
346 lines
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//! Per-CPU queue implementation
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;
// use aarch64_cpu::registers::CNTPCT_EL0;
use alloc::{
collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque},
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use kernel_util::util::OneTimeInit;
use crate::{
// arch::aarch64::{context::TaskContext, cpu::Cpu},
arch::{Architecture, ArchitectureImpl},
sync::{IrqGuard, IrqSafeSpinlock, IrqSafeSpinlockGuard},
use super::{
thread::{Thread, ThreadId},
Cpu, TaskContext,
/// Per-CPU statistics
pub struct CpuQueueStats {
/// Ticks spent idling
pub idle_time: u64,
/// Ticks spent running CPU tasks
pub cpu_time: u64,
/// Time since last measurement
measure_time: u64,
// /// Per-CPU queue's inner data, normally resides under a lock
// pub struct CpuQueueInner {
// /// Current process, None if idling
// pub current: Option<Arc<Process>>,
// /// LIFO queue for processes waiting for execution
// pub queue: VecDeque<Arc<Process>>,
// /// CPU time usage statistics
// pub stats: CpuQueueStats,
// }
struct CpuQueueInner {
current: Option<ThreadId>,
queue: VecDeque<ThreadId>,
stats: CpuQueueStats,
/// Per-CPU queue
pub struct CpuQueue {
inner: IrqSafeSpinlock<CpuQueueInner>,
idle: TaskContext,
index: usize,
static QUEUES: OneTimeInit<Vec<CpuQueue>> = OneTimeInit::new();
extern "C" fn __idle(_x: usize) -> ! {
unsafe {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] {
core::arch::asm!("1: nop; b 1b", options(noreturn));
} else if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
jmp 1b
"#, options(noreturn, att_syntax));
} else {
core::arch::asm!("", options(noreturn));
impl CpuQueueStats {
/// Reset the stats to zero values
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
self.cpu_time = 0;
self.idle_time = 0;
impl CpuQueueInner {
/// Picks a next task for execution, skipping (dropping) those that were suspended. May return
/// None if the queue is empty or no valid task was found, in which case the scheduler should
/// go idle.
pub fn next_ready_task(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<Thread>> {
while !self.queue.is_empty() {
let task = self.queue.pop_front().unwrap();
let task_t = Thread::get(task).unwrap();
match task_t.state.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
ThreadState::Ready => {
return Some(task_t);
e => panic!(
"Unexpected thread state in CpuQueue: {:?} ({} {:?}, cpu_id={})",
1234 // task_t.cpu_id()
/// Returns an iterator over all the threads in the queue plus the currently running thread,
/// if there is one.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ThreadId> {
Iterator::chain(self.queue.iter(), self.current.iter())
impl CpuQueue {
// /// Constructs an empty queue with its own idle task
pub fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
let idle = TaskContext::kernel(__idle, Cpu::local_id() as usize)
.expect("Could not construct an idle task");
Self {
inner: {
IrqSafeSpinlock::new(CpuQueueInner {
current: None,
queue: VecDeque::new(),
stats: CpuQueueStats::default(),
/// Starts queue execution on current CPU.
/// # Safety
/// Only meant to be called from [crate::task::enter()] function.
pub unsafe fn enter(&self) -> ! {
// Start from idle thread to avoid having a Arc stuck here without getting dropped
// let t = CNTPCT_EL0.get();
// self.lock().stats.measure_time = t;
/// Yields CPU execution to the next task in queue (or idle task if there aren't any).
/// # Safety
/// The function is only meant to be called from kernel threads (e.g. if they want to yield
/// CPU execution to wait for something) or interrupt handlers.
pub unsafe fn yield_cpu(&self) {
// Make sure the scheduling process doesn't get interrupted
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// let t = CNTPCT_EL0.get();
// let delta = t - inner.stats.measure_time;
// inner.stats.measure_time = t;
let current = inner.current.clone();
let current_t = current.and_then(Thread::get);
if let Some(current_t) = current_t.as_ref() {
if current_t.state.load(Ordering::Acquire) == ThreadState::Terminated {
if current_t
// inner.stats.cpu_time += delta;
// else
// inner.stats.idle_time += delta;
let next_t = inner.next_ready_task();
// let next_t = next.and_then(Thread::get);
inner.current = next_t.as_deref().map(Thread::id);
// Can drop the lock, we hold current and next Arc's
let (from, _from_rc) = if let Some(current_t) = current_t.as_ref() {
(current_t.context(), Arc::strong_count(current_t))
} else {
(&self.idle, 0)
let (to, _to_rc) = if let Some(next_t) = next_t.as_ref() {
(next_t.context(), Arc::strong_count(next_t))
} else {
(&self.idle, 0)
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, "{}: ", Cpu::local_id());
// // if let Some(from) = current.as_ref() {
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, "{}", from.id(),);
// // } else {
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, "{{idle}}");
// // }
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, " -> ");
// // if let Some(to) = next.as_ref() {
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, "{}", to.id(),);
// // } else {
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, "{{idle}}");
// // }
// // log_print_raw!(crate::debug::LogLevel::Info, "\n");
/// Pushes the process to the back of the execution queue.
/// # Safety
/// Only meant to be called from Process impl. The function does not set any process accounting
/// information, which may lead to invalid states.
pub unsafe fn enqueue(&self, tid: ThreadId) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
// assert_eq!(p.state(), ProcessState::Ready);
/// Removes thread with given TID from the exeuction queue.
pub fn dequeue(&self, tid: ThreadId) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
inner.queue.retain(|&p| p != tid)
/// Returns the queue length at this moment.
/// # Note
/// This value may immediately change.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns `true` if the queue is empty at the moment.
/// # Note
/// This may immediately change.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
// /// Returns a safe reference to the inner data structure.
// pub fn lock(&self) -> IrqSafeSpinlockGuard<CpuQueueInner> {
// self.inner.lock()
// }
// /// Returns an unsafe reference to the queue.
// ///
// /// # Safety
// ///
// /// Only meant to be called to dump the queue contents when panicking.
// #[allow(clippy::mut_from_ref)]
// pub unsafe fn grab(&self) -> &mut CpuQueueInner {
// self.inner.grab()
// }
// /// Returns the process currently being executed.
// ///
// /// # Note
// ///
// /// This function should be safe in all kernel thread/interrupt contexts:
// ///
// /// * (in kthread) the code calling this will still remain on the same thread.
// /// * (in irq) the code cannot be interrupted and other CPUs shouldn't change this queue, so it
// /// will remain valid until the end of the interrupt or until [CpuQueue::yield_cpu]
// /// is called.
// pub fn current_process(&self) -> Option<CurrentProcess> {
// let guard = IrqGuard::acquire();
// self.inner
// .lock()
// .current
// .clone()
// .map(|p| unsafe { CurrentProcess::new(p, guard) })
// }
pub fn current_id(&self) -> Option<ThreadId> {
/// Returns a queue for given CPU index
pub fn for_cpu(id: usize) -> &'static CpuQueue {
/// Returns an iterator over all queues of the system
pub fn all() -> impl Iterator<Item = &'static CpuQueue> {
/// Picks a queue with the least amount of tasks in it
pub fn least_loaded() -> Option<(usize, &'static CpuQueue)> {
let queues = QUEUES.get();
queues.iter().enumerate().min_by_key(|(_, q)| q.len())
pub fn index(&self) -> usize {
/// Initializes the global queue list
pub fn init_queues(queues: Vec<CpuQueue>) {