interrupt_controller(&self) -> Option<Arc<Node>> {
lookup_phandle(self.interrupt_parent?, true)
/// Attempts to get a clock controller represented by this node, if any
pub fn as_clock_controller(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn ClockController>> {
// let device = self.device.try_get()?;
// device.as_device()?.as_clock_controller()
/// Attempts to get an interrupt controller represented by this node, if any
pub fn as_interrupt_controller(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn ExternalInterruptController>> {
.map(|e| e.clone().as_interrupt_controller())
/// Returns the `#address-cells` value of the node's parent bus
pub fn bus_address_cells(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the `#interrupt-cells` of this node, if any
pub fn self_interrupt_cells(&self) -> Option<usize> {
/// Returns the `#address-cells` of this node, if any
pub fn self_address_cells(&self) -> Option<usize> {
/// Returns the `#size-cells` of this node, if any
pub fn self_size_cells(&self) -> Option<usize> {
/// Looks up a property `name` in this node
pub fn property(&self, name: &str) -> Option<TProp<'static>> {
/// Interprets property `name` as a single cell and casts it to usize
pub fn prop_usize(&self, name: &str) -> Option<usize> {
/// Interprets property `name` as a string value
pub fn prop_str(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
impl fmt::Debug for Node {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self.name() {
Some(name) => write!(f, "<{name}>"),
None => f.write_str("<unknown>"),
unsafe impl Sync for Node {}
unsafe impl Send for Node {}
fn unflatten_node(
dt: TNode<'static>,
parent: Option<Weak<Node>>,
ctx: &EnumerationContext,
) -> Arc<Node> {
let name = dt.name().ok();
// TODO <stringlist>
let compatible = dt.prop_string("compatible");
// Extract #...-cells for children
let address_cells = dt
let size_cells = dt.prop_cell_usize("#size-cells").unwrap_or(ctx.size_cells);
// Extract interrupt-parent for children
let interrupt_parent = dt.prop_phandle("interrupt-parent").or(ctx.interrupt_parent);
let phandle = dt.prop_phandle("phandle");
// Setup this node
let node = Arc::new(Node {
dt_node: dt.clone(),
bus_address_cells: ctx.address_cells,
bus_size_cells: ctx.size_cells,
children: OneTimeInit::new(),
device: OneTimeInit::new(),
interrupt_controller: OneTimeInit::new(),
msi_controller: OneTimeInit::new(),
clock_controler: OneTimeInit::new(),
reset_controller: OneTimeInit::new(),
if let Some(phandle) = phandle {
register_phandle(phandle, node.clone());
// Unflatten children
let mut children = Vec::new();
let child_ctx = EnumerationContext {
for child in dt.children() {
let child_node = unflatten_node(child, Some(Arc::downgrade(&node)), &child_ctx);
/// Sets up node hierarchy from a [DeviceTree] reference. This is a requirement to be able to
/// probe/initialize/manage devices using a device-tree approach.
pub fn unflatten_device_tree(dt: &'static DeviceTree) {
const DEFAULT_SIZE_CELLS: u32 = 1;
let ctx = EnumerationContext {
address_cells: DEFAULT_ADDRESS_CELLS as usize,
size_cells: DEFAULT_SIZE_CELLS as usize,
interrupt_parent: None,
let root = unflatten_node(dt.root(), None, &ctx);
fn walk_node<T, V: FnMut(&Arc<Node>) -> Option<T>>(node: &Arc<Node>, visitor: &mut V) -> Option<T> {
if let Some(value) = visitor(node) {
return Some(value);
for child in node.children.get() {
if let Some(value) = walk_node(child, visitor) {
return Some(value);
/// Performs a walk of the device (in no particular order), passing each node to the visitor and
/// aborting if `Some(...)` is returned by it.
pub fn walk_device_tree<T, V: FnMut(&Arc<Node>) -> Option<T>>(mut visitor: V) -> Option<T> {
if let Some(root) = ROOT.try_get() {
walk_node(root, &mut visitor)
} else {
/// Finds a node in the device tree by its absolute path or alias.
pub fn find_node(name: &str) -> Option<Arc<Node>> {
let dt = *DEVICE_TREE.try_get()?;
let mut path = dt.resolve_alias(name)?.trim_matches('/');
let mut current = ROOT.try_get()?.clone();
loop {
if path.is_empty() {
return Some(current);
let (left, rest) = match path.split_once('/') {
Some(elem) => elem,
None => (path, ""),
path = rest.trim_start_matches('/');
let child = current
.find(|node| node.name.map(|name| name == left).unwrap_or(false))?;
current = child.clone();