# discrete_range_map
This crate provides [`DiscreteRangeMap`] and [`DiscreteRangeSet`],
Data Structures for storing non-overlapping discrete intervals based
off [`BTreeMap`].
`no_std` is supported and should work with the default features.
## `Copy` is partially required
Due to implementation complications with non-`Copy` types the
datastructures currently require both the range type and the points the
ranges are over to be `Copy`. However, the value type used when using
the [`DiscreteRangeMap`] does not have to be `Copy`. In fact the only
required traits on the value type are sometimes `Clone` or `Eq` but only
for some methods so if in doubt check a methods trait bounds.
## Example using an Inclusive-Exclusive range
use discrete_range_map::inclusive_interval::ie;
use discrete_range_map::DiscreteRangeMap;
let mut map = DiscreteRangeMap::new();
map.insert_strict(ie(0, 5), true);
map.insert_strict(ie(5, 10), false);
assert_eq!(map.overlaps(ie(-2, 12)), true);
assert_eq!(map.contains_point(20), false);
assert_eq!(map.contains_point(5), true);
## Example using a custom range type
use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
use discrete_range_map::inclusive_interval::ie;
use discrete_range_map::{
DiscreteFinite, DiscreteRangeMap, InclusiveInterval,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum Reservation {
// Start, End (Inclusive-Inclusive)
Finite(i8, i8),
// Start (Inclusive-Infinity)
// First, we need to implement InclusiveRange
impl InclusiveRange for Reservation {
fn start(&self) -> i8 {
match self {
Reservation::Finite(start, _) => *start,
Reservation::Infinite(start) => *start,
fn end(&self) -> i8 {
match self {
Reservation::Finite(_, end) => *end,
Reservation::Infinite(_) => i8::MAX,
// Second, we need to implement From>
impl From> for Reservation {
fn from(value: InclusiveInterval) -> Self {
if value.end == i8::MAX {
} else {
// Next we can create a custom typed DiscreteRangeMap
let reservation_map = DiscreteRangeMap::from_slice_strict([
(Reservation::Finite(10, 20), "Ferris".to_string()),
(Reservation::Infinite(21), "Corro".to_string()),
for (reservation, name) in reservation_map.overlapping(ie(16, 17))
"{name} has reserved {reservation:?} inside the range 16..17"
for (reservation, name) in reservation_map.iter() {
println!("{name} has reserved {reservation:?}");
## Key Understandings and Philosophies
### Discrete-ness
This crate is designed to work with [`Discrete`] types as compared to
[`Continuous`] types. For example, `u8` is a `Discrete` type, but
`String` is a `Continuous` if you try to parse it as a decimal value.
The reason for this is that common [`interval-Mathematics`] operations
differ depending on whether the underlying type is `Discrete` or
`Continuous`. For example `5..=6` touches `7..=8` since integers are
`Discrete` but `5.0..=6.0` does **not** touch `7.0..=8.0` since the
value `6.5` exists.
Importantly, this also makes Inclusive/Exclusive ended ranges really
easy to work with as they can be losslessly converted between one
another. For example, `3..6` is equivalent to `3..=5`.
### Finite-ness
At the moment this crate is also designed to work only with [`Finite`]
types such as `u8` or `i128`, but not with `Infinite` types such as
[`BigInt`] from the [`num_bigint`] crate. This is because the
[`get_entry_at_point()`] method would not be able to return anything
from an empty map if the type was an infinite type such as `BigInt`
since it has no maximum value.
A handy trick you can use to pretend to have infinite types when you
don't expect to reach to top end of your type is to use [`Actual
Infinity`] to pretend you have an `Infinity`. For example, if you were
using `u8` as your point type then you could create a wrapper type such
as this:
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use discrete_range_map::DiscreteFinite;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum WithInfinity {
impl Ord for WithInfinity
T: Ord,
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
match (self, other) {
) => x.cmp(y),
(WithInfinity::Finite(_), WithInfinity::Infinity) => {
(WithInfinity::Infinity, WithInfinity::Finite(_)) => {
(WithInfinity::Infinity, WithInfinity::Infinity) => {
impl PartialOrd for WithInfinity
T: Ord,
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option {
impl DiscreteFinite for WithInfinity
T: DiscreteFinite,
const MIN: Self = WithInfinity::Finite(T::MIN);
const MAX: Self = WithInfinity::Infinity;
fn up(self) -> Option
Self: Sized,
match self {
WithInfinity::Finite(x) => match x.up() {
Some(y) => Some(WithInfinity::Finite(y)),
None => Some(WithInfinity::Infinity),
WithInfinity::Infinity => None,
fn down(self) -> Option
Self: Sized,
match self {
WithInfinity::Finite(x) => {
WithInfinity::Infinity => {
// And then you this means you can be explicit with when
// Infinity is encountered such as when it might be
// returned by `get_entry_at_point()`, for example:
use discrete_range_map::{DiscreteRangeMap, InclusiveInterval};
let map: DiscreteRangeMap<
> = DiscreteRangeMap::new();
let mut gap = map.get_entry_at_point(WithInfinity::Finite(4));
Err(InclusiveInterval {
start: WithInfinity::Finite(0),
end: WithInfinity::Infinity,
### Invalid Ranges
Within this crate, not all ranges are considered valid ranges. The
definition of the validity of a range used within this crate is that a
range is only valid if it contains at least one value of the underlying
For example, `4..6` is considered valid as it contains the values `4`
and `5`, however, `4..4` is considered invalid as it contains no
values. Another example of invalid range are those whose start values
are greater than their end values. such as `5..2` or `100..=40`.
