2020-07-11 22:41:23 +03:00

666 lines
18 KiB

#include "user/fcntl.h"
#include "user/errno.h"
#include "sys/block/ram.h"
#include "sys/block/blk.h"
#include "sys/mem/phys.h"
#include "fs/fs.h"
#include "fs/ofile.h"
#include "fs/node.h"
#include "fs/vfs.h"
#include "sys/attr.h"
#include "sys/string.h"
#include "sys/assert.h"
#include "sys/debug.h"
#include "sys/panic.h"
#include "sys/heap.h"
#include "sys/mm.h"
#define TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS (4096 / sizeof(uintptr_t))
#define TAR_INDIRECT_L2_POINTERS ((4096 / sizeof(uintptr_t)) * TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS)
struct tar {
char filename[100];
union {
struct {
char mode[8];
char uid[8];
char gid[8];
char size[12];
char mtime[12];
char chksum[8];
char typeflag[1];
} __attribute__((packed)) meta_oct;
struct {
uint32_t mode;
uint32_t __pad0;
uint32_t uid;
uint32_t __pad1;
uint32_t gid;
uint32_t __pad2;
uint32_t size;
uint64_t __pad3;
uint32_t mtime;
uint32_t ctime;
// The rest is irrelevant
} __attribute__((packed)) meta;
// 157 bytes
// Allows to have files up to ~128KiB
uintptr_t direct_blocks[TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS];
uintptr_t indirect_block_l1;
uintptr_t indirect_block_l2;
uintptr_t __unused0;
uintptr_t __unused1;
char __pad[3];
// Should be 512 bytes
} __attribute__((packed));
static int tarfs_vnode_open(struct ofile *of, int opt);
static int tarfs_vnode_stat(struct vnode *node, struct stat *st);
static ssize_t tarfs_vnode_read(struct ofile *fd, void *buf, size_t count);
//static ssize_t tarfs_vnode_write(struct ofile *fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
static off_t tarfs_vnode_lseek(struct ofile *fd, off_t off, int whence);
static int tarfs_vnode_chmod(struct vnode *node, mode_t mode);
static int tarfs_vnode_chown(struct vnode *node, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
//static int tarfs_vnode_mkdir(struct vnode *at, const char *name, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode);
//static int tarfs_vnode_creat(struct vnode *at, const char *name, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode);
static int tarfs_vnode_mknod(struct vnode *at, struct vnode *nod);
static int tarfs_vnode_truncate(struct vnode *node, size_t length);
static struct vnode_operations _tarfs_vnode_op = {
.stat = tarfs_vnode_stat,
.read = tarfs_vnode_read,
.open = tarfs_vnode_open,
.lseek = tarfs_vnode_lseek,
.chmod = tarfs_vnode_chmod,
.chown = tarfs_vnode_chown,
.mkdir = NULL, //tarfs_vnode_mkdir,
.creat = NULL, //tarfs_vnode_creat,
.mknod = tarfs_vnode_mknod,
.write = NULL, //tarfs_vnode_write,
.truncate = tarfs_vnode_truncate
static ssize_t tarfs_octal(const char *buf, size_t lim) {
ssize_t res = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lim; ++i) {
if (!buf[i]) {
res <<= 3;
res |= buf[i] - '0';
return res;
static const char *path_element(const char *path, char *element) {
const char *sep = strchr(path, '/');
if (!sep) {
strcpy(element, path);
return NULL;
} else {
_assert(sep - path < NODE_MAXLEN);
strncpy(element, path, sep - path);
element[sep - path] = 0;
while (*sep == '/') {
if (!*sep) {
return NULL;
return sep;
static int tarfs_mapper_create_node(struct vnode *at, struct vnode **res, const char *name, int dir) {
_assert(at->type == VN_DIR); // Can only attach child to a directory
if (vnode_lookup_child(at, name, res) == 0) {
// Already exists
return 0;
struct vnode *node_new = vnode_create(dir ? VN_DIR : VN_REG, name);
node_new->flags |= VN_MEMORY;
node_new->op = &_tarfs_vnode_op;
vnode_attach(at, node_new);
*res = node_new;
return 0;
static int tarfs_mapper_create_path(struct vnode *root, const char *path, struct vnode **res, int dir) {
char name[NODE_MAXLEN];
const char *child_path = path;
struct vnode *node = root;
struct vnode *new_node;
int err;
kdebug("Add path %s\n", path);
