Jonathan Schwender 51a981cefc Rename expectations files
Rename expectation files to contain only one dot.
This is needed for the Cython tests as of Cython 3.
The following script was used in a clean repository
to rename the files:

 ls | sed -E -n 's/(.*)\.(both|tag)?((\..*)?\.(c|cpp|pyx))/mv "\1.\2\3" "\1_\2\3"/p' | sh
2023-09-04 19:37:45 +02:00

126 lines
3.4 KiB

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct TypedLength_f32__UnknownUnit {
float _0;
} TypedLength_f32__UnknownUnit;
typedef struct TypedLength_f32__LayoutUnit {
float _0;
} TypedLength_f32__LayoutUnit;
typedef struct TypedLength_f32__UnknownUnit Length_f32;
typedef struct TypedLength_f32__LayoutUnit LayoutLength;
typedef struct TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__UnknownUnit {
float top;
float right;
float bottom;
float left;
} TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__UnknownUnit;
typedef struct TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__LayoutUnit {
float top;
float right;
float bottom;
float left;
} TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__LayoutUnit;
typedef struct TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__UnknownUnit SideOffsets2D_f32;
typedef struct TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__LayoutUnit LayoutSideOffsets2D;
typedef struct TypedSize2D_f32__UnknownUnit {
float width;
float height;
} TypedSize2D_f32__UnknownUnit;
typedef struct TypedSize2D_f32__LayoutUnit {
float width;
float height;
} TypedSize2D_f32__LayoutUnit;
typedef struct TypedSize2D_f32__UnknownUnit Size2D_f32;
typedef struct TypedSize2D_f32__LayoutUnit LayoutSize2D;
typedef struct TypedPoint2D_f32__UnknownUnit {
float x;
float y;
} TypedPoint2D_f32__UnknownUnit;
typedef struct TypedPoint2D_f32__LayoutUnit {
float x;
float y;
} TypedPoint2D_f32__LayoutUnit;
typedef struct TypedPoint2D_f32__UnknownUnit Point2D_f32;
typedef struct TypedPoint2D_f32__LayoutUnit LayoutPoint2D;
typedef struct TypedRect_f32__UnknownUnit {
struct TypedPoint2D_f32__UnknownUnit origin;
struct TypedSize2D_f32__UnknownUnit size;
} TypedRect_f32__UnknownUnit;
typedef struct TypedRect_f32__LayoutUnit {
struct TypedPoint2D_f32__LayoutUnit origin;
struct TypedSize2D_f32__LayoutUnit size;
} TypedRect_f32__LayoutUnit;
typedef struct TypedRect_f32__UnknownUnit Rect_f32;
typedef struct TypedRect_f32__LayoutUnit LayoutRect;
typedef struct TypedTransform2D_f32__UnknownUnit__LayoutUnit {
float m11;
float m12;
float m21;
float m22;
float m31;
float m32;
} TypedTransform2D_f32__UnknownUnit__LayoutUnit;
typedef struct TypedTransform2D_f32__LayoutUnit__UnknownUnit {
float m11;
float m12;
float m21;
float m22;
float m31;
float m32;
} TypedTransform2D_f32__LayoutUnit__UnknownUnit;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
void root(struct TypedLength_f32__UnknownUnit length_a,
struct TypedLength_f32__LayoutUnit length_b,
Length_f32 length_c,
LayoutLength length_d,
struct TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__UnknownUnit side_offsets_a,
struct TypedSideOffsets2D_f32__LayoutUnit side_offsets_b,
SideOffsets2D_f32 side_offsets_c,
LayoutSideOffsets2D side_offsets_d,
struct TypedSize2D_f32__UnknownUnit size_a,
struct TypedSize2D_f32__LayoutUnit size_b,
Size2D_f32 size_c,
LayoutSize2D size_d,
struct TypedPoint2D_f32__UnknownUnit point_a,
struct TypedPoint2D_f32__LayoutUnit point_b,
Point2D_f32 point_c,
LayoutPoint2D point_d,
struct TypedRect_f32__UnknownUnit rect_a,
struct TypedRect_f32__LayoutUnit rect_b,
Rect_f32 rect_c,
LayoutRect rect_d,
struct TypedTransform2D_f32__UnknownUnit__LayoutUnit transform_a,
struct TypedTransform2D_f32__LayoutUnit__UnknownUnit transform_b);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus