1991-04-29 05:28:45 +00:00

148 lines
4.7 KiB

/* Definitions to make GDB hosted on a tahoe running 4.3-Reno
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GDB.
GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
any later version.
GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GDB; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
* Ported by the State University of New York at Buffalo by the Distributed
* Computer Systems Lab, Department of Computer Science, 1991.
* These first two are kludges to get this thing to compile under Reno (or
* at least the Reno running on okeeffe). It seems there are a few problems
* with the include files.
/* to compile infrun.c -
don't allow sys/dir.h to be included, it gets redefined and
by ufs/dir.h and screws up my life! */
#define _DIRENT_
/* to compile remote.c -
when sys/ioctl.h get's called we need USE_OLD_TTY defined
so that ioctl_compat.h will be included. latter, sgtty.h
tries to define USE_OLD_TTY and call sys/ioctl.h but it's
too late */
#define USE_OLD_TTY
/* Get rid of any system-imposed stack limit if possible. */
#define REGISTER_U_ADDR(addr, blockend, regno) \
{ addr = blockend - 100 + regno * 4; \
if (regno == PC_REGNUM) addr = blockend - 8; \
if (regno == PS_REGNUM) addr = blockend - 4; \
if (regno == FP_REGNUM) addr = blockend - 40; \
if (regno == SP_REGNUM) addr = blockend - 36; \
if (regno == AL_REGNUM) addr = blockend - 20; \
if (regno == AH_REGNUM) addr = blockend - 24;}
/* Interface definitions for kernel debugger KDB. */
/* Map machine fault codes into signal numbers.
First subtract 0, divide by 4, then index in a table.
Faults for which the entry in this table is 0
are not handled by KDB; the program's own trap handler
gets to handle then. */
#define FAULT_TABLE \
{ 0, SIGKILL, SIGSEGV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
0, 0, SIGTRAP, SIGTRAP, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
/* Start running with a stack stretching from BEG to END.
BEG and END should be symbols meaningful to the assembler.
This is used only for kdb. */
#define INIT_STACK(beg, end) \
{ asm (".globl end"); \
asm ("movl $ end, sp"); \
asm ("clrl fp"); }
/* Push the frame pointer register on the stack. */
#define PUSH_FRAME_PTR \
asm ("pushl fp");
/* Copy the top-of-stack to the frame pointer register. */
#define POP_FRAME_PTR \
asm ("movl (sp), fp");
/* After KDB is entered by a fault, push all registers
that GDB thinks about (all NUM_REGS of them),
so that they appear in order of ascending GDB register number.
The fault code will be on the stack beyond the last register. */
{ asm ("pushl 8(sp)"); \
asm ("pushl 8(sp)"); \
asm ("pushal 0x41(sp)"); \
asm ("pushl r0" ); \
asm ("pushl r1" ); \
asm ("pushl r2" ); \
asm ("pushl r3" ); \
asm ("pushl r4" ); \
asm ("pushl r5" ); \
asm ("pushl r6" ); \
asm ("pushl r7" ); \
asm ("pushl r8" ); \
asm ("pushl r9" ); \
asm ("pushl r10" ); \
asm ("pushl r11" ); \
asm ("pushl r12" ); \
asm ("pushl fp" ); \
asm ("pushl sp" ); \
asm ("pushl pc" ); \
asm ("pushl ps" ); \
asm ("pushl aclo" ); \
asm ("pushl achi" ); \
/* Assuming the registers (including processor status) have been
pushed on the stack in order of ascending GDB register number,
restore them and return to the address in the saved PC register. */
{ \
asm ("movl (sp)+, achi"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, aclo"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, ps"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, pc"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, sp"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, fp"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r12"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r11"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r10"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r9"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r8"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r7"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r6"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r5"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r4"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r3"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r2"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r1"); \
asm ("movl (sp)+, r0"); \
asm ("subl2 $8,(sp)"); \
asm ("movl (sp),sp"); \
asm ("rei"); }