while (1) {
child_path = path_element(child_path, name);
if ((err = tarfs_mapper_create_node(node, &new_node, name, dir)) != 0) {
return err;
node = new_node;
if (!child_path) {
*res = node;
return 0;
static int tar_move_blocks(struct tar *hdr, char *block, size_t node_size) {
size_t size_blocks = (node_size + 511) / 512;
if (size_blocks >= TAR_MAX_BLOCKS) {
panic("File is too large: %S\n", node_size);
// Map blocks
for (size_t i = 0; i < size_blocks && i < TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS; ++i) {
// Tag this block pointer
hdr->direct_blocks[i] = (uintptr_t) block + 512 + i * 512 + 1;
//kinfo("Map %d -> %p\n", i, block + 512 + i * 512);
hdr->indirect_block_l1 = 0;
hdr->indirect_block_l2 = 0;
// Map indirect L1 blocks
for (size_t i = TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS; i < MIN(size_blocks, TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS + TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS); ++i) {
size_t ind_index = i - TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS;
if (!hdr->indirect_block_l1) {
hdr->indirect_block_l1 = MM_VIRTUALIZE(mm_phys_alloc_page() /*amd64_phys_alloc_page()*/);
memset((void *) hdr->indirect_block_l1, 0, 0x1000);
//kinfo("Map L1:%d (%d) -> %p\n", ind_index, i, block + 512 + i * 512);
((uintptr_t *) hdr->indirect_block_l1)[ind_index] =
(uintptr_t) block + 512 + i * 512 + 1;
// Map indirect L2 blocks
for (size_t i = TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS + TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS; i < size_blocks; ++i) {
size_t ind_offset = i - (TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS + TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS);
// Per one indirect
size_t ind_block_num = ind_offset / TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS;
size_t ind_block_off = ind_offset % TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS;
//kinfo("Map L2:%d:%d (%d) -> %p\n", ind_block_num, ind_block_off, i, block + 512 + i * 512);
if (!hdr->indirect_block_l2) {
hdr->indirect_block_l2 = MM_VIRTUALIZE(mm_phys_alloc_page() /*amd64_phys_alloc_page()*/);
memset((void *) hdr->indirect_block_l2, 0, 0x1000);
uintptr_t *ind2 = (uintptr_t *) hdr->indirect_block_l2;
if (!ind2[ind_block_num]) {
ind2[ind_block_num] = MM_VIRTUALIZE(mm_phys_alloc_page() /*amd64_phys_alloc_page()*/);
memset((void *) ind2[ind_block_num], 0, 0x1000);
uintptr_t *ind1 = (uintptr_t *) ind2[ind_block_num];
ind1[ind_block_off] =
(uintptr_t) block + 512 + i * 512 + 1;
return 0;
static int tar_init(struct fs *tar, const char *opt) {
size_t off = 0;
int prev_zero = 0;
ssize_t res;
// Writable tarfs is only supported if the filesystem is backed by a RAM device
void *mem_base;
if ((res = blk_ioctl(tar->blk, RAM_IOC_GETBASE, &mem_base)) != 0) {
return res;
// Create filesystem root node
struct vnode *tar_root = vnode_create(VN_DIR, NULL);
tar->fs_private = tar_root;
tar_root->fs = tar;
tar_root->flags |= VN_MEMORY;
tar_root->op = &_tarfs_vnode_op;
tar_root->fs_data = NULL;
tar_root->uid = 0;
tar_root->gid = 0;
tar_root->mode = 0555;
struct vnode *node;
// Pass 1 - add regular files and directories
while (1) {
char *block = (char *) mem_base + off;
// Check that the block is at least 2B-aligned, so its pointer can be tagged
_assert(!(((uintptr_t) block) & 1));
if (!block[0]) {
if (prev_zero) {
prev_zero = 1;
off += 512;
struct tar *hdr = (struct tar *) block;
size_t node_size = 0;
int isdir = 1;
// Convert node metadata values from octal
uid_t uid = tarfs_octal(hdr->meta_oct.uid, 8);
gid_t gid = tarfs_octal(hdr->meta_oct.gid, 8);
mode_t mode = tarfs_octal(hdr->meta_oct.mode, 8) & VFS_MODE_MASK;
time_t mtime = tarfs_octal(hdr->meta_oct.mtime, 12);
switch (hdr->meta_oct.typeflag[0]) {
case '\0':
case '0':
node_size = tarfs_octal(hdr->meta_oct.size, 12);
mode |= S_IFREG;
isdir = 0;
case '2':
