extern crate num_bigint_dig as num_bigint; extern crate num_integer; extern crate num_traits; #[cfg(feature = "rand")] extern crate rand; mod biguint { use crate::num_bigint::BigUint; use num_traits::{One, Pow, Zero}; use std::{i32, u32}; fn check>(x: T, n: u32) { let x: BigUint = x.into(); let root = x.nth_root(n); //println!("check {}.nth_root({}) = {}", x, n, root); if n == 2 { assert_eq!(root, x.sqrt()) } else if n == 3 { assert_eq!(root, x.cbrt()) } let lo = root.pow(n); assert!(lo <= x); assert_eq!(lo.nth_root(n), root); if !lo.is_zero() { assert_eq!((&lo - 1u32).nth_root(n), &root - 1u32); } let hi = (&root + 1u32).pow(n); assert!(hi > x); assert_eq!(hi.nth_root(n), &root + 1u32); assert_eq!((&hi - 1u32).nth_root(n), root); } #[test] fn test_sqrt() { check(99u32, 2); check(100u32, 2); check(120u32, 2); } #[test] fn test_cbrt() { check(8u32, 3); check(26u32, 3); } #[test] fn test_nth_root() { check(0u32, 1); check(10u32, 1); check(100u32, 4); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_nth_root_n_is_zero() { check(4u32, 0); } #[test] fn test_nth_root_big() { let x = BigUint::from(123_456_789_u32); let expected = BigUint::from(6u32); assert_eq!(x.nth_root(10), expected); check(x, 10); } #[test] fn test_nth_root_googol() { let googol = BigUint::from(10u32).pow(100u32); // perfect divisors of 100 for &n in &[2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100] { let expected = BigUint::from(10u32).pow(100u32 / n); assert_eq!(googol.nth_root(n), expected); check(googol.clone(), n); } } #[test] fn test_nth_root_twos() { const EXP: u32 = 12; const LOG2: usize = 1 << EXP; let x = BigUint::one() << LOG2; // the perfect divisors are just powers of two for exp in 1..EXP + 1 { let n = 2u32.pow(exp); let expected = BigUint::one() << (LOG2 / n as usize); assert_eq!(x.nth_root(n), expected); check(x.clone(), n); } // degenerate cases should return quickly assert!(x.nth_root(x.bits() as u32).is_one()); assert!(x.nth_root(i32::MAX as u32).is_one()); assert!(x.nth_root(u32::MAX).is_one()); } #[cfg(feature = "rand")] #[test] fn test_roots_rand() { #[cfg(feature = "std")] fn thread_rng() -> impl rand::Rng { rand::thread_rng() } #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] fn thread_rng() -> impl rand::Rng { use rand::SeedableRng; // Chosen by fair dice roll rand::rngs::StdRng::seed_from_u64(4) } use crate::num_bigint::RandBigInt; use rand::distributions::Uniform; use rand::Rng; let rng = &mut thread_rng(); let bit_range = Uniform::new(0, 2048); let sample_bits: Vec<_> = rng.sample_iter(&bit_range).take(100).collect(); for bits in sample_bits { let x = rng.gen_biguint(bits); for n in 2..11 { check(x.clone(), n); } check(x.clone(), 100); } } #[test] fn test_roots_rand1() { // A random input that found regressions let s = "575981506858479247661989091587544744717244516135539456183849\ 986593934723426343633698413178771587697273822147578889823552\ 182702908597782734558103025298880194023243541613924361007059\ 353344183590348785832467726433749431093350684849462759540710\ 026019022227591412417064179299354183441181373862905039254106\ 4781867"; let x: BigUint = s.parse().unwrap(); check(x.clone(), 2); check(x.clone(), 3); check(x.clone(), 10); check(x.clone(), 100); } } mod bigint { use crate::num_bigint::BigInt; use num_traits::{Pow, Signed}; fn check(x: i64, n: u32) { let big_x = BigInt::from(x); let res = big_x.nth_root(n); if n == 2 { assert_eq!(&res, &big_x.sqrt()) } else if n == 3 { assert_eq!(&res, &big_x.cbrt()) } if big_x.is_negative() { assert!(res.pow(n) >= big_x); assert!((res - 1u32).pow(n) < big_x); } else { assert!(res.pow(n) <= big_x); assert!((res + 1u32).pow(n) > big_x); } } #[test] fn test_nth_root() { check(-100, 3); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_nth_root_x_neg_n_even() { check(-100, 4); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_sqrt_x_neg() { check(-4, 2); } #[test] fn test_cbrt() { check(8, 3); check(-8, 3); } }