When deleting NOP instructions addend by .align at second pass, this may cause the PC decrease but the symbol address to remain unchanged due to section alignment. To solve this question, we subtract a maximux alignment of all sections like RISC-V.
315 lines
7.1 KiB
315 lines
7.1 KiB
# Expect script for LoongArch ELF linker tests
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of the GNU Binutils.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
if [istarget loongarch64-*-*] {
if [isbuild loongarch64-*-*] {
set testname "loongarch relax .exe build"
set pre_builds [list \
[list \
"$testname" \
"" \
"" \
{relax.s} \
{} \
"relax" \
] \
run_cc_link_tests $pre_builds
if [file exist "tmpdir/relax"] {
set objdump_output [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/relax"]
if { [ regexp ".*pcaddi.*pcaddi.*" $objdump_output] } {
pass "loongarch relax .exe"
} {
fail "loongarch relax .exe"
set testname "loongarch ld --no-relax build"
set pre_builds [list \
[list \
"$testname" \
"-Wl,--no-relax" \
"" \
{relax.s} \
{} \
"norelax" \
] \
run_cc_link_tests $pre_builds
if [file exist "tmpdir/norelax"] {
set objdump_output [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/norelax"]
if { [ regexp ".*pcaddi.*" $objdump_output] } {
fail "loongarch ld --no-relax"
} {
pass "loongarch ld --no-relax"
if [check_shared_lib_support] {
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch relax .so build" \
"-shared -e 0x0" "" \
"" \
{relax-so.s} \
{} \
"relax-so" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/relax-so"] {
set objdump_output [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/relax-so"]
if { [ regexp ".*pcaddi.*" $objdump_output] } {
pass "loongarch relax .so"
} {
fail "loongarch relax .so"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch tls le relax .exe build" \
"" "" \
"" \
{relax-tls-le.s} \
{} \
"relax-tls-le" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/relax-tls-le"] {
set objdump_output1 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/relax-tls-le"]
if { [ regexp ".addi.*st.*" $objdump_output1] } {
pass "loongarch relax success"
} {
fail "loongarch relax fail"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch tls le no relax .exe build" \
"--no-relax" "" \
"" \
{relax-tls-le.s} \
{} \
"no-relax-tls-le" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/no-relax-tls-le"] {
set objdump_output2 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/no-relax-tls-le"]
if { [ regexp ".*lu12i.*add.*addi.*st.*" $objdump_output2] } {
pass "loongarch no-relax success"
} {
fail "loongarch no-relax fail"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch old tls le .exe build" \
"" "" \
"" \
{old-tls-le.s} \
{} \
"old-tls-le" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/old-tls-le"] {
set objdump_output3 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/old-tls-le"]
if { [ regexp ".*lu12i.*ori.*add.*addi.*stptr.*" $objdump_output3] } {
pass "loongarch old tls le success"
} {
fail "loongarch old tls le fail"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch tls le realx compatible .exe build" \
"" "" \
"" \
{tls-relax-compatible-check-new.s tls-relax-compatible-check-old.s} \
{} \
"realx-compatible" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/realx-compatible"] {
set objdump_output4 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/realx-compatible"]
if { [ regexp ".addi.*st.*" $objdump_output4] && \
[ regexp ".*lu12i.*ori.*add.*addi.*stptr.*" $objdump_output4] } {
pass "loongarch tls le relax compatible check success"
} {
fail "loongarch tls le relax compatible check fail"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch tls le no realx compatible .exe build" \
"--no-relax" "" \
"" \
{tls-relax-compatible-check-new.s tls-relax-compatible-check-old.s} \
{} \
"no-realx-compatible" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/no-realx-compatible"] {
set objdump_output4 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/no-realx-compatible"]
if { [ regexp ".*lu12i.*add.*addi.*st.*" $objdump_output4] && \
[ regexp ".*lu12i.*ori.*add.*addi.*stptr.*" $objdump_output4] } {
pass "loongarch tls le no-relax compatible check success"
} {
fail "loongarch tls le no-relax compatible check fail"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch tls le realx bound-check .exe build" \
"" "" \
"" \
{relax-bound-check-tls-le.s} \
{} \
"relax-bound-check-tls-le" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/relax-bound-check-tls-le"] {
set objdump_output5 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/relax-bound-check-tls-le"]
if { [ regexp ".*lu12i.*add.*addi.*st.*" $objdump_output5] && \
[ regexp ".addi.*st.*" $objdump_output5] } {
pass "loongarch no-relax success"
} {
fail "loongarch no-relax fail"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch tls le no realx bound-check .exe build" \
"--no-relax" "" \
"" \
{relax-bound-check-tls-le.s} \
{} \
"no-relax-bound-check-tls-le" \
] \
if [file exist "tmpdir/no-relax-bound-check-tls-le"] {
set objdump_output5 [run_host_cmd "objdump" "-d tmpdir/no-relax-bound-check-tls-le"]
if { [ regexp ".*addi.*st.*" $objdump_output5] } {
pass "loongarch no-relax success"
} {
fail "loongarch no-relax fail"
# If symbol in data segment, offset need to sub segment align to prevent
# overflow.
if [check_pie_support] {
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch relax segment alignment min" \
"-e0 -Ttext 0x120004000 -pie -z relro" "" \
"" \
{relax-segment-min.s} \
{} \
"relax-segment-min" \
] \
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch relax segment alignment max" \
"-e0 -Ttext 0x120004000 -pie -z relro" "" \
"" \
{relax-segment-max.s} \
{} \
"relax-segment-max" \
] \
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch relax section align overflow" \
"-e0 -Ttext 0x120000000" "" \
"" \
{relax-section-align-overflow.s} \
{} \
"relax-section-align-overflow" \
] \
if [check_shared_lib_support] {
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch relax-align" \
"-e 0x0 -z relro" "" \
"--no-warn" \
{relax-align.s} \
[list \
[list objdump -d relax-align.dd] \
] \
"relax-align" \
] \
set objdump_flags "-s -j .data"
run_ld_link_tests \
[list \
[list \
"loongarch uleb128" \
"-e 0x0" "" \
"" \
{uleb128.s} \
[list \
[list objdump $objdump_flags uleb128.dd] \
] \
"uleb128" \
] \