The test modules were getting huge, and some of its functions were actually a huge amount of code due to macros, causing tests to take a long time just to compile. They are now separated into a few different tests, and the scalar macros especially are now expanded more sparingly in just a few `check()` functions. Test compile times for me went from about 25 seconds to 1.5s in debug mode, and from 300 seconds (!) to about 8s in release mode.
991 lines
32 KiB
991 lines
32 KiB
extern crate num_bigint;
extern crate num_integer;
extern crate num_traits;
extern crate rand;
use num_bigint::{BigDigit, BigUint, big_digit};
use num_bigint::{BigInt, ToBigInt};
use num_bigint::Sign::{Minus, NoSign, Plus};
use std::cmp::Ordering::{Less, Equal, Greater};
use std::{f32, f64};
use std::{i8, i16, i32, i64, isize};
use std::iter::repeat;
use std::{u8, u16, u32, u64, usize};
use std::ops::Neg;
use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hasher, Hash};
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
use num_integer::Integer;
use num_traits::{Zero, One, Signed, ToPrimitive, FromPrimitive, Num, Float};
mod consts;
use consts::*;
mod macros;
fn test_from_bytes_be() {
fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Plus, s.as_bytes()),
BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
check("A", "65");
check("AA", "16705");
check("AB", "16706");
check("Hello world!", "22405534230753963835153736737");
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Plus, &[]), Zero::zero());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Minus, &[]), Zero::zero());
fn test_to_bytes_be() {
fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
let b = BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
let (sign, v) = b.to_bytes_be();
assert_eq!((Plus, s.as_bytes()), (sign, &*v));
check("A", "65");
check("AA", "16705");
check("AB", "16706");
check("Hello world!", "22405534230753963835153736737");
let b: BigInt = Zero::zero();
assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), (NoSign, vec![0]));
// Test with leading/trailing zero bytes and a full BigDigit of value 0
let b = BigInt::from_str_radix("00010000000000000200", 16).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), (Plus, vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0]));
fn test_from_bytes_le() {
fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_le(Plus, s.as_bytes()),
BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
check("A", "65");
check("AA", "16705");
check("BA", "16706");
check("!dlrow olleH", "22405534230753963835153736737");
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_le(Plus, &[]), Zero::zero());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_le(Minus, &[]), Zero::zero());
fn test_to_bytes_le() {
fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
let b = BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
let (sign, v) = b.to_bytes_le();
assert_eq!((Plus, s.as_bytes()), (sign, &*v));
check("A", "65");
check("AA", "16705");
check("BA", "16706");
check("!dlrow olleH", "22405534230753963835153736737");
let b: BigInt = Zero::zero();
assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), (NoSign, vec![0]));
// Test with leading/trailing zero bytes and a full BigDigit of value 0
let b = BigInt::from_str_radix("00010000000000000200", 16).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), (Plus, vec![0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
fn test_to_signed_bytes_le() {
fn check(s: &str, result: Vec<u8>) {
assert_eq!(BigInt::parse_bytes(s.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap().to_signed_bytes_le(),
check("0", vec![0]);
check("32767", vec![0xff, 0x7f]);
check("-1", vec![0xff]);
check("16777216", vec![0, 0, 0, 1]);
check("-100", vec![156]);
check("-8388608", vec![0, 0, 0x80]);
check("-192", vec![0x40, 0xff]);
fn test_from_signed_bytes_le() {
fn check(s: &[u8], result: &str) {
BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
check(&[], "0");
check(&[0], "0");
check(&[0; 10], "0");
check(&[0xff, 0x7f], "32767");
check(&[0xff], "-1");
check(&[0, 0, 0, 1], "16777216");
check(&[156], "-100");
check(&[0, 0, 0x80], "-8388608");
check(&[0xff; 10], "-1");
check(&[0x40, 0xff], "-192");
fn test_to_signed_bytes_be() {
