This makes cargo test test all the stuff in tests/rust, and thus makes unnecessary. Co-authored-by: Axel Nennker <>
688 lines
22 KiB
688 lines
22 KiB
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::{self, BufReader};
use std::path::Path as StdPath;
use std::str::FromStr;
use serde::de::value::{MapAccessDeserializer, SeqAccessDeserializer};
use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer, MapAccess, SeqAccess, Visitor};
use toml;
use bindgen::ir::annotation::AnnotationSet;
use bindgen::ir::path::Path;
pub use bindgen::rename::RenameRule;
pub const VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
/// A language type to generate bindings for.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Language {
impl FromStr for Language {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Language, Self::Err> {
match s {
"cxx" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"Cxx" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"CXX" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"cpp" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"Cpp" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"CPP" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"c++" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"C++" => Ok(Language::Cxx),
"c" => Ok(Language::C),
"C" => Ok(Language::C),
_ => Err(format!("Unrecognized Language: '{}'.", s)),
/// A style of braces to use for generating code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Braces {
impl FromStr for Braces {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Braces, Self::Err> {
match s {
"SameLine" => Ok(Braces::SameLine),
"same_line" => Ok(Braces::SameLine),
"NextLine" => Ok(Braces::NextLine),
"next_line" => Ok(Braces::NextLine),
_ => Err(format!("Unrecognized Braces: '{}'.", s)),
/// A type of layout to use when generating long lines of code.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Layout {
impl FromStr for Layout {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Layout, Self::Err> {
match s {
"Horizontal" => Ok(Layout::Horizontal),
"horizontal" => Ok(Layout::Horizontal),
"Vertical" => Ok(Layout::Vertical),
"vertical" => Ok(Layout::Vertical),
"Auto" => Ok(Layout::Auto),
"auto" => Ok(Layout::Auto),
_ => Err(format!("Unrecognized Layout: '{}'.", s)),
/// How the comments containing documentation should be styled.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Copy)]
pub enum DocumentationStyle {
impl FromStr for DocumentationStyle {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<DocumentationStyle, Self::Err> {
match s.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
"c" => Ok(DocumentationStyle::C),
"c99" => Ok(DocumentationStyle::C99),
"cxx" => Ok(DocumentationStyle::Cxx),
"c++" => Ok(DocumentationStyle::Cxx),
"doxy" => Ok(DocumentationStyle::Doxy),
"auto" => Ok(DocumentationStyle::Auto),
_ => Err(format!("Unrecognized documentation style: '{}'.", s)),
/// A style of Style to use when generating structs and enums.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Style {
impl Style {
pub fn generate_tag(&self) -> bool {
match self {
&Style::Both => true,
&Style::Tag => true,
&Style::Type => false,
pub fn generate_typedef(&self) -> bool {
match self {
&Style::Both => true,
&Style::Tag => false,
&Style::Type => true,
impl FromStr for Style {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Style, Self::Err> {
match s {
"Both" => Ok(Style::Both),
"both" => Ok(Style::Both),
"Tag" => Ok(Style::Tag),
"tag" => Ok(Style::Tag),
"Type" => Ok(Style::Type),
"type" => Ok(Style::Type),
_ => Err(format!("Unrecognized Style: '{}'.", s)),
/// Different item types that we can generate and filter.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ItemType {
impl FromStr for ItemType {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
use self::ItemType::*;
Ok(match &*s.to_lowercase() {
"constants" => Constants,
"globals" => Globals,
"enums" => Enums,
"structs" => Structs,
"unions" => Unions,
"typedefs" => Typedefs,
"opaque" => OpaqueItems,
"functions" => Functions,
_ => return Err(format!("Unrecognized Style: '{}'.", s)),
/// Settings to apply when exporting items.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct ExportConfig {
/// A list of additional items not used by exported functions to include in
/// the generated bindings
pub include: Vec<String>,
/// A list of items to not include in the generated bindings
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
/// Table of name conversions to apply to item names
pub rename: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Table of raw strings to append to the body of items.
pub body: HashMap<String, String>,
/// A prefix to add before the name of every item
pub prefix: Option<String>,
/// Types of items to generate.
pub item_types: Vec<ItemType>,
/// Whether renaming overrides or extends prefixing.
pub renaming_overrides_prefixing: bool,
impl ExportConfig {
pub(crate) fn should_generate(&self, item_type: ItemType) -> bool {
self.item_types.is_empty() || self.item_types.contains(&item_type)
pub(crate) fn extra_body(&self, path: &Path) -> Option<&str> {
self.body.get(|s| s.trim_matches('\n'))
pub(crate) fn rename(&self, item_name: &mut String) {
if let Some(name) = self.rename.get(item_name) {
*item_name = name.clone();
if self.renaming_overrides_prefixing {
if let Some(ref prefix) = self.prefix {
item_name.insert_str(0, &prefix);
/// Settings to apply to generated functions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct FunctionConfig {
/// Optional text to output before each function declaration
pub prefix: Option<String>,
/// Optional text to output after each function declaration
pub postfix: Option<String>,
/// The way to annotation this function as #[must_use].
