diff --git a/src/range_bounds_map.rs b/src/range_bounds_map.rs
index dbb878c..46f0f06 100644
--- a/src/range_bounds_map.rs
+++ b/src/range_bounds_map.rs
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ pub struct OverlapError;
 /// ```
 /// use range_bounds_map::{RangeBoundsMap, TryFromBoundsError};
-/// let range_bounds_map =
+/// let mut range_bounds_map =
 /// 	RangeBoundsMap::try_from([(2..8, true)]).unwrap();
 /// assert_eq!(
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ where
 	/// assert_eq!(
 	/// 	overlapping.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-	/// 	[(&(1..4), &false), (&(4..8), &true), (&(8..100), &false)]
+	/// 	[(&(1..4), &false), (&(4..8), &true)]
 	/// );
 	/// ```
 	pub fn overlapping<Q>(
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ where
 	/// assert_eq!(
 	/// 	range_bounds_map.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
-	/// 	[(&(1..4), false), (&(4..8), true)]
+	/// 	[(&(8..100), &false)]
 	/// );
 	/// ```
 	pub fn remove_overlapping<Q>(
diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt
index 9633099..e94ab58 100644
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -1,25 +1,15 @@
-- check documentation to remove mentions of insert without the naming
-  modifier
-- remove test is_valid_range_bounds and use the same one the module
-  uses
+- remove test is_valid_range_bounds and use the same one the module uses
 - write more tests for more complicated functions
+- test for atomnicity, if it fails it shouldn't affect the map
-- write docs for everything again
+- write docs for undocced things
 - add issues to github for all the caveats
 - review caveats again
-- remove all unwraps from examples
-- refactor tests with a bunch of next()s into using collect for
-  assert_eq
 - copy map to set again
-- test for atomnicity, if it fails it shouldn't affect the map
 - write something somewhere about wrapper types for RangeBoundsMap
   that can simplify function signatures due to known invariants. For
   example a wrapper for using K=std::ops::Range which simplifies a LOT