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This crate provides [RangeBoundsMap] and [RangeBoundsSet].

[RangeBoundsMap] is similar to BTreeMap except [RangeBoundsMap] uses any type that implements the RangeBounds trait as keys, while maintaining two invariants:

[RangeBoundsSet] is like [RangeBoundsMap] except it uses () as values, as BTreeSet does for BTreeMap

Example using Ranges

use range_bounds_map::RangeBoundsMap;

let mut range_bounds_map = RangeBoundsMap::new();

range_bounds_map.insert(0..5, true);
range_bounds_map.insert(5..10, false);

assert_eq!(range_bounds_map.overlaps(&(-2..12)), true);
assert_eq!(range_bounds_map.contains_point(&20), false);
assert_eq!(range_bounds_map.contains_point(&5), true);

Example using a custom RangeBounds type

use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};

use range_bounds_map::RangeBoundsMap;

enum Reservation {
	// Start, End (Inclusive-Inclusive)
	Finite(u8, u8),
	// Start (Exclusive)

// First, we need to implement RangeBounds
impl RangeBounds<u8> for Reservation {
	fn start_bound(&self) -> Bound<&u8> {
		match self {
			Reservation::Finite(start, _) => {
			Reservation::Infinite(start) => {
	fn end_bound(&self) -> Bound<&u8> {
		match self {
			Reservation::Finite(_, end) => Bound::Included(end),
			Reservation::Infinite(_) => Bound::Unbounded,

// Next we can create a custom typed RangeBoundsMap
let reservation_map = RangeBoundsMap::try_from([
	(Reservation::Finite(10, 20), "Ferris".to_string()),
	(Reservation::Infinite(20), "Corro".to_string()),

for (reservation, name) in reservation_map.overlapping(&(16..17))
		"{name} has reserved {reservation:?} inside the range 16..17"

for (reservation, name) in reservation_map.iter() {
	println!("{name} has reserved {reservation:?}");



Most of the RangeBounds-specific methods on [RangeBoundsMap] utilize the [RangeBoundsMap::overlapping()] method which internally uses BTreeMap's range() function. To allow using range() for this purpose a newtype wrapper is wrapped around the start_bound()s so that we can apply our custom [Ord] implementation onto all the start_bound()s.


There are a few issues I can think of with this implementation, each of them are documented as GitHub Issues. If you would like any of these features added, drop a comment in a respective GitHub Issue (or even open a new one) and I'd be happy to implement it.

To summarise:

  • No coalescing/merge insert functions, yet
  • No gaps() iterator function, yet
  • Missing some functions common to BTreeMap and BTreeSet like:
    • clear()
    • is_subset()
    • etc... a bunch more
  • Sub-optimal use of unnecessary cloned() just to placate the borrow checker
  • The data structures are lacking a lot of useful traits, such as:
    • Serde: Serialize and Deserialize
    • FromIterator
    • IntoIterator
    • Probably a bunch more


I originally came up with the StartBound: [Ord] bodge on my own, however, I later stumbled across rangemap which also used a StartBound: [Ord] bodge. rangemap then became my main source of inspiration. The aim for my library was to become a more generic superset of rangemap, following from this issue and this pull request in which I changed rangemap's RangeMap to use RangeBoundss as keys before I realized it might be easier and simpler to just write it all from scratch. Which ended up working really well with some simplifications I made which ended up resulting in much less code (~600 lines over rangemap's ~2700)

Similar Crates

Here are some relevant crates I found whilst searching around the topic area:

  • https://docs.rs/rangemap Very similar to this crate but can only use Ranges and RangeInclusives as keys in it's map and set structs (separately).
  • https://docs.rs/ranges Cool library for fully-generic ranges (unlike std::ops ranges), along with a Ranges datastructure for storing them (Vec-based unfortunately)
  • https://docs.rs/intervaltree Allows overlapping intervals but is immutable unfortunately
  • https://docs.rs/nonoverlapping_interval_tree Very similar to rangemap except without a gaps() function and only for Ranges and not RangeInclusives. And also no fancy coalescing functions.
  • https://docs.rs/unbounded-interval-tree A data structure based off of a 2007 published paper! It supports any RangeBounds as keys too, except it is implemented with a non-balancing Box<Node> based tree, however it also supports overlapping RangeBounds which my library does not.
  • https://docs.rs/rangetree I'm not entirely sure what this library is or isn't, but it looks like a custom red-black tree/BTree implementation used specifically for a Range Tree. Interesting but also quite old (5 years) and uses unsafe.
This crate provides DiscreteRangeMap and DiscreteRangeSet, data structures for storing non-overlapping discrete intervals based off BTreeMap. (Fork from https://github.com/ripytide/discrete_range_map)
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