Rename expectation files to contain only one dot. This is needed for the Cython tests as of Cython 3. The following script was used in a clean repository to rename the files: ```sh ls | sed -E -n 's/(.*)\.(both|tag)?((\..*)?\.(c|cpp|pyx))/mv "\1.\2\3" "\1_\2\3"/p' | sh ```
37 lines
813 B
37 lines
813 B
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef const char *Str;
typedef struct HashTable_Str__c_char__false {
uintptr_t num_buckets;
uintptr_t capacity;
uint8_t *occupied;
Str *keys;
char *vals;
} HashTable_Str__c_char__false;
typedef struct HashTable_Str__c_char__false MySet;
typedef void (*SetCallback)(Str key);
typedef struct HashTable_Str__u64__true {
uintptr_t num_buckets;
uintptr_t capacity;
uint8_t *occupied;
Str *keys;
uint64_t *vals;
} HashTable_Str__u64__true;
typedef void (*MapCallback)(Str key, uint64_t val);
MySet *new_set(void);
void set_for_each(const MySet *set, SetCallback callback);
struct HashTable_Str__u64__true *new_map(void);
void map_for_each(const struct HashTable_Str__u64__true *map, MapCallback callback);