# Release 0.2.0 (pending) - :warning: [num-bigint now requires rustc 1.15 or greater][23]. - :warning: [`Shr for BigInt` now rounds down][8] rather than toward zero, matching the behavior of the primitive integers for negative values. **Contributors**: @cuviper [8]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/8 [23]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/23 # Release 0.1.43 - [The new `BigInt::modpow`][18] performs signed modular exponentiation, using the existing `BigUint::modpow` and rounding negatives similar to `mod_floor`. **Contributors**: @cuviper [18]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/18 # Release 0.1.42 - [num-bigint now has its own source repository][num-356] at [rust-num/num-bigint][home]. - [`lcm` now avoids creating a large intermediate product][num-350]. - [`gcd` now uses Stein's algorithm][15] with faster shifts instead of division. - [`rand` support is now extended to 0.4][11] (while still allowing 0.3). **Contributors**: @cuviper, @Emerentius, @ignatenkobrain, @mhogrefe [home]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint [num-350]: https://github.com/rust-num/num/pull/350 [num-356]: https://github.com/rust-num/num/pull/356 [11]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/11 [15]: https://github.com/rust-num/num-bigint/pull/15 # Prior releases No prior release notes were kept. Thanks all the same to the many contributors that have made this crate what it is!