306 lines
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//! Runtime utilities for thread handling
use core::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
use abi::{
mem::{MappingFlags, MappingSource},
process::{ThreadEvent, ThreadSpawnOptions},
use alloc::{boxed::Box, sync::Arc};
use crate::{process::thread_local, sync::rwlock::RwLock};
use super::{signal, thread_local::TlsImage};
pub mod options {
//! Thread option definitions
pub use abi::process::thread::*;
/// Describes a runtime thread.
/// `R` generic parameter denotes the thread's return type.
pub struct Thread<R> {
id: AtomicU32,
result: RwLock<Option<R>>,
/// Describes a "handle" to some runtime thread. This is what gets returned to the caller
/// when a thread is spawned and can be used to, e.g., join the created thread later.
pub struct ThreadHandle<R> {
stack: Option<OwnedStack>,
thread: Arc<Thread<R>>,
struct OwnedStack {
base: usize,
size: usize,
/// Describes how a thread's signal stack should be set up.
pub enum ThreadSignalStack {
/// Thread signal stack will be allocated with the requested size.
/// Do not set up a signal stack.
/// Describes how a thread's main stack should be set up.
pub enum ThreadStack {
/// Thread stack will be allocated with the requested size.
/// A raw value will be used for the stack pointer (unsafe).
/// Describes the thread's function that will get entered once the thread starts running.
/// `A` parameter denotes the argument type that will be passed to the thread.
pub enum ThreadFunction<A, R> {
/// A boxed closure will be called.
Closure(Box<dyn FnOnce(A) -> R + 'static>),
/// A function pointer will be called.
Pointer(fn(A) -> R),
/// Describes how a thread should be constructed
pub struct ThreadCreateInfo<A, R> {
/// See [ThreadSignalStack].
pub signal_stack: ThreadSignalStack,
/// See [ThreadStack].
pub stack: ThreadStack,
/// See [ThreadFunction].
pub entry: ThreadFunction<A, R>,
/// Image used to initialize the thread's TLS
pub tls_image: Option<&'static TlsImage>,
struct ThreadArgument<A, R> {
entry: Option<(A, ThreadFunction<A, R>)>,
signal_stack: ThreadSignalStack,
thread_self: Arc<Thread<R>>,
set_thread_self: bool,
tls_image: Option<&'static TlsImage>,
// TODO maybe put this under a `thread-self` feature and avoid a TLS allocation?
static mut SELF: usize = 0;
impl<R> Thread<R> {
/// Creates a new thread with the requested options and passes it an argument.
pub fn spawn<A>(
info: ThreadCreateInfo<A, R>,
argument: A,
runtime: bool,
) -> Result<ThreadHandle<R>, Error> {
let (stack, sp) = match info.stack {
ThreadStack::Allocate(size) => {
let (stack, sp) = OwnedStack::allocate(size)?;
(Some(stack), sp)
ThreadStack::Raw(_) => todo!(),
let thread = Arc::new(Thread::<R> {
id: AtomicU32::new(0),
result: RwLock::new(None),
let thread_argument = Box::into_raw(Box::new(ThreadArgument {
entry: Some((argument, info.entry)),
thread_self: thread.clone(),
signal_stack: info.signal_stack,
set_thread_self: runtime,
tls_image: info.tls_image,
let spawn_options = ThreadSpawnOptions {
entry: Self::thread_entry::<A>,
argument: thread_argument,
stack_top: sp,
let id = unsafe { crate::sys::spawn_thread(&spawn_options) }?;
thread.id.store(id, Ordering::Release);
Ok(ThreadHandle { stack, thread })
/// Returns this thread's ID.