fn check(s: &str, result: Vec<u8>) {
assert_eq!(BigInt::parse_bytes(s.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap().to_signed_bytes_be(),
check("0", vec![0]);
check("32767", vec![0x7f, 0xff]);
check("-1", vec![255]);
check("16777216", vec![1, 0, 0, 0]);
check("-100", vec![156]);
check("-8388608", vec![128, 0, 0]);
check("-192", vec![0xff, 0x40]);
fn test_from_signed_bytes_be() {
fn check(s: &[u8], result: &str) {
BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
check(&[], "0");
check(&[0], "0");
check(&[0; 10], "0");
check(&[127, 255], "32767");
check(&[255], "-1");
check(&[1, 0, 0, 0], "16777216");
check(&[156], "-100");
check(&[128, 0, 0], "-8388608");
check(&[255; 10], "-1");
check(&[0xff, 0x40], "-192");
fn test_cmp() {
let vs: [&[BigDigit]; 4] = [&[2 as BigDigit], &[1, 1], &[2, 1], &[1, 1, 1]];
let mut nums = Vec::new();
for s in vs.iter().rev() {
nums.push(BigInt::from_slice(Minus, *s));
nums.extend(vs.iter().map(|s| BigInt::from_slice(Plus, *s)));
for (i, ni) in nums.iter().enumerate() {
for (j0, nj) in nums[i..].iter().enumerate() {
let j = i + j0;
if i == j {
assert_eq!(ni.cmp(nj), Equal);
assert_eq!(nj.cmp(ni), Equal);
assert_eq!(ni, nj);
assert!(!(ni != nj));
assert!(ni <= nj);
assert!(ni >= nj);
assert!(!(ni < nj));
assert!(!(ni > nj));
} else {
assert_eq!(ni.cmp(nj), Less);
assert_eq!(nj.cmp(ni), Greater);
assert!(!(ni == nj));
assert!(ni != nj);
assert!(ni <= nj);
assert!(!(ni >= nj));
assert!(ni < nj);
assert!(!(ni > nj));
assert!(!(nj <= ni));
assert!(nj >= ni);
assert!(!(nj < ni));
assert!(nj > ni);
fn hash<T: Hash>(x: &T) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = <RandomState as BuildHasher>::Hasher::new();
x.hash(&mut hasher);
fn test_hash() {
let a = BigInt::new(NoSign, vec![]);
let b = BigInt::new(NoSign, vec![0]);
let c = BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1]);
let d = BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let e = BigInt::new(Plus, vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
let f = BigInt::new(Minus, vec![1]);
assert!(hash(&a) == hash(&b));
assert!(hash(&b) != hash(&c));
assert!(hash(&c) == hash(&d));
assert!(hash(&d) != hash(&e));
assert!(hash(&c) != hash(&f));
fn test_convert_i64() {
fn check(b1: BigInt, i: i64) {
let b2: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_i64(i).unwrap();
assert!(b1 == b2);
assert!(b1.to_i64().unwrap() == i);
check(Zero::zero(), 0);
check(One::one(), 1);
check(i64::MIN.to_bigint().unwrap(), i64::MIN);
check(i64::MAX.to_bigint().unwrap(), i64::MAX);
assert_eq!((i64::MAX as u64 + 1).to_bigint().unwrap().to_i64(), None);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_i64(),
BigUint::new(vec![1, 0, 0, 1 << (big_digit::BITS - 1)]))
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_i64(),
fn test_convert_u64() {
fn check(b1: BigInt, u: u64) {
let b2: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_u64(u).unwrap();
assert!(b1 == b2);
assert!(b1.to_u64().unwrap() == u);
check(Zero::zero(), 0);
check(One::one(), 1);
check(u64::MIN.to_bigint().unwrap(), u64::MIN);
check(u64::MAX.to_bigint().unwrap(), u64::MAX);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_u64(),
let max_value: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_u64(u64::MAX).unwrap();
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, max_value).to_u64(), None);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_u64(),
fn test_convert_f32() {
fn check(b1: &BigInt, f: f32) {
let b2 = BigInt::from_f32(f).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b1, &b2);
assert_eq!(b1.to_f32().unwrap(), f);
let neg_b1 = -b1;
let neg_b2 = BigInt::from_f32(-f).unwrap();
assert_eq!(neg_b1, neg_b2);
assert_eq!(neg_b1.to_f32().unwrap(), -f);
check(&BigInt::zero(), 0.0);
check(&BigInt::one(), 1.0);
check(&BigInt::from(u16::MAX), 2.0.powi(16) - 1.0);
check(&BigInt::from(1u64 << 32), 2.0.powi(32));
check(&BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[0, 0, 1]), 2.0.powi(64));
check(&((BigInt::one() << 100) + (BigInt::one() << 123)),
2.0.powi(100) + 2.0.powi(123));
check(&(BigInt::one() << 127), 2.0.powi(127));
check(&(BigInt::from((1u64 << 24) - 1) << (128 - 24)), f32::MAX);
// keeping all 24 digits with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
