Jim Blandy 347dc97d2d * gdb.asm/asm-source.exp (info symbol): Anchor the pattern
matching the entry point symbol's name at the beginning of the
2001-12-10 20:30:00 +00:00

213 lines
6.2 KiB

# Copyright 1998, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:
# bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu
# This file was written by Kendra.
if $tracelevel then {
strace $tracelevel
# Test debugging assembly level programs.
# This file uses asmsrc[12].s for input.
set prms_id 0
set bug_id 0
set asm-arch ""
set asm-flags ""
set link-flags ""
if [istarget "d10v-*-*"] then {
set asm-arch d10v
if [istarget "s390-*-*"] then {
set asm-arch s390
if [istarget "i\[3456\]86-*-*"] then {
set asm-arch i386
if [istarget "m32r*-*"] then {
set asm-arch m32r
if [istarget "sparc-*-*"] then {
set asm-arch sparc
if { "${asm-arch}" == "" } {
gdb_suppress_entire_file "Assembly source test -- not implemented for this target."
set testfile "asm-source"
set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}
set src1 ${srcdir}/${subdir}/asmsrc1.s
set src2 ${srcdir}/${subdir}/asmsrc2.s
if { "${asm-flags}" == "" } {
#set asm-flags "-Wa,-gstabs,-I${srcdir}/${subdir},-I${objdir}/${subdir}"
set asm-flags "-gstabs -I${srcdir}/${subdir} -I${objdir}/${subdir}"
if {[target_assemble ${src1} asmsrc1.o "${asm-flags}"] != ""} then {
gdb_suppress_entire_file "Testcase compile failed, so all tests in this file will automatically fail."
if {[target_assemble ${src2} asmsrc2.o "${asm-flags}"] != ""} then {
gdb_suppress_entire_file "Testcase compile failed, so all tests in this file will automatically fail."
if { [target_link "asmsrc1.o asmsrc2.o" ${binfile} "${link-flags}"] != "" } {
gdb_suppress_entire_file "Testcase compile failed, so all tests in this file will automatically fail."
remote_exec build "mv asmsrc1.o asmsrc2.o ${objdir}/${subdir}"
gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
gdb_load ${binfile}
# Run to `main' where we begin our tests.
if ![runto_main] then {
# Execute the `f' command and see if the result includes source info.
gdb_test "f" "asmsrc1\[.\]s:29.*several_nops" "f at main"
# See if we properly `next' over a macro with several insns.
gdb_test "n" "33\[ \]*.*foo2" "next over macro"
# See if we can properly `step' into a subroutine call.
gdb_test "s" "8\[ \]*.*" "step into foo2"
# Test 'info target', and incidentally capture the entry point address.
set entry_point 0
send_gdb "info target\n"
gdb_expect {
-re "Symbols from .*asm-source.*Entry point: 0x(\[01232456789abcdefABCDEF\]+).*$gdb_prompt $" {
set entry_point $expect_out(1,string)
pass "info target"
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "info target"
timeout {
fail "info target (timeout)"
# Capture the start symbol (may be '_start' or 'start')
set entry_symbol ""
send_gdb "info symbol 0x$entry_point\n"
gdb_expect {
-re "info symbol 0x$entry_point\[\r\n\]*" {
-re "^(.*) in section .*$gdb_prompt $" {
# It's important to anchor the pattern above at the beginning
# of the line. Without that carat, the (.*) may end up
# matching the empty string.
set entry_symbol $expect_out(1,string)
pass "info symbol"
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "info symbol"
timeout {
fail "info symbol (timeout)"
# Now try a 'list' from the other source file.
gdb_test "list $entry_symbol" ".*gdbasm_startup.*" "list"
# Now try a source file search
gdb_test "search A routine for foo2 to call" \
"39\[ \t\]+comment \"A routine for foo2 to call.\"" "search"
# See if `f' prints the right source file.
gdb_test "f" ".*asmsrc2\[.\]s:8.*" "f in foo2"
# `next' one insn (or macro) to set up our stackframe (for the following bt).
gdb_test "n" "12\[ \]*.*foo3" "n in foo2"
# See if a simple `bt' prints the right source files and
# doesn't fall off the stack.
gdb_test "bt 10" \
"\#0.*foo2.*asmsrc2\[.\]s:12.*\#1.*main.*asmsrc1\[.\]s:33(.*\#2.*start\[^\r\n\]*)?" \
"bt ALL in foo2"
# See if a capped `bt' prints the right source files.
gdb_test "bt 2" "\#0.*foo2.*asmsrc2\[.\]s:12.*\#1.*main.*asmsrc1\[.\]s:33.*" "bt 2 in foo2"
# Step into another subroutine which lives back in the first source file.
gdb_test "s" "" "s 2"
# Next over insns to set up the stack frame.
gdb_test "n" "" "n 2"
# Now see if a capped `bt' is correct.
gdb_test "bt 3" "\#0.*foo3.*asmsrc1\[.\]s:44.*\#1.*foo2.*asmsrc2\[.\]s:12.*\#2.*main.*asmsrc1\[.\]s:33.*" "bt 3 in foo3"
# Try 'info source' from asmsrc1.s
gdb_test "info source" \
"Current source file is .*asmsrc1.s.*Source language is asm.*" \
"info source asmsrc1.s"
# Try 'finishing' from foo3
gdb_test "finish" "Run till exit from.*\[\r\n\]13\[ \t\]+gdbasm_call foo3" \
"finish from foo3"
# Try 'info source' from asmsrc2.s
gdb_test "info source" \
"Current source file is .*asmsrc2.s.*Source language is asm.*" \
"info source asmsrc2.s"
# Try 'info sources'
gdb_test "info sources" \
"Source files .*asmsrc\[12\].s.*asmsrc\[12\].s.*" \
"info sources"
# Try 'info line'
gdb_test "info line" \
"Line 13 of.*asmsrc2.s.*starts at.*<foo2+.*> and ends at.*<foo2+.*>." \
"info line"
# Try 'nexting' over next call to foo3
gdb_test "next" "17\[ \t\]+gdbasm_leave" "next over foo3"
# Try 'return' from foo2
gdb_test "return" "\#0 main .*37\[ \t\]+gdbasm_exit0" "return from foo2" \
"Make selected stack frame return now\?.*" "y"
# See if we can look at a global variable
gdb_test "print globalvar" ".* = 11" "look at global variable"
# See if we can look at a static variable
gdb_test "print staticvar" ".* = 5" "look at static variable"
# See if we can look at a static function
gdb_test "disassem foostatic" ".*<foostatic>:.*End of assembler dump." \
"look at static function"