gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/break.exp: split test_break

Move all the remaining tests to a single test_break proc.  It's a bit
big, but all of these are kind of tied together.  The procs starts by
setting breakpoints, checks that we can see them in "info breakpoints",
and tries stopping on them.

Move all the "set bp_locationX" calls together at the top.

Change-Id: Id05f98957e1a3462532d2dbd577cd0a7c7263900
Approved-By: Kevin Buettner <>
This commit is contained in:
Simon Marchi 2022-11-23 13:39:59 -05:00 committed by Simon Marchi
parent 3274ac5378
commit b611cce454

View File

@ -15,111 +15,22 @@
# This file was written by Rob Savoye. (
if { [prepare_for_testing "failed to prepare" "break" {break.c break1.c} {debug nowarnings}] } {
if { [build_executable "failed to prepare" "break" {break.c break1.c} {debug nowarnings}] } {
return -1
set srcfile break.c
set srcfile1 break1.c
# test simple breakpoint setting commands
# Test deleting all breakpoints when there are none installed,
# GDB should not prompt for confirmation.
# Note that lib/gdb.exp provides a "delete_breakpoints" proc
# for general use elsewhere.
send_gdb "delete breakpoints\n"
gdb_expect {
-re "Delete all breakpoints.*$" {
send_gdb "y\n"
gdb_expect {
-re "$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "delete all breakpoints when none (unexpected prompt)"
timeout { fail "delete all breakpoints when none (timeout after unexpected prompt)" }
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" { pass "delete all breakpoints when none" }
timeout { fail "delete all breakpoints when none (timeout)" }
# test break at function
gdb_test "break -q main" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*" \
"breakpoint function"
# test break at quoted function
gdb_test "break \"marker2\"" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile1, line.*" \
"breakpoint quoted function"
# test break at function in file
gdb_test "break $srcfile:factorial" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*" \
"breakpoint function in file"
set bp_location1 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 1 here"]
# test break at line number
# Note that the default source file is the last one whose source text
# was printed. For native debugging, before we've executed the
# program, this is the file containing main, but for remote debugging,
# it's wherever the processor was stopped when we connected to the
# board. So, to be sure, we do a list command.
gdb_test "list -q main" \
".*main \\(int argc, char \\*\\*argv, char \\*\\*envp\\).*" \
"use `list' to establish default source file"
gdb_test "break $bp_location1" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location1\\." \
"breakpoint line number"
# test duplicate breakpoint
gdb_test "break $bp_location1" \
"Note: breakpoint \[0-9\]+ also set at pc.*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+ at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location1\\." \
"breakpoint duplicate"
set bp_location2 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 2 here"]
# test break at line number in file
gdb_test "break $srcfile:$bp_location2" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location2\\." \
"breakpoint line number in file"
set bp_location3 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 3 here"]
set bp_location4 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 4 here"]
# Test putting a break at the start of a multi-line if conditional.
# Verify the breakpoint was put at the start of the conditional.
gdb_test "break multi_line_if_conditional" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location3\\." \
"breakpoint at start of multi line if conditional"
gdb_test "break multi_line_while_conditional" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location4\\." \
"breakpoint at start of multi line while conditional"
set bp_location6 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 6 here"]
set main_line $bp_location6
set bp_location7 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 7 here"]
set bp_location8 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 8 here" $srcfile1]
set bp_location11 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 11 here"]
set main_line $bp_location6
# In C++ mode, we see a full prototype; in C mode, we only see the
# function name, with no parameter info.
@ -127,168 +38,95 @@ proc func {name} {
return "${name}(?:\(\[^\r\n\]*\))?"
gdb_test "info break" \
"Num Type\[ \]+Disp Enb Address\[ \]+What.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$srcfile:$main_line.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func marker2] at .*$srcfile1:$bp_location8.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func factorial] at .*$srcfile:$bp_location7.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$srcfile:$bp_location1.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$srcfile:$bp_location1.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$srcfile:$bp_location2.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func multi_line_if_conditional] at .*$srcfile:$bp_location3.*
\[0-9\]+\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func multi_line_while_conditional] at .*$srcfile:$bp_location4" \
"breakpoint info"
# test simple breakpoint setting commands
# Test info breakpoint with arguments
proc_with_prefix test_break {} {
clean_restart break
set see1 0
set see2 0
set see3 0
set see4 0
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break 2 4 6" "info break 2 4 6" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*:$main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
-re "2\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]* in [func marker2] at \[^\r\n\]*" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
if { !$see1 && $see2 && !$see3 && $see4 && !$see5 && $see6 } then {
pass "info break 2 4 6"
} else {
fail "info break 2 4 6"
set see1 0
set see2 0
set see3 0
set see4 0
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break 3-5" "info break 3-5" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y.* in [func main] at .*:$main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
-re "2\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]* in [func marker2] at \[^\r\n\]*" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
if { !$see1 && !$see2 && $see3 && $see4 && $see5 && !$see6 } then {
pass "info break 3-5"
} else {
fail "info break 3-5"
# Test disable/enable with arguments
# Test with value history
with_test_prefix "with value history" {
gdb_test "print 1"
gdb_test "print 2"
gdb_test "print 3"
gdb_test "print 4"
gdb_test "print 5"
gdb_test "print 6"
# $2 is 2 and $$ is 5
gdb_test_no_output "disable \$2 \$\$" "disable using history values"
set see1 0
set see2 0
set see3 0
set see4 0
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break" "check disable with history values" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y.* in [func main] at .*:$main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
-re "2\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]* in [func marker2] at \[^\r\n\]*" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
if { $see1 && $see2 && $see3 && $see4 && $see5 && $see6 } then {
pass "check disable with history values"
} else {
fail "check disable with history values"
# Test deleting all breakpoints when there are none installed,
# GDB should not prompt for confirmation.
# Note that lib/gdb.exp provides a "delete_breakpoints" proc
# for general use elsewhere.
send_gdb "delete breakpoints\n"
gdb_expect {
-re "Delete all breakpoints.*$" {
send_gdb "y\n"
gdb_expect {
-re "$::gdb_prompt $" {
fail "delete all breakpoints when none (unexpected prompt)"
timeout { fail "delete all breakpoints when none (timeout after unexpected prompt)" }
-re ".*$::gdb_prompt $" { pass "delete all breakpoints when none" }
timeout { fail "delete all breakpoints when none (timeout)" }
with_test_prefix "with convenience vars" {
gdb_test "enable"
gdb_test "set \$foo = 3"
gdb_test "set \$bar = 6"
gdb_test_no_output "disable \$foo \$bar" "disable with convenience values"
# test break at function
gdb_test "break -q main" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line.*" \
"breakpoint function"
# test break at quoted function
gdb_test "break \"marker2\"" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile1, line.*" \
"breakpoint quoted function"
# test break at function in file
gdb_test "break $::srcfile:factorial" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line.*" \
"breakpoint function in file"
# test break at line number
# Note that the default source file is the last one whose source text
# was printed. For native debugging, before we've executed the
# program, this is the file containing main, but for remote debugging,
# it's wherever the processor was stopped when we connected to the
# board. So, to be sure, we do a list command.
gdb_test "list -q main" \
".*main \\(int argc, char \\*\\*argv, char \\*\\*envp\\).*" \
"use `list' to establish default source file"
gdb_test "break $::bp_location1" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $::bp_location1\\." \
"breakpoint line number"
# test duplicate breakpoint
gdb_test "break $::bp_location1" \
"Note: breakpoint \[0-9\]+ also set at pc.*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+ at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $::bp_location1\\." \
"breakpoint duplicate"
# test break at line number in file
gdb_test "break $::srcfile:$::bp_location2" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $::bp_location2\\." \
"breakpoint line number in file"