let x: u32 = 0b00000000101111011111011011011101;
let mut f = x as f32;
let mut b = BigInt::from(x);
for _ in 0..64 {
check(&b, f);
f *= 2.0;
b = b << 1;
// this number when rounded to f64 then f32 isn't the same as when rounded straight to f32
let mut n: i64 = 0b0000000000111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111;
assert!((n as f64) as f32 != n as f32);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(n).to_f32(), Some(n as f32));
n = -n;
assert!((n as f64) as f32 != n as f32);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(n).to_f32(), Some(n as f32));
// test rounding up with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
let mut f = ((1u64 << 25) - 1) as f32;
let mut b = BigInt::from(1u64 << 25);
for _ in 0..64 {
assert_eq!(b.to_f32(), Some(f));
f *= 2.0;
b = b << 1;
// rounding
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-f32::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(-2i32)));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-0.0), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0),
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::MIN_POSITIVE), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(2u32)));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::consts::PI), Some(BigInt::from(3u32)));
// special float values
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::NAN), None);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::INFINITY), None);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::NEG_INFINITY), None);
// largest BigInt that will round to a finite f32 value
let big_num = (BigInt::one() << 128) - BigInt::one() - (BigInt::one() << (128 - 25));
assert_eq!(big_num.to_f32(), Some(f32::MAX));
assert_eq!((&big_num + BigInt::one()).to_f32(), None);
assert_eq!((-&big_num).to_f32(), Some(f32::MIN));
assert_eq!(((-&big_num) - BigInt::one()).to_f32(), None);
assert_eq!(((BigInt::one() << 128) - BigInt::one()).to_f32(), None);
assert_eq!((BigInt::one() << 128).to_f32(), None);
assert_eq!((-((BigInt::one() << 128) - BigInt::one())).to_f32(), None);
assert_eq!((-(BigInt::one() << 128)).to_f32(), None);
fn test_convert_f64() {
fn check(b1: &BigInt, f: f64) {
let b2 = BigInt::from_f64(f).unwrap();
assert_eq!(b1, &b2);
assert_eq!(b1.to_f64().unwrap(), f);
let neg_b1 = -b1;
let neg_b2 = BigInt::from_f64(-f).unwrap();
assert_eq!(neg_b1, neg_b2);
assert_eq!(neg_b1.to_f64().unwrap(), -f);
check(&BigInt::zero(), 0.0);
check(&BigInt::one(), 1.0);
check(&BigInt::from(u32::MAX), 2.0.powi(32) - 1.0);
check(&BigInt::from(1u64 << 32), 2.0.powi(32));
check(&BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[0, 0, 1]), 2.0.powi(64));
check(&((BigInt::one() << 100) + (BigInt::one() << 152)),
2.0.powi(100) + 2.0.powi(152));
check(&(BigInt::one() << 1023), 2.0.powi(1023));
check(&(BigInt::from((1u64 << 53) - 1) << (1024 - 53)), f64::MAX);
// keeping all 53 digits with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
let x: u64 = 0b0000000000011110111110110111111101110111101111011111011011011101;
let mut f = x as f64;
let mut b = BigInt::from(x);
for _ in 0..128 {
check(&b, f);
f *= 2.0;
b = b << 1;
// test rounding up with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
let mut f = ((1u64 << 54) - 1) as f64;
let mut b = BigInt::from(1u64 << 54);
for _ in 0..128 {
assert_eq!(b.to_f64(), Some(f));
f *= 2.0;
b = b << 1;
// rounding
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-f64::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(-2i32)));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-0.0), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0),
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::MIN_POSITIVE), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(2u32)));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::consts::PI), Some(BigInt::from(3u32)));
// special float values
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::NAN), None);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::INFINITY), None);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::NEG_INFINITY), None);
// largest BigInt that will round to a finite f64 value
let big_num = (BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one() - (BigInt::one() << (1024 - 54));
