gas/testsuite: Add -gcodeview test for aarch64-w64-mingw32

This is a copy of the x86 gas -gcodeview test, with changes made for the
differing instruction lengths between x86 and aarch64.
This commit is contained in:
Mark Harmstone 2023-01-26 00:33:29 +00:00
parent c194b6ac48
commit 48afe8b710
4 changed files with 350 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
tmpdir/codeview-lines: file format binary
Contents of section .data:
0000 00000000 00000000 10000000 00000000 ................
0010 01000000 14000000 00000000 05000080 ................
0020 18000000 02000000 1c000000 04000000 ................
0030 01000080 08000000 02000080 00000000 ................
0040 01000000 14000000 0c000000 07000080 ................

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@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
if { ![istarget "aarch64-*-*"] } then {
if { ![istarget "*-*-mingw*"] && ![istarget "*-*-pe*"] } then {
proc read_subsection { fi } {
set data [read $fi 4]
binary scan $data i type
set data [read $fi 4]
binary scan $data i len
set data [read $fi $len]
if { [expr $len % 4] != 0 } {
seek $fi [expr 4 - ($len % 4)] current
return [list $type $data]
proc check_file_checksums { chksums string_table } {
set off 0
# check first file
set data [string range $chksums $off [expr $off + 3]]
incr off 4
binary scan $data i string_off
set filename [string range $string_table $string_off [expr [string first \000 $string_table $string_off] - 1]]
if ![string match "*codeview1.s" $filename] {
fail "Incorrect filename for first source file"
} else {
pass "Correct filename for first source file"
set data [string range $chksums $off $off]
incr off
binary scan $data c hash_length
if { $hash_length != 16 } {
fail "Incorrect hash length"
} else {
pass "Correct hash length"
set data [string range $chksums $off $off]
incr off
binary scan $data c hash_type
if { $hash_type != 1 } {
fail "Incorrect hash type"
} else {
pass "Correct hash type"
set data [string range $chksums $off [expr $off + $hash_length - 1]]
incr off $hash_length
binary scan $data H* hash
if ![string equal $hash "e396a2450f45912c0818c2b779ff05df"] {
fail "Incorrect MD5 hash"
} else {
pass "Correct MD5 hash"
# skip padding
if { [expr $off % 4] != 0 } {
incr off [expr 4 - ($off % 4)]
# check second file
set data [string range $chksums $off [expr $off + 3]]
incr off 4
binary scan $data i string_off
set filename [string range $string_table $string_off [expr [string first \000 $string_table $string_off] - 1]]
if ![string match "*codeview2.s" $filename] {
fail "Incorrect filename for second source file"
} else {
pass "Correct filename for second source file"
set data [string range $chksums $off $off]
incr off
binary scan $data c hash_length
if { $hash_length != 16 } {
fail "Incorrect hash length"
} else {
pass "Correct hash length"
set data [string range $chksums $off $off]
incr off
binary scan $data c hash_type
if { $hash_type != 1 } {
fail "Incorrect hash type"
} else {
pass "Correct hash type"
set data [string range $chksums $off [expr $off + $hash_length - 1]]
incr off $hash_length
binary scan $data H* hash
if ![string equal $hash "0374189e155c0a8aaa09c4ffdc23ec11"] {
fail "Incorrect MD5 hash"
} else {
pass "Correct MD5 hash"
proc check_lines { lines } {
global OBJDUMP
global srcdir
global subdir
set fi [open tmpdir/codeview-lines w]
fconfigure $fi -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fi $lines
close $fi
gas_host_run "$OBJDUMP -s --target=binary tmpdir/codeview-lines" ">& tmpdir/codeview-lines-text"
set exp [file_contents "$srcdir/$subdir/codeview-lines"]
set got [file_contents "tmpdir/codeview-lines-text"]
if [string equal $exp $got] {
pass "Correct lines info"
} else {
fail "Incorrect lines info"
proc check_objname { sym } {
binary scan $sym s type
if { $type != 0x1101 } {
fail "Symbol was not S_OBJNAME"
} else {
pass "Symbol was S_OBJNAME"
binary scan [string range $sym 2 5] i signature
if { $signature != 0 } {
fail "S_OBJNAME signature was not 0"
} else {
pass "S_OBJNAME signature was 0"
set filename [string range $sym 6 [expr [string first \000 $sym 6] - 1]]
if ![string match "*codeview1.o" $filename] {
fail "Incorrect object name in S_OBJNAME"
} else {
pass "Correct object name in S_OBJNAME"
proc check_compile3 { sym } {
binary scan $sym s type
if { $type != 0x113c } {
fail "Symbol was not S_COMPILE3"
} else {
pass "Symbol was S_COMPILE3"
set data [string range $sym 6 7]
binary scan $data s machine
if { $machine != 0xf6 } {
fail "Incorrect machine type in S_COMPILE3"
} else {
pass "Correct machine type in S_COMPILE3"
set assembler_name [string range $sym 24 [expr [string first \000 $sym 24] - 1]]
if ![string match "GNU AS *" $assembler_name] {
fail "Incorrect assembler name"
} else {
pass "Correct assembler name"
proc check_symbols { symbols } {
set off 0
# check S_OBJNAME record
set data [string range $symbols $off [expr $off + 1]]
incr off 2
binary scan $data s sym_len
set sym [string range $symbols $off [expr $off + $sym_len - 1]]
incr off $sym_len
check_objname $sym
# check S_COMPILE3 record
set data [string range $symbols $off [expr $off + 1]]
incr off 2
binary scan $data s sym_len
set sym [string range $symbols $off [expr $off + $sym_len - 1]]
incr off $sym_len
check_compile3 $sym
gas_run codeview1.s "-gcodeview -I $srcdir/$subdir -o tmpdir/codeview1.o" ">&dump.out"
if { [file size "dump.out"] != 0 } {
fail "Failed to assemble codeview1.s"
} else {
pass "Assembled codeview1.s"
gas_host_run "$OBJCOPY --dump-section .debug\\\$S=tmpdir/codeview-debug tmpdir/codeview1.o" ">&dump.out"
if { [file size "dump.out"] != 0 } {
fail "Failed to extract .debug\$S section from codeview1.o"
} else {
pass "Extracted .debug\$S section from codeview1.o"
set fi [open tmpdir/codeview-debug]
fconfigure $fi -translation binary
# check signature
set data [read $fi 4]
binary scan $data i cv_sig
if { $cv_sig != 4 } {
fail "Invalid CodeView signature"
close $fi
} else {
pass "Correct CodeView signature"
# read string table (DEBUG_S_STRINGTABLE)
set result [read_subsection $fi]
if { [lindex $result 0] != 0xf3 } {
fail "Subsection was not string table"
close $fi
} else {
pass "Read string table"
set string_table [lindex $result 1]
# read file checksums (DEBUG_S_FILECHKSMS)
set result [read_subsection $fi]
if { [lindex $result 0] != 0xf4 } {
fail "Subsection was not file checksums"
close $fi
} else {
pass "Read file checksums"
check_file_checksums [lindex $result 1] $string_table
# read line info (DEBUG_S_LINES)
set result [read_subsection $fi]
if { [lindex $result 0] != 0xf2 } {
fail "Subsection was not line info"
close $fi
} else {
pass "Read line info"
check_lines [lindex $result 1]
# read CodeView symbols (DEBUG_S_SYMBOLS)
set result [read_subsection $fi]
if { [lindex $result 0] != 0xf1 } {
fail "Subsection was not symbols"
close $fi
} else {
pass "Read symbols"
check_symbols [lindex $result 1]
close $fi

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.global main
.include "codeview2.s"

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@