Increase memory map buffer size

This commit is contained in:
Mark 2020-09-18 14:18:32 +03:00
parent 639e2fb96e
commit df9a41065f
2 changed files with 38 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -25,20 +25,21 @@ mod video;
mod elf;
fn main() -> efi::Result<()> {
let mut desc_array = [0u8; 4096];
let mut desc_array = [0u8; 16384];
let mut mmap = efi::MemoryMap::new(&mut desc_array);
let bs = &system_table().boot_services;
println!("Getting memory map");
bs.get_memory_map(&mut mmap)?;
println!("Getting RSDP");
let rsdp = system_table()
.find(|x| matches!(x, ConfigurationTableEntry::Acpi10Table(_)))
.map(|x| match x {
ConfigurationTableEntry::Acpi10Table(ptr) => ptr,
_ => panic!()
let mut root = image_handle().get_boot_path()?.open_partition()?;
@ -54,17 +55,17 @@ fn main() -> efi::Result<()> {
// Set video mode
video::set_mode(bs, data)?;
use proto::LoadProtocol;
data.set_initrd(initrd_base, initrd_size);
data.set_acpi_rsdp(rsdp.unwrap_or(core::ptr::null_mut()) as usize);
// Get the new memory map and terminate boot services
bs.get_memory_map(&mut mmap)?;
use proto::LoadProtocol;
data.set_initrd(initrd_base, initrd_size);
data.set_acpi_rsdp(rsdp as usize);
video::set_mode(bs, data)?;
unsafe {
let entry_fn: unsafe fn () -> ! = core::mem::transmute(entry);
@ -75,9 +76,10 @@ fn main() -> efi::Result<()> {
extern "C" fn efi_main(ih: *mut ImageHandle, st: *mut SystemTable) -> u64 {
efi::init(ih, st);
let ret = efi::Termination::to_efi(&main());
println!("result -> {}", ret);
return ret;
let res = &main();
println!("result -> {:?}", res);
use core::panic::PanicInfo;

View File

@ -75,12 +75,30 @@ impl LoadProtocol for V1 {
fn set_mmap(&mut self, map: &MemoryMap) {
self.memory_map_data = (map.storage_ref.as_ptr() as usize).try_into().unwrap();
let ptr = map.storage_ref.as_ptr();
if ptr >= 0x100000000 as *const _ {
panic!("Memory map pointer crosses 4GiB");
if map.size > self.memory_map_size as usize {
panic!("Can't fit memory map");
unsafe {
extern "C" {
fn memcpy(dst: *mut u8, src: *const u8, count: usize) -> *mut u8;
memcpy(self.memory_map_data as *mut _, ptr, map.size);
//self.memory_map_data = (map.storage_ref.as_ptr() as usize).try_into().unwrap();
self.memory_map_size = map.size.try_into().unwrap();
self.memory_map_entsize = map.descriptor_size.try_into().unwrap();
fn set_initrd(&mut self, base: usize, size: usize) {
if self.initrd_base + self.initrd_size >= 0x100000000 {
panic!("Initrd crosses 4GiB");
self.initrd_base = base.try_into().unwrap();
self.initrd_size = size.try_into().unwrap();
@ -99,6 +117,10 @@ impl LoadProtocol for V1 {
fn set_video_info(&mut self, info: &VideoInfo) {
if self.video_framebuffer >= 0x100000000 {
panic!("Video framebuffer address is above 4GiB");
self.video_width = info.width;
self.video_height = info.height;
self.video_format = info.format as u32;