assert_eq!(big_num.to_f64(), Some(f64::MAX));
assert_eq!((&big_num + BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
assert_eq!((-&big_num).to_f64(), Some(f64::MIN));
assert_eq!(((-&big_num) - BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
assert_eq!(((BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
assert_eq!((BigInt::one() << 1024).to_f64(), None);
assert_eq!((-((BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one())).to_f64(), None);
assert_eq!((-(BigInt::one() << 1024)).to_f64(), None);
fn test_convert_to_biguint() {
fn check(n: BigInt, ans_1: BigUint) {
assert_eq!(n.to_biguint().unwrap(), ans_1);
assert_eq!(n.to_biguint().unwrap().to_bigint().unwrap(), n);
let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
let unsigned_zero: BigUint = Zero::zero();
let positive = BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
let negative = -&positive;
check(zero, unsigned_zero);
check(positive, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
assert_eq!(negative.to_biguint(), None);
fn test_convert_from_uint() {
macro_rules! check {
($ty:ident, $max:expr) => {
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::zero()), BigInt::zero());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::one()), BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX - $ty::one()), $max - BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX), $max);
check!(u8, BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u8::MAX as BigDigit]));
check!(u16, BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u16::MAX as BigDigit]));
check!(u32, BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u32::MAX as BigDigit]));
BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u32::MAX as BigDigit, u32::MAX as BigDigit]));
check!(usize, BigInt::from(usize::MAX as u64));
fn test_convert_from_int() {
macro_rules! check {
($ty:ident, $min:expr, $max:expr) => {
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MIN), $min);
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MIN + $ty::one()), $min + BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-$ty::one()), -BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::zero()), BigInt::zero());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::one()), BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX - $ty::one()), $max - BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX), $max);
BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[1 << 7]),
BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[i8::MAX as BigDigit]));
BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[1 << 15]),
BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[i16::MAX as BigDigit]));
BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[1 << 31]),
BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[i32::MAX as BigDigit]));
BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[0, 1 << 31]),
BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u32::MAX as BigDigit, i32::MAX as BigDigit]));
BigInt::from(isize::MIN as i64),
BigInt::from(isize::MAX as i64));
fn test_convert_from_biguint() {
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(BigUint::zero()), BigInt::zero());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(BigUint::one()), BigInt::one());
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(BigUint::from_slice(&[1, 2, 3])),
BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[1, 2, 3]));
fn test_add() {
for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let (na, nb, nc) = (-&a, -&b, -&c);
assert_op!(a + b == c);
assert_op!(b + a == c);
assert_op!(c + na == b);
assert_op!(c + nb == a);
assert_op!(a + nc == nb);
assert_op!(b + nc == na);
assert_op!(na + nb == nc);
assert_op!(a + na == Zero::zero());
fn test_sub() {
for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let (na, nb, nc) = (-&a, -&b, -&c);
assert_op!(c - a == b);
assert_op!(c - b == a);
assert_op!(nb - a == nc);
assert_op!(na - b == nc);
assert_op!(b - na == c);
assert_op!(a - nb == c);
assert_op!(nc - na == nb);
assert_op!(a - a == Zero::zero());
fn test_mul() {
for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let (na, nb, nc) = (-&a, -&b, -&c);