# Test putting a break at the start of a multi-line if conditional.
# Verify the breakpoint was put at the start of the conditional.
gdb_test "break multi_line_if_conditional" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $::bp_location3\\." \
"breakpoint at start of multi line if conditional"
gdb_test "break multi_line_while_conditional" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $::bp_location4\\." \
"breakpoint at start of multi line while conditional"
gdb_test "info break" \
[multi_line "Num Type\[ \]+Disp Enb Address\[ \]+What.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$::srcfile:$::main_line.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func marker2] at .*$::srcfile1:$::bp_location8.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func factorial] at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location7.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location1.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location1.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func main] at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location2.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func multi_line_if_conditional] at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location3.*" \
"$::decimal\[\t \]+breakpoint keep y.* in [func multi_line_while_conditional] at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location4"] \
"breakpoint info"
# Test info breakpoint with arguments
set see1 0
set see2 0
@ -297,8 +135,8 @@ with_test_prefix "with convenience vars" {
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break" "check disable with convenience values" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y.* in [func main] at .*:$main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
gdb_test_multiple "info break 2 4 6" "info break 2 4 6" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*:$::main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
@ -306,124 +144,272 @@ with_test_prefix "with convenience vars" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]*$bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
if { $see1 && $see2 && $see3 && $see4 && $see5 && $see6 } then {
pass "check disable with convenience values"
-re ".*$::gdb_prompt $" {
if { !$see1 && $see2 && !$see3 && $see4 && !$see5 && $see6 } then {
pass "info break 2 4 6"
} else {
fail "check disable with convenience values"
fail "info break 2 4 6"
set see1 0
set see2 0
set see3 0
set see4 0
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break 3-5" "info break 3-5" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y.* in [func main] at .*:$::main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
-re "2\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]* in [func marker2] at \[^\r\n\]*" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$::gdb_prompt $" {
if { !$see1 && !$see2 && $see3 && $see4 && $see5 && !$see6 } then {
pass "info break 3-5"
} else {
fail "info break 3-5"
# Test disable/enable with arguments
# Test with value history
with_test_prefix "with value history" {
gdb_test "print 1"
gdb_test "print 2"
gdb_test "print 3"
gdb_test "print 4"
gdb_test "print 5"
gdb_test "print 6"
# $2 is 2 and $$ is 5
gdb_test_no_output "disable \$2 \$\$" "disable using history values"
set see1 0
set see2 0
set see3 0
set see4 0
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break" "check disable with history values" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y.* in [func main] at .*:$::main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
-re "2\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]* in [func marker2] at \[^\r\n\]*" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$::gdb_prompt $" {
if { $see1 && $see2 && $see3 && $see4 && $see5 && $see6 } then {
pass "check disable with history values"
} else {
fail "check disable with history values"
with_test_prefix "with convenience vars" {
gdb_test "enable"
gdb_test "set \$foo = 3"
gdb_test "set \$bar = 6"
gdb_test_no_output "disable \$foo \$bar" "disable with convenience values"
set see1 0
set see2 0
set see3 0
set see4 0
set see5 0
set see6 0
gdb_test_multiple "info break" "check disable with convenience values" {
-re "1\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y.* in [func main] at .*:$::main_line\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see1 1
-re "2\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]* in [func marker2] at \[^\r\n\]*" {
set see2 1
-re "3\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location7\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see3 1
-re "4\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see4 1
-re "5\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep y\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location1\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see5 1
-re "6\[\t \]+breakpoint *keep n\[^\r\n\]*$::bp_location2\[^\r\n\]*" {
set see6 1
-re ".*$::gdb_prompt $" {
if { $see1 && $see2 && $see3 && $see4 && $see5 && $see6 } then {
pass "check disable with convenience values"
} else {
fail "check disable with convenience values"
# test with bad values
with_test_prefix "bad values" {
gdb_test "enable"
gdb_test "disable 10" "No breakpoint number 10." \
"disable non-existent breakpoint 10"
gdb_test_no_output "set \$baz = 1.234"
gdb_test "disable \$baz" \
"Convenience variable must have integer value.*" \
"disable with non-integer convenience var"
gdb_test "disable \$grbx" \
"Convenience variable must have integer value.*" \
"disable with non-existent convenience var"
gdb_test "disable \$10" \
"History has not yet reached .10." \
"disable with non-existent history value"
gdb_test "disable \$1foo" \
"Convenience variable must have integer value.*" \
"disable with badly formed history value"
# FIXME: The rest of this test doesn't work with anything that can't
# handle arguments.
# Huh? There doesn't *appear* to be anything that passes arguments
# below.
# run until the breakpoint at main is hit. For non-stubs-using targets.
gdb_test "" \
"Breakpoint \[0-9\]+,.*main .*argc.*argv.* at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location6.*$::bp_location6\[\t \]+if .argc.* \{.*" \
"run until function breakpoint"