kwarn("%s: skipping symlink\n", hdr->filename);
goto skip;
case '5':
mode |= S_IFDIR;
node_size = 0;
panic("Unsupported node type: %c\n", hdr->meta_oct.typeflag[0]);
hdr = kmalloc(512);
memcpy(hdr, block, 512);
if (node_size && (mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) {
_assert(tar_move_blocks(hdr, block, node_size) == 0);
if ((res = tarfs_mapper_create_path(tar_root, hdr->filename, &node, isdir)) < 0) {
return res;
// Rewrite values in struct
hdr->meta.uid = uid;
hdr->meta.gid = gid;
hdr->meta.mode = mode;
hdr->meta.size = node_size;
hdr->meta.mtime = mtime;
hdr->meta.ctime = mtime;
node->uid = hdr->meta.uid;
node->gid = hdr->meta.gid;
node->mode = hdr->meta.mode & VFS_MODE_MASK;
node->fs_data = hdr;
node->fs = tar;
off += 512 + ((node_size + 511) & ~511);
return 0;
static struct vnode *tar_get_root(struct fs *tar) {
return tar->fs_private;
static struct fs_class _tarfs = {
.name = "ustar",
.opt = 0,
.init = tar_init,
.get_root = tar_get_root
// Vnode operations
static int tarfs_vnode_stat(struct vnode *vn, struct stat *st) {
if (!vn->fs_data) {
// Root node
st->st_size = 0;
st->st_blksize = 0;
st->st_blocks = 0;
st->st_ino = 0;
st->st_uid = vn->uid;
st->st_gid = vn->gid;
st->st_mode = vn->mode | S_IFDIR;
st->st_atime = system_boot_time;
st->st_mtime = system_boot_time;
st->st_ctime = system_boot_time;
st->st_nlink = 1;
st->st_rdev = 0;
st->st_dev = 0;
return 0;
} else {
struct tar *hdr = vn->fs_data;
st->st_size = hdr->meta.size;
st->st_blksize = 512;
st->st_blocks = (st->st_size + 511) / 512;
st->st_uid = vn->uid;
st->st_gid = vn->gid;
st->st_mode = (vn->mode & VFS_MODE_MASK) | (vn->type == VN_DIR ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG);
st->st_ino = 0;
st->st_rdev = 0;
st->st_dev = 0;
st->st_mtime = hdr->meta.mtime;
st->st_ctime = hdr->meta.ctime;
st->st_atime = st->st_mtime;
st->st_nlink = 1;
return 0;
//static int tarfs_vnode_mkdir(struct vnode *at, const char *name, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode) {
// _assert(at && at->type == VN_DIR);
// _assert(name);
// // Just create a vnode as we're only operating in memory
// struct vnode *node = vnode_create(VN_DIR, name);
// struct tar *hdr = kmalloc(512);
// _assert(hdr);
// hdr->meta.uid = uid;
// hdr->meta.gid = gid;
// hdr->meta.mode = mode & VFS_MODE_MASK;
// hdr->meta.size = 0;
// time_t cur_time = time();
// hdr->meta.mtime = cur_time;
// hdr->meta.ctime = cur_time;
// node->uid = uid;
// node->gid = gid;
// node->mode = mode & VFS_MODE_MASK;
// node->flags = VN_MEMORY;
// node->fs_data = hdr;
// node->fs = at->fs;
// node->op = at->op;
// vnode_attach(at, node);
// return 0;
//static int tarfs_vnode_creat(struct vnode *at, const char *name, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode) {
// _assert(at && at->type == VN_DIR);
// _assert(name);
// // Just create a vnode as we're only operating in memory
// struct vnode *node = vnode_create(VN_REG, name);
// struct tar *hdr = kmalloc(512);
// _assert(hdr);
// hdr->meta.uid = uid;
// hdr->meta.gid = gid;
// hdr->meta.mode = mode & VFS_MODE_MASK;
// hdr->meta.size = 0;
// time_t cur_time = time();
// hdr->meta.mtime = cur_time;
// hdr->meta.ctime = cur_time;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS; ++i) {
// hdr->direct_blocks[i] = 0;
// }
// for (size_t i = 0; i < TAR_INDIRECT_BLOCKS; ++i) {
// hdr->indirect_blocks[i] = 0;
// }
// node->uid = uid;
// node->gid = gid;
// node->mode = mode & VFS_MODE_MASK;
// node->flags = VN_MEMORY;
// node->fs_data = hdr;
// node->fs = at->fs;
// node->op = at->op;
// vnode_attach(at, node);
// return 0;
static int tarfs_vnode_mknod(struct vnode *at, struct vnode *nod) {
_assert(at && at->type == VN_DIR && nod);
vnode_attach(at, nod);
return 0;
static uintptr_t tarfs_block_addr(struct tar *hdr, uint32_t index) {
if (index < TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS) {