Here are a few examples of ranges and whether they are valid:
| range | valid |
| -------------------------------------- | ----- |
| 0..=0 | YES |
| 0..0 | NO |
| 0..1 | YES |
| 9..8 | NO |
| (Bound::Excluded(3), Bound::Excluded(4)) | NO |
| 400..=400 | YES |
### Overlap
Two ranges are "overlapping" if there exists a point that is contained
within both ranges. For example, `2..4` and `2..6` overlap but `2..4`
and `4..8` do not.
### Touching
Two ranges are "touching" if they do not overlap and there exists no
value between them. For example, `2..4` and `4..6` are touching but
`2..4` and `6..8` are not, neither are `2..6` and `4..8`.
### Further Reading
See Wikipedia's article on mathematical Intervals:
## Features
This crate currently has no features
## Credit
Lots of my inspiration came from the [`rangemap`] crate.
The BTreeMap implementation ([`btree_monstrousity`]) used under the
hood was inspired and forked from the [`copse`] crate.
## Name Change
This crate was previously named [`range_bounds_map`] it was renamed
around about 2023-04-24 due to it no longer being an accurate name.
## Similar Crates
Here are some relevant crates I found whilst searching around the
topic area, beware my biases when reading:
Very similar to this crate but can only use [`Range`]s and
[`RangeInclusive`]s as keys in it's `map` and `set` structs (separately).
Cool library for fully-generic ranges (unlike std::ops ranges), along
with a `Ranges` datastructure for storing them (Vec-based
Allows overlapping intervals but is immutable unfortunately
Very similar to rangemap except without a `gaps()` function and only
for [`Range`]s and not [`RangeInclusive`]s. And also no fancy
merging functions.
A data structure based off of a 2007 published paper! It supports
any range as keys, unfortunately, it is implemented with a
non-balancing `Box` based tree, however it also supports
overlapping ranges which my library does not.
I'm not entirely sure what this library is or isn't, but it looks like
a custom red-black tree/BTree implementation used specifically for a
Range Tree. Interesting but also quite old (5 years) and uses
Another sort-of immutable (can insert but its very expensive)
interval datastructure optimised for lots of intervals of the same
size such as their staple usecase of genomic datasets.
An interval tree very similar to this crate and `rangemap` with many
of the same methods (and lots of doc examples!) except using a custom
in-house self-balancing tree implementation. It is not exactly clear
from my reading of the docs whether they support overlapping intervals
or not. On the one hand their examples show overlapping intervals but
then their `insert()` method says "if interval already exists,
interval will be ignored", so perhaps it allows overlapping but not
duplicate intervals? A bit of an odd choice in my opinion.
- and
Both essentially identical to `store-interval-tree` as it looks like
`store-interval-tree` is a fork of `rudac`'s interval tree. `bio` in
particular seems targeted at bioinfographics.
[`btreemap`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/struct.BTreeMap.html
[`btree_monstrousity`]: https://github.com/ripytide/btree_monstrousity
[`range`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/struct.Range.html
[`rangemap`]: https://docs.rs/rangemap/latest/rangemap/
[`rangeinclusive`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/struct.RangeInclusive.html
[`copse`]: https://github.com/eggyal/copse
[`discrete`]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_mathematics
[`continuous`]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_continuity-related_mathematical_topics
[`interval-mathematics`]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_(mathematics)
[`actual infinity`]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actual_infinity
[`finite`]: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/finite#Adjective
[`range_bounds_map`]: https://docs.rs/range_bounds_map
[`bigint`]: https://docs.rs/num-bigint/latest/num_bigint/struct.BigInt.html
[`num_bigint`]: https://docs.rs/num-bigint
[`get_entry_at_point()`]: https://docs.rs/discrete_range_map/latest/discrete_range_map/discrete_range_map/struct.DiscreteRangeMap.html#method.get_entry_at_point
[`DiscreteRangeMap`]: https://docs.rs/discrete_range_map/latest/discrete_range_map/discrete_range_map/struct.DiscreteRangeMap.html#
[`DiscreteRangeSet`]: https://docs.rs/discrete_range_map/latest/discrete_range_map/discrete_range_set/struct.DiscreteRangeSet.html#