# Test the 'list' commands sets current file for the 'break LINENO' command.
set bp_marker1 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 15 here" $::srcfile1]
gdb_test "list marker1" ".*"
gdb_test "break $bp_marker1" "Breakpoint \[0-9\]+ at 0x\[0-9a-f\]+: file .*$::srcfile1, line ${bp_marker1}\\." \
"break lineno"
gdb_test_no_output {delete $bpnum}
# run until the breakpoint at a line number
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location1.*$::bp_location1\[\t \]+printf.*factorial.*" \
"run until breakpoint set at a line number"
# Run until the breakpoint set in a function in a file
for {set i 6} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} {
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, factorial \\(value=$i\\) at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location7.*$::bp_location7\[\t \]+.*if .value > 1. \{.*" \
"run until file:function($i) breakpoint"
# Run until the breakpoint set at a quoted function
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, (0x\[0-9a-f\]+ in )?marker2 \\(a=43\\) at .*$::srcfile1:$::bp_location8.*" \
"run until quoted breakpoint"
# run until the file:function breakpoint at a line number in a file
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$::srcfile:$::bp_location2.*$::bp_location2\[\t \]+argc = \\(argc == 12345\\);.*" \
"run until file:linenum breakpoint"
# Test break at offset +1
set bp_location10 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 10 here"]
gdb_test "break +1" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $bp_location10\\." \
"breakpoint offset +1"
# Check to see if breakpoint is hit when stepped onto
gdb_test "step" \
".*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$::srcfile:$bp_location10.*$bp_location10\[\t \]+return argc;.*breakpoint 10 here.*" \
"step onto breakpoint"
# Check to see if breakpoint can be set on ending brace of function
set bp_location10a [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 10a here"]
gdb_test "break $bp_location10a" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$::srcfile, line $bp_location10a\\." \
"setting breakpoint at \}"
gdb_test "continue" \
".*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$::srcfile:$bp_location10a.*$bp_location10a\[\t \]+\}.*breakpoint 10a here.*" \
"continue to breakpoint at \}"
# test with bad values
with_test_prefix "bad values" {
gdb_test "enable"
gdb_test "disable 10" "No breakpoint number 10." \
"disable non-existent breakpoint 10"
gdb_test_no_output "set \$baz = 1.234"
gdb_test "disable \$baz" \
"Convenience variable must have integer value.*" \
"disable with non-integer convenience var"
gdb_test "disable \$grbx" \
"Convenience variable must have integer value.*" \
"disable with non-existent convenience var"
gdb_test "disable \$10" \
"History has not yet reached .10." \
"disable with non-existent history value"
gdb_test "disable \$1foo" \
"Convenience variable must have integer value.*" \
"disable with badly formed history value"
# FIXME: The rest of this test doesn't work with anything that can't
# handle arguments.
# Huh? There doesn't *appear* to be anything that passes arguments
# below.
# run until the breakpoint at main is hit. For non-stubs-using targets.
gdb_test "" \
"Breakpoint \[0-9\]+,.*main .*argc.*argv.* at .*$srcfile:$bp_location6.*$bp_location6\[\t \]+if .argc.* \{.*" \
"run until function breakpoint"
# Test the 'list' commands sets current file for the 'break LINENO' command.
set bp_marker1 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 15 here" ${srcfile1}]
gdb_test "list marker1" ".*"
gdb_test "break $bp_marker1" "Breakpoint \[0-9\]+ at 0x\[0-9a-f\]+: file .*${srcfile1}, line ${bp_marker1}\\." \
"break lineno"
gdb_test_no_output {delete $bpnum}
# run until the breakpoint at a line number
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$srcfile:$bp_location1.*$bp_location1\[\t \]+printf.*factorial.*" \
"run until breakpoint set at a line number"
# Run until the breakpoint set in a function in a file
for {set i 6} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} {
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, factorial \\(value=$i\\) at .*$srcfile:$bp_location7.*$bp_location7\[\t \]+.*if .value > 1. \{.*" \
"run until file:function($i) breakpoint"
# Run until the breakpoint set at a quoted function
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, (0x\[0-9a-f\]+ in )?marker2 \\(a=43\\) at .*$srcfile1:$bp_location8.*" \
"run until quoted breakpoint"
# run until the file:function breakpoint at a line number in a file
gdb_test continue "Continuing\\..*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$srcfile:$bp_location2.*$bp_location2\[\t \]+argc = \\(argc == 12345\\);.*" \
"run until file:linenum breakpoint"
# Test break at offset +1
set bp_location10 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 10 here"]
gdb_test "break +1" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location10\\." \
"breakpoint offset +1"
# Check to see if breakpoint is hit when stepped onto
gdb_test "step" \
".*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$srcfile:$bp_location10.*$bp_location10\[\t \]+return argc;.*breakpoint 10 here.*" \
"step onto breakpoint"
# Check to see if breakpoint can be set on ending brace of function
set bp_location10a [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 10a here"]
gdb_test "break $bp_location10a" \
"Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line $bp_location10a\\." \
"setting breakpoint at }"
gdb_test "continue" \
".*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+, main \\(argc=.*, argv=.*, envp=.*\\) at .*$srcfile:$bp_location10a.*$bp_location10a\[\t \]+}.*breakpoint 10a here.*" \
"continue to breakpoint at }"
set bp_location11 [gdb_get_line_number "set breakpoint 11 here"]
proc_with_prefix test_tbreak {} {
clean_restart break