return hdr->direct_blocks[index] & ~1;
uintptr_t *ind1 = (uintptr_t *) hdr->indirect_block_l1;
return ind1[index - TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS] & ~1;
} else if (index < TAR_MAX_BLOCKS) {
uintptr_t *ind2 = (uintptr_t *) hdr->indirect_block_l2;
uintptr_t *ind1 = (uintptr_t *) ind2[ind / TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS];
return ind1[ind % TAR_INDIRECT_L1_POINTERS] & ~1;
} else {
panic("Index is too high: %u\n", index);
static void tarfs_block_free(struct tar *hdr, uint32_t index) {
if (index < TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS) {
uintptr_t ptr = hdr->direct_blocks[index];
if (!(ptr & 1)) {
kfree((void *) ptr);
hdr->direct_blocks[index] = 0;
} else {
//static ssize_t tarfs_vnode_write(struct ofile *fd, const void *buf, size_t count) {
// _assert(fd);
// _assert(buf);
// struct vnode *node = fd->file.vnode;
// _assert(node);
// struct tar *hdr = node->fs_data;
// _assert(hdr);
// // Update mtime on writes
// hdr->meta.mtime = time();
// if (fd->file.pos > hdr->meta.size) {
// return -1;
// }
// size_t write_total = 0;
// size_t bwrite;
// while (count) {
// size_t blk_off = fd->file.pos % 512;
// size_t blk_ind = fd->file.pos / 512;
// bwrite = MIN(512 - blk_off, count);
// uintptr_t block_ptr = tarfs_block_addr(hdr, blk_ind);
// // This would mean non-zero offset in some unallocated block
// _assert(!blk_off || block_ptr);
// if (!block_ptr) {
// block_ptr = (uintptr_t) kmalloc(512);
// _assert(block_ptr);
// // Write block to block index
// if (blk_ind < TAR_DIRECT_BLOCKS) {
// hdr->direct_blocks[blk_ind] = block_ptr;
// } else {
// panic("TODO\n");
// }
// }
// // Copy data to destination
// memcpy((void *) (block_ptr + blk_off), buf, bwrite);
// fd->file.pos += bwrite;
// if (fd->file.pos > hdr->meta.size) {
// hdr->meta.size = fd->file.pos;
// }
// count -= bwrite;
// write_total += bwrite;
// }
// return write_total;
static ssize_t tarfs_vnode_read(struct ofile *fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
struct vnode *node = fd->file.vnode;
struct tar *hdr = node->fs_data;
if (fd->file.pos >= hdr->meta.size) {
return 0;
size_t can_read = MIN(count, hdr->meta.size - fd->file.pos);
int res;
size_t read_total = 0;
uintptr_t blk_addr;
while (can_read) {
size_t blk_off = fd->file.pos % 512;
size_t blk_ind = fd->file.pos / 512;
size_t bread = MIN(can_read, 512 - blk_off);
if ((blk_addr = tarfs_block_addr(hdr, blk_ind)) == MM_NADDR) {
return -EIO;
memcpy(buf, (const void *) (blk_addr + blk_off), bread);
can_read -= bread;
buf += bread;
fd->file.pos += bread;
read_total += bread;
return read_total;
static int tarfs_vnode_open(struct ofile *of, int opt) {
of->file.pos = 0;
return 0;
static off_t tarfs_vnode_lseek(struct ofile *fd, off_t offset, int whence) {
struct vnode *node = fd->file.vnode;
struct tar *hdr = node->fs_data;
switch (whence) {
case 0:
if (offset > hdr->meta.size) {
return -EINVAL;
fd->file.pos = offset;
case 1:
if (offset + fd->file.pos > hdr->meta.size) {
return -EINVAL;
fd->file.pos += offset;
panic("Unsupported seek\n");
return fd->file.pos;
static int tarfs_vnode_chmod(struct vnode *node, mode_t mode) {
node->mode &= ~0xFFF;
node->mode |= mode & 0xFFF;
return 0;
static int tarfs_vnode_chown(struct vnode *node, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) {
node->uid = uid;
node->gid = gid;
return 0;
static int tarfs_vnode_truncate(struct vnode *node, size_t length) {
struct tar *hdr = node->fs_data;
_assert(length == 0); // TODO: non-zero truncate for this
size_t size_blocks = (hdr->meta.size + 511) / 512;
for (ssize_t i = size_blocks - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
size_t block_off = hdr->meta.size % 512;
// Release block index
tarfs_block_free(hdr, i);
hdr->meta.size -= 512 - block_off;
return 0;
__init(tarfs_init) {