pub must_use: Option<String>,
/// The style to layout the args
pub args: Layout,
/// The rename rule to apply to function args
pub rename_args: Option<RenameRule>,
impl Default for FunctionConfig {
fn default() -> FunctionConfig {
FunctionConfig {
prefix: None,
postfix: None,
must_use: None,
args: Layout::Auto,
rename_args: None,
impl FunctionConfig {
pub(crate) fn prefix(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(x) = annotations.atom("prefix") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn postfix(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(x) = annotations.atom("postfix") {
return x;
/// Settings to apply to generated structs.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct StructConfig {
/// The rename rule to apply to the name of struct fields
pub rename_fields: Option<RenameRule>,
/// Whether to generate a constructor for the struct (which takes
/// arguments to initialize all the members)
pub derive_constructor: bool,
/// Whether to generate a piecewise equality operator
pub derive_eq: bool,
/// Whether to generate a piecewise inequality operator
pub derive_neq: bool,
/// Whether to generate a less than operator on structs with one field
pub derive_lt: bool,
/// Whether to generate a less than or equal to operator on structs with one field
pub derive_lte: bool,
/// Whether to generate a greater than operator on structs with one field
pub derive_gt: bool,
/// Whether to generate a greater than or equal to operator on structs with one field
pub derive_gte: bool,
/// Whether associated constants should be in the body. Only applicable to
/// non-transparent structs, and in C++-only.
pub associated_constants_in_body: bool,
/// The way to annotation this struct as #[must_use].
pub must_use: Option<String>,
impl StructConfig {
pub(crate) fn derive_constructor(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-constructor") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_eq(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-eq") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_neq(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-neq") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_lt(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-lt") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_lte(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-lte") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_gt(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-gt") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_gte(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-gte") {
return x;
/// Settings to apply to generated enums.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct EnumConfig {
/// The rename rule to apply to the name of enum variants
pub rename_variants: Option<RenameRule>,
/// Whether to add a `Sentinel` value at the end of every enum
/// This is useful in Gecko for IPC serialization
pub add_sentinel: bool,
/// Whether the enum variants should be prefixed with the enum name
pub prefix_with_name: bool,
/// Whether to generate static `::X(..)` constructors and `IsX()`
/// methods for tagged enums.
pub derive_helper_methods: bool,
/// Whether to generate `AsX() const` methods for tagged enums.
pub derive_const_casts: bool,
/// Whether to generate `AsX()` methods for tagged enums.
pub derive_mut_casts: bool,
/// The name of the macro to use for `derive_{const,mut}casts`. If custom, you're
/// responsible to provide the necessary header, otherwise `assert` will be
/// used, and `<cassert>` will be included.
pub cast_assert_name: Option<String>,
/// The way to annotation this enum as #[must_use].
pub must_use: Option<String>,
impl EnumConfig {
pub(crate) fn add_sentinel(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("add-sentinel") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_helper_methods(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-helper-methods") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_const_casts(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-const-casts") {
return x;
pub(crate) fn derive_mut_casts(&self, annotations: &AnnotationSet) -> bool {
if let Some(x) = annotations.bool("derive-mut-casts") {
return x;
/// Settings to apply to generated constants.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct ConstantConfig {
/// Whether a generated constant can be a static const in C++ mode.
pub allow_static_const: bool,
impl Default for ConstantConfig {
fn default() -> ConstantConfig {
ConstantConfig {
allow_static_const: true,
/// Settings for custom macro expansion.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct MacroExpansionConfig {
/// Whether the `bitflags` macro should be expanded.
pub bitflags: bool,
/// Settings to apply when running `rustc --pretty=expanded`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct ParseExpandConfig {
/// The names of crates to parse with `rustc --pretty=expanded`
pub crates: Vec<String>,
/// Whether to enable all the features when expanding.
pub all_features: bool,
/// Whether to use the default feature set when expanding.
pub default_features: bool,
/// List of features to use when expanding. Combines with `default_features` like in
/// `Cargo.toml`.
pub features: Option<Vec<String>>,
impl Default for ParseExpandConfig {
fn default() -> ParseExpandConfig {
ParseExpandConfig {
crates: Vec::new(),
all_features: false,
default_features: true,
features: None,
// Backwards-compatibility deserializer for ParseExpandConfig. This allows accepting both the
// simple `expand = ["crate"]` and the more complex `expand = {"crates": ["crate"],
// "default_features": false}` format for the `expand` key.
