This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ use traits::{One, Zero};
use big_digit::{self, BigDigit, DoubleBigDigit, SignedDoubleBigDigit};
use biguint::BigUint;
struct MontyReducer<'a> {
n: &'a BigUint,
struct MontyReducer {
n0inv: BigDigit,
@ -26,109 +25,13 @@ fn inv_mod_alt(b: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
-k0 as BigDigit
// Calculate the modular inverse of `num`, using Extended GCD.
// Reference:
// Brent & Zimmermann, Modern Computer Arithmetic, v0.5.9, Algorithm 1.20
fn inv_mod(num: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
// num needs to be relatively prime to 2**{32|64} -- i.e. it must be odd.
assert!(num % 2 != 0);
let mut a: SignedDoubleBigDigit = num as SignedDoubleBigDigit;
let mut b: SignedDoubleBigDigit = (BigDigit::max_value() as SignedDoubleBigDigit) + 1;
// ExtendedGcd
// Input: positive integers a and b
// Output: integers (g, u, v) such that g = gcd(a, b) = ua + vb
// As we don't need v for modular inverse, we don't calculate it.
// 1: (u, w) <- (1, 0)
let mut u = 1;
let mut w = 0;
// 3: while b != 0
while b != 0 {
// 4: (q, r) <- DivRem(a, b)
let q = a / b;
let r = a % b;
// 5: (a, b) <- (b, r)
a = b;
b = r;
// 6: (u, w) <- (w, u - qw)
let m = u - w * q;
u = w;
w = m;
assert!(a == 1);
// Downcasting acts like a mod 2^32 too.
u as BigDigit
impl<'a> MontyReducer<'a> {
fn new(n: &'a BigUint) -> Self {
impl MontyReducer {
fn new(n: &BigUint) -> Self {
let n0inv = inv_mod_alt([0]);
MontyReducer { n: n, n0inv: n0inv }
MontyReducer { n0inv }
// Montgomery Reduction
// Reference:
// Brent & Zimmermann, Modern Computer Arithmetic, v0.5.9, Algorithm 2.6
fn monty_redc(a: BigUint, mr: &MontyReducer) -> BigUint {
// println!("redc: {}", &a);
let mut c =;
let n = &;
let n_size = n.len();
// Allocate sufficient work space
c.resize(2 * n_size + 2, 0);
// β is the size of a word, in this case {32|64} bits. So "a mod β" is
// equivalent to masking a to {32|64} bits.
// mu <- -N^(-1) mod β
let mu = mr.n0inv; //(0 as BigDigit).wrapping_sub(mr.n0inv);
// 1: for i = 0 to (n-1)
for i in 0..n_size {
// 2: q_i <- mu*c_i mod β
let q_i = c[i].wrapping_mul(mu as BigDigit);
// println!("{} {}", q_i, c[i]);
// 3: C <- C + q_i * N * β^i
super::algorithms::mac_digit(&mut c[i..], n, q_i);
// println!("updated: {:?}", c);
// println!("c: {:?}", c);
// println!("n_size: {}\nmu: {:?}", n_size, mu);
// println!("n: {:?}", n);
// 4: R <- C * β^(-n)
// This is an n-word bitshift, equivalent to skipping n words.
let ret = BigUint::new_native(c[n_size..].to_vec());
// 5: if R >= β^n then return R-N else return R.
if &ret < mr.n {
} else {
ret - mr.n
// Montgomery Multiplication
fn monty_mult(a: BigUint, b: &BigUint, mr: &MontyReducer) -> BigUint {
// println!("mul: {} * {}", &a, &b);
monty_redc(a * b, mr)
// Montgomery Squaring
fn monty_sqr(a: BigUint, mr: &MontyReducer) -> BigUint {
// println!("sqr {} **2", &a);
// TODO: Replace with an optimised squaring function
monty_redc(&a * &a, mr)
/// Computes z mod m = x * y * 2 ** (-n*_W) mod m
/// assuming k = -1/m mod 2**_W
/// See Gueron, "Efficient Software Implementations of Modular Exponentiation".
@ -185,8 +88,8 @@ fn montgomery(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint, k: BigDigit, n: usize) -> B
fn add_mul_vvw(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
let mut c = 0;
for (i, zi) in z.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let (z1, z0) = mul_add_www(x[i], y, *zi);
for (zi, xi) in z.iter_mut().zip(x.iter()) {
let (z1, z0) = mul_add_www(*xi, y, *zi);
let (c_, zi_) = add_ww(z0, c, 0);
*zi = zi_;
c = c_ + z1;
@ -199,9 +102,8 @@ fn add_mul_vvw(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
fn sub_vv(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: &[BigDigit]) -> BigDigit {
let mut c = 0;
for (i, xi) in x.iter().enumerate().take(z.len()) {
let yi = y[i];
let zi = xi.wrapping_sub(yi).wrapping_sub(c);
for (i, (xi, yi)) in x.iter().zip(y.iter()).enumerate().take(z.len()) {
let zi = xi.wrapping_sub(*yi).wrapping_sub(c);
z[i] = zi;
// see "Hacker's Delight", section 2-12 (overflow detection)
c = ((yi & !xi) | ((yi | !xi) & zi)) >> (big_digit::BITS - 1)
@ -215,10 +117,7 @@ fn sub_vv(z: &mut [BigDigit], x: &[BigDigit], y: &[BigDigit]) -> BigDigit {
fn add_ww(x: BigDigit, y: BigDigit, c: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
let yc = y.wrapping_add(c);
let z0 = x.wrapping_add(yc);
let mut z1 = 0;
if z0 < x || yc < y {
z1 = 1;
let z1 = if z0 < x || yc < y { 1 } else { 0 };
(z1, z0)
@ -236,11 +135,11 @@ pub fn monty_modpow(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
let mr = MontyReducer::new(m);
let num_words =;
println!("modpow {:?} {:?} {:?}", x, y, m);
println!("numWords {}", num_words);
// println!("modpow {:?} {:?} {:?}", x, y, m);
// println!("numWords {}", num_words);
let mut x = x.clone();
println!("inverse: {:?}", mr.n0inv);
// println!("inverse: {:?}", mr.n0inv);
// We want the lengths of x and m to be equal.
// It is OK if x >= m as long as len(x) == len(m).
if > num_words {
@ -257,7 +156,7 @@ pub fn monty_modpow(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
if < num_words {
||||, 0);
println!("rr: {:?}", rr);
// println!("rr: {:?}", rr);
// one = 1, with equal length to that of m
let mut one = BigUint::one();
||||, 0);
@ -278,7 +177,7 @@ pub fn monty_modpow(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
let mut zz = BigUint::zero();
||||, 0);
println!("powers: {:?}", powers);
// println!("powers: {:?}", powers);
// same windowed exponent, but with Montgomery multiplications
for i in ( {
let mut yi =[i];
@ -326,26 +225,3 @@ pub fn monty_modpow(x: &BigUint, y: &BigUint, m: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
fn test_inv_mod() {
use big_digit::DoubleBigDigit;
let modulus = (BigDigit::max_value() as DoubleBigDigit) + 1;
for element in 0..100 {
let element = element as BigDigit;
if element % 2 == 0 {
let inverse = inv_mod(element.clone());
let cmp = (inverse as DoubleBigDigit * element as DoubleBigDigit) % modulus;
cmp as BigDigit, 1,
"mod_inverse({}, {}) * {} % {} = {}, not 1",
element, &modulus, element, &modulus, cmp,
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