#![allow(unused)] /// Assert that an op works for all val/ref combinations macro_rules! assert_op { ($left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => { assert_eq!((&$left) $op (&$right), $expected); assert_eq!((&$left) $op $right.clone(), $expected); assert_eq!($left.clone() $op (&$right), $expected); assert_eq!($left.clone() $op $right.clone(), $expected); }; } /// Assert that an assign-op works for all val/ref combinations macro_rules! assert_assign_op { ($left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => { { let mut left = $left.clone(); assert_eq!({ left $op &$right; left}, $expected); let mut left = $left.clone(); assert_eq!({ left $op $right.clone(); left}, $expected); } }; } /// Assert that an op works for scalar left or right macro_rules! assert_scalar_op { (($($to:ident),*) $left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => { $( if let Some(left) = $left.$to() { assert_op!(left $op $right == $expected); } if let Some(right) = $right.$to() { assert_op!($left $op right == $expected); } )* }; } macro_rules! assert_unsigned_scalar_op { ($left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => { assert_scalar_op!((to_u8, to_u16, to_u32, to_u64, to_usize) $left $op $right == $expected); }; } macro_rules! assert_signed_scalar_op { ($left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => { assert_scalar_op!((to_u8, to_u16, to_u32, to_u64, to_usize, to_i8, to_i16, to_i32, to_i64, to_isize) $left $op $right == $expected); }; }