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
/// Sets the current thread name.
pub fn set_name(name: &str) {
let mut buffer = [0; 256];
crate::process::set_thread_option_with::<options::Name>(&mut buffer, &name).ok();
/// # Safety
/// This function has to be called with the same `Self` type as the thread it was created with.
pub unsafe fn current() -> Arc<Self> {
let raw: *const Self = ptr::with_exposed_provenance(SELF);
if raw.is_null() {
panic!("Thread::SELF == NULL, was spawn() called with runtime=false?");
// This will "move" the pointer, so an extra strong count increment is required.
extern "C" fn thread_entry<A>(raw: usize) -> ! {
let raw: *mut ThreadArgument<A, R> = ptr::with_exposed_provenance_mut(raw);
// This scope will ensure all the stuff is dropped before thread exit is called.
let mut argument = unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) };
// Setup TLS as soon as possible
if let Err(err) = thread_local::init_tls(argument.tls_image, true) {
crate::debug_trace!(Warn, "thread_entry failed: TLS init error: {err:?}");
// TODO result is uninit
unsafe { crate::sys::exit_thread() };
// TODO there will be a better way to do this, I promise
while argument.thread_self.id.load(Ordering::Acquire) == 0 {
// Insert compiler fence just in case to prevent it from trying to go into
// (uninitialized) TLS
// Setup SELF if needed
if argument.set_thread_self {
unsafe {
SELF = Arc::into_raw(argument.thread_self.clone()).addr();
debug_assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&Thread::current(), &argument.thread_self));
// Setup signal stack if needed
let result = match argument.signal_stack {
ThreadSignalStack::None => Ok(()),
ThreadSignalStack::Allocate(size) => signal::setup_signal_stack(size),
if let Err(err) = result {
panic!("Failed to set up thread's signal stack: {err:?}");
// Call the inner function
let result = match argument.entry.take() {
Some((arg, ThreadFunction::Closure(f))) => f(arg),
Some((arg, ThreadFunction::Pointer(f))) => f(arg),
None => unreachable!(),
unsafe { crate::sys::exit_thread() };
impl<R> ThreadHandle<R> {
/// Returns the thread ID this handle is related to.
pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
/// Waits for the thread to finish and returns its result.
pub fn join(self) -> Result<Option<R>, Error> {
// TODO prevent threads from attempting to join themselves?
loop {
let mut event = MaybeUninit::uninit();
unsafe { crate::sys::wait_thread(self.thread.id.load(Ordering::Acquire), &mut event) }?;
let event = unsafe { event.assume_init() };
if matches!(event, ThreadEvent::Exited) {
/// Waits for the thread to finish, ignoring interrupts.
/// # Panics
/// Will panic if the kernel returns any error besides [Error::Interrupted].
pub fn join_uninterruptible(self) -> Option<R> {
loop {
let mut event = MaybeUninit::uninit();
match unsafe {
crate::sys::wait_thread(self.thread.id.load(Ordering::Acquire), &mut event)
} {
Ok(_) => {
let event = unsafe { event.assume_init() };
if !matches!(event, ThreadEvent::Exited) {
Err(Error::Interrupted) => continue,
Err(Error::ProcessNotFound) => (),
Err(error) => panic!("wait_thread syscall returned error: {error:?}"),
return self.into_result();
fn into_result(self) -> Option<R> {
impl OwnedStack {
fn allocate(mut size: usize) -> Result<(Self, usize), Error> {
if size < 0x1000 {
size = 0x1000;
size = (size + 0xFFF) & !0xFFF;
let base = unsafe {
crate::sys::map_memory(None, size, MappingFlags::WRITE, &MappingSource::Anonymous)
let top = base + size;
Ok((Self { base, size }, top))
impl Drop for OwnedStack {
fn drop(&mut self) {
"Drop OwnedStack {:#x?}",
self.base..self.base + self.size
unsafe { crate::sys::unmap_memory(self.base, self.size) }.ok();
unsafe impl<R> Send for Thread<R> {}
unsafe impl<R> Sync for Thread<R> {}
/// Sets the `SELF` TLS variable
/// # Safety
/// Must only be called once by the runtime library during setup. TLS must be initialized prior to
/// this call.
pub unsafe fn track_main<R>() {
let main = Arc::new(Thread::<R> {
id: AtomicU32::new(0),
result: RwLock::new(None),
SELF = Arc::into_raw(main).addr();