// Note that one (major) difference between the two forms is that, for backwards-compatibility
// reasons, the `expand = ["crate"]` form will enable the `--all-features` flag by default while
// the `expand = {"crates": ["crate"]}` form will use the default feature set by default.
fn retrocomp_parse_expand_config_deserialize<'de, D: Deserializer<'de>>(
deserializer: D,
) -> Result<ParseExpandConfig, D::Error> {
struct ParseExpandVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for ParseExpandVisitor {
type Value = ParseExpandConfig;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("a map or sequence of string")
fn visit_seq<A: SeqAccess<'de>>(self, seq: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
let crates =
<Vec<String> as Deserialize>::deserialize(SeqAccessDeserializer::new(seq))?;
Ok(ParseExpandConfig {
all_features: true,
default_features: true,
features: None,
fn visit_map<A: MapAccess<'de>>(self, map: A) -> Result<Self::Value, A::Error> {
<ParseExpandConfig as Deserialize>::deserialize(MapAccessDeserializer::new(map))
/// Settings to apply when parsing.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct ParseConfig {
/// Whether to parse dependencies when generating bindings. When this is true,
/// each dependent crate is found using a combination of `cargo metadata` and
/// `Cargo.lock`. To further control this behavior, crates can be whitelisted or
/// blacklisted using `include` and `exclude` respectively. Additionally in cases
/// where crates have types to expose in bindings hidden in macros, a crate can
/// be marked in `expand` and `cargo expand` will be used to expand the macros
/// before parsing. A crate marked in `expand` doesn't need to be added to any
/// whitelist.
pub parse_deps: bool,
/// An optional whitelist of names of crates to parse
pub include: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// The names of crates to not parse
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
/// The configuration options for `rustc --pretty=expanded`
#[serde(deserialize_with = "retrocomp_parse_expand_config_deserialize")]
pub expand: ParseExpandConfig,
/// Whether to use a new temporary target directory when running `rustc --pretty=expanded`.
/// This may be required for some build processes.
pub clean: bool,
impl Default for ParseConfig {
fn default() -> ParseConfig {
ParseConfig {
parse_deps: false,
include: None,
exclude: Vec::new(),
expand: ParseExpandConfig::default(),
clean: false,
/// A collection of settings to customize the generated bindings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct Config {
/// Optional text to output at the beginning of the file
pub header: Option<String>,
/// A list of additional includes to put at the beginning of the generated header
pub includes: Vec<String>,
/// A list of additional system includes to put at the beginning of the generated header
pub sys_includes: Vec<String>,
/// Optional text to output at the end of the file
pub trailer: Option<String>,
/// Optional name to use for an include guard
pub include_guard: Option<String>,
/// Generates no includes at all. Overrides all other include options
/// This option is useful when using cbindgen with tools such as python's cffi which
/// doesn't understand include directives
pub no_includes: bool,
/// Optional text to output at major sections to deter manual editing
pub autogen_warning: Option<String>,
/// Include a comment with the version of cbindgen used to generate the file
pub include_version: bool,
/// An optional name for the root namespace. Only applicable when language="C++"
pub namespace: Option<String>,
/// An optional list of namespaces. Only applicable when language="C++"
pub namespaces: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// The style to use for braces
pub braces: Braces,
/// The preferred length of a line, used for auto breaking function arguments
pub line_length: usize,
/// The amount of spaces in a tab
pub tab_width: usize,
/// The language to output bindings for
pub language: Language,
/// The style to declare structs, enums and unions in for C
pub style: Style,
/// The configuration options for parsing
pub parse: ParseConfig,
/// The configuration options for exporting
pub export: ExportConfig,
/// The configuration options for macros.
pub macro_expansion: MacroExpansionConfig,
/// The configuration options for functions
#[serde(rename = "fn")]
pub function: FunctionConfig,
/// The configuration options for structs
#[serde(rename = "struct")]
pub structure: StructConfig,
/// The configuration options for enums
#[serde(rename = "enum")]
pub enumeration: EnumConfig,
/// The configuration options for constants
#[serde(rename = "const")]
pub constant: ConstantConfig,
/// Preprocessor defines to use when generating #ifdef's for #[cfg]
pub defines: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Include doc comments from rust as documentation
pub documentation: bool,
/// How documentation comments should be styled.
pub documentation_style: DocumentationStyle,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
header: None,
includes: Vec::new(),
sys_includes: Vec::new(),
trailer: None,
include_guard: None,
autogen_warning: None,
include_version: false,
no_includes: false,
namespace: None,
namespaces: None,
braces: Braces::SameLine,
line_length: 100,
tab_width: 2,
language: Language::Cxx,
style: Style::Type,
macro_expansion: Default::default(),
parse: ParseConfig::default(),
export: ExportConfig::default(),
function: FunctionConfig::default(),
structure: StructConfig::default(),
enumeration: EnumConfig::default(),
constant: ConstantConfig::default(),
defines: HashMap::new(),
documentation: true,
documentation_style: DocumentationStyle::Auto,
impl Config {
pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<StdPath>>(file_name: P) -> Result<Config, String> {
fn read(file_name: &StdPath) -> io::Result<String> {
let file = File::open(file_name)?;
let mut reader = BufReader::new(&file);
let mut contents = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
let config_text = read(file_name.as_ref()).unwrap();
match toml::from_str::<Config>(&config_text) {
Ok(x) => Ok(x),
Err(e) => Err(format!("Couldn't parse config file: {}.", e)),
pub fn from_root_or_default<P: AsRef<StdPath>>(root: P) -> Config {
let c = root.as_ref().join("cbindgen.toml");
if c.exists() {
} else {