hello xgcd, zero & negative value support
Created Seperate Function for now
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,260 @@
use std::borrow::Cow;
use integer::Integer;
use num_traits::Zero;
use num_traits::{
use crate::big_digit::{BigDigit, DoubleBigDigit, BITS};
use crate::bigint::Sign::*;
use crate::bigint::{BigInt, ToBigInt};
use crate::biguint::{BigUint, IntDigits};
use std::ops::Neg;
/// XGCD sets z to the greatest common divisor of a and b and returns z.
/// If extended is true, XGCD returns their value such that z = a*x + b*y.
/// Allow the inputs a and b to be zero or negative to GCD
/// with the following definitions.
/// If x or y are not nil, GCD sets their value such that z = a*x + b*y.
/// Regardless of the signs of a and b, z is always >= 0.
/// If a == b == 0, GCD sets z = x = y = 0.
/// If a == 0 and b != 0, GCD sets z = |b|, x = 0, y = sign(b) * 1.
/// If a != 0 and b == 0, GCD sets z = |a|, x = sign(a) * 1, y = 0.
pub fn xgcd(
a_in: &BigInt,
b_in: &BigInt,
extended: bool,
) -> (BigInt, Option<BigInt>, Option<BigInt>) {
if a_in.abs().len() == 0 || b_in.abs().len() == 0 {
let len_a = a_in.abs().len();
let len_b = b_in.abs().len();
let mut neg_a: bool = false;
if a_in.sign == Minus {
neg_a = true;
let mut neg_b: bool = false;
if b_in.sign == Minus {
neg_b = true;
let mut z = a_in | b_in;
z.sign = Plus;
if extended {
let mut x: BigInt;
let mut y: BigInt;
if len_a == 0 {
x = BigInt::zero();
} else {
x = BigInt::one();
if neg_a {
x.sign = Minus;
} else {
x.sign = Plus;
if len_b == 0 {
y = BigInt::zero();
} else {
y = BigInt::one();
if neg_b {
y.sign = Minus;
} else {
y.sign = Plus;
return (z, Some(x), Some(y));
return (z, None, None);
lehmer_gcd(a_in, b_in, extended)
/// lehmerGCD sets z to the greatest common divisor of a and b,
/// which both must be != 0, and returns z.
/// If x or y are not nil, their values are set such that z = a*x + b*y.
/// See Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2, Section 4.5.2, Algorithm L.
/// This implementation uses the improved condition by Collins requiring only one
/// quotient and avoiding the possibility of single Word overflow.
/// See Jebelean, "Improving the multiprecision Euclidean algorithm",
/// Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, pp 45-58.
/// The cosequences are updated according to Algorithm 10.45 from
/// Cohen et al. "Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography" pp 192.
fn lehmer_gcd(a_in: &BigInt, b_in: &BigInt, extended: bool) -> (BigInt, Option<BigInt>, Option<BigInt>) {
let mut a = a_in.clone().abs();
let mut b = b_in.clone().abs();
// `ua` (`ub`) tracks how many times input `a_in` has beeen accumulated into `a` (`b`).
let mut ua = if extended { Some(1.into()) } else { None };
let mut ub = if extended { Some(0.into()) } else { None };
// temp variables for multiprecision update
let mut q: BigInt = 0.into();
let mut r: BigInt = 0.into();
let mut s: BigInt = 0.into();
let mut t: BigInt = 0.into();
// Ensure that a >= b
if a.digits().len() >= b.digits().len() {
std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
std::mem::swap(&mut ua, &mut ub);
// loop invariant A >= B
while b.digits().len() > 1 {
// Attempt to calculate in single-precision using leading words of a and b.
let (u0, u1, v0, v1, even) = lehmer_simulate(&a, &b);
// multiprecision step
if v0 != 0 {
// Simulate the effect of the single-precision steps using cosequences.
// a = u0 * a + v0 * b
// b = u1 * a + v1 * b
&mut a, &mut b, &mut q, &mut r, &mut s, &mut t, u0, u1, v0, v1, even,
if extended {
// ua = u0 * ua + v0 * ub
// ub = u1 * ua + v1 * ub
&mut q,
&mut r,
&mut s,
&mut t,
} else {
// Single-digit calculations failed to simulate any quotients.
// Do a standard Euclidean step.
&mut a, &mut b, &mut ua, &mut ub, &mut q, &mut r, &mut s, &mut t, extended,
if b.digits().len() > 0 {
// extended Euclidean algorithm base case if B is a single Word
if a.digits().len() > 1 {
// a is longer than a single word, so one update is needed
&mut a, &mut b, &mut ua, &mut ub, &mut q, &mut r, &mut s, &mut t, extended,
if b.digits().len() > 0 {
// a and b are both single word
let mut a_word = a.digits()[0];
let mut b_word = b.digits()[0];
if extended {
let mut ua_word: BigDigit = 1;
let mut ub_word: BigDigit = 0;
let mut va: BigDigit = 0;
let mut vb: BigDigit = 1;
let mut even = true;
while b_word != 0 {
let q = a_word / b_word;
let r = a_word % b_word;
a_word = b_word;
b_word = r;
//let k = ua_word.wrapping_add(q.wrapping_mul(ub_word));
let k = &ua_word + (&q * &ub_word);
ua_word = ub_word;
ub_word = k;
//let k = va.wrapping_add(q.wrapping_mul(vb));
let k = &va + (&q * &vb);
va = vb;
vb = k;
even = !even;
t.sign = if even { Plus } else { Minus };
s.sign = if even { Minus } else { Plus };
if let Some(ua) = ua.as_mut() {
t *= &*ua;
s *= ub.unwrap();
*ua = &t + &s;
} else {
while b_word != 0 {
let quotient = a_word % b_word;
a_word = b_word;
b_word = quotient;
a.digits_mut()[0] = a_word;
//Sign fixing
let mut neg_a: bool = false;
if a_in.sign == Minus {
neg_a = true;
let y = if let Some(ref mut ua) = ua {
// y = (z - a * x) / b
let mut tmp = (a_in * &*ua);
//z - (a_in * x)
tmp = &a - &tmp;
tmp = &tmp / b_in;
if neg_a {
// println!("tmp:nega_aaa");
// println!("a_in: {:?}", &a_in);
// println!("tmp: {:?}", &tmp);
tmp.sign = Minus;
//println!("tmp after: {:?}", &tmp);
ua.sign = Minus;
//Some((&a - (a_in * &*ua)) / b_in)
//println!("tmp: {:?}", &tmp);
} else {
(a, ua, y)
/// Uses the lehemer algorithm.
/// Based on https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/math/big/int.go#L612
@ -16,6 +264,8 @@ pub fn extended_gcd(
b_in: Cow<BigUint>,
extended: bool,
) -> (BigInt, Option<BigInt>, Option<BigInt>) {
if a_in.is_zero() && b_in.is_zero() {
if extended {
return (b_in.to_bigint().unwrap(), Some(0.into()), Some(0.into()));
@ -406,9 +656,9 @@ mod tests {
let a = BigInt::from(-565721958);
let b = BigInt::from(4486780496u64);
let (q, _s_k, _t_k) = extended_gcd(
let (q, _s_k, _t_k) = xgcd(
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