assert_op!(a * b == c);
assert_op!(b * a == c);
assert_op!(na * nb == c);
assert_op!(na * b == nc);
assert_op!(nb * a == nc);
for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
assert!(a == &b * &c + &d);
assert!(a == &c * &b + &d);
fn test_div_mod_floor() {
fn check_sub(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, ans_d: &BigInt, ans_m: &BigInt) {
let (d, m) = a.div_mod_floor(b);
if !m.is_zero() {
assert_eq!(m.sign(), b.sign());
assert!(m.abs() <= b.abs());
assert!(*a == b * &d + &m);
assert!(d == *ans_d);
assert!(m == *ans_m);
fn check(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, d: &BigInt, m: &BigInt) {
if m.is_zero() {
check_sub(a, b, d, m);
check_sub(a, &b.neg(), &d.neg(), m);
check_sub(&a.neg(), b, &d.neg(), m);
check_sub(&a.neg(), &b.neg(), d, m);
} else {
let one: BigInt = One::one();
check_sub(a, b, d, m);
check_sub(a, &b.neg(), &(d.neg() - &one), &(m - b));
check_sub(&a.neg(), b, &(d.neg() - &one), &(b - m));
check_sub(&a.neg(), &b.neg(), d, &m.neg());
for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
if !a.is_zero() {
check(&c, &a, &b, &Zero::zero());
if !b.is_zero() {
check(&c, &b, &a, &Zero::zero());
for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
if !b.is_zero() {
check(&a, &b, &c, &d);
fn test_div_rem() {
fn check_sub(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, ans_q: &BigInt, ans_r: &BigInt) {
let (q, r) = a.div_rem(b);
if !r.is_zero() {
assert_eq!(r.sign(), a.sign());
assert!(r.abs() <= b.abs());
assert!(*a == b * &q + &r);
assert!(q == *ans_q);
assert!(r == *ans_r);
let (a, b, ans_q, ans_r) = (a.clone(), b.clone(), ans_q.clone(), ans_r.clone());
assert_op!(a / b == ans_q);
assert_op!(a % b == ans_r);
fn check(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, q: &BigInt, r: &BigInt) {
check_sub(a, b, q, r);
check_sub(a, &b.neg(), &q.neg(), r);
check_sub(&a.neg(), b, &q.neg(), &r.neg());
check_sub(&a.neg(), &b.neg(), q, &r.neg());
for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
if !a.is_zero() {
check(&c, &a, &b, &Zero::zero());
if !b.is_zero() {
check(&c, &b, &a, &Zero::zero());
for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
if !b.is_zero() {
check(&a, &b, &c, &d);
fn test_checked_add() {
for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
assert!(a.checked_add(&b).unwrap() == c);
assert!(b.checked_add(&a).unwrap() == c);
assert!(c.checked_add(&(-&a)).unwrap() == b);
assert!(c.checked_add(&(-&b)).unwrap() == a);
assert!(a.checked_add(&(-&c)).unwrap() == (-&b));
assert!(b.checked_add(&(-&c)).unwrap() == (-&a));
assert!((-&a).checked_add(&(-&b)).unwrap() == (-&c));
assert!(a.checked_add(&(-&a)).unwrap() == Zero::zero());
fn test_checked_sub() {
for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
assert!(c.checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == b);
assert!(c.checked_sub(&b).unwrap() == a);
assert!((-&b).checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == (-&c));
assert!((-&a).checked_sub(&b).unwrap() == (-&c));
assert!(b.checked_sub(&(-&a)).unwrap() == c);
assert!(a.checked_sub(&(-&b)).unwrap() == c);
assert!((-&c).checked_sub(&(-&a)).unwrap() == (-&b));
assert!(a.checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == Zero::zero());
fn test_checked_mul() {
for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
assert!(a.checked_mul(&b).unwrap() == c);
assert!(b.checked_mul(&a).unwrap() == c);
assert!((-&a).checked_mul(&b).unwrap() == -&c);
assert!((-&b).checked_mul(&a).unwrap() == -&c);
for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
assert!(a == b.checked_mul(&c).unwrap() + &d);
assert!(a == c.checked_mul(&b).unwrap() + &d);
fn test_checked_div() {
for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
if !a.is_zero() {
assert!(c.checked_div(&a).unwrap() == b);
assert!((-&c).checked_div(&(-&a)).unwrap() == b);
assert!((-&c).checked_div(&a).unwrap() == -&b);
if !b.is_zero() {
assert!(c.checked_div(&b).unwrap() == a);
assert!((-&c).checked_div(&(-&b)).unwrap() == a);
assert!((-&c).checked_div(&b).unwrap() == -&a);
fn test_gcd() {
fn check(a: isize, b: isize, c: isize) {
let big_a: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(a).unwrap();
let big_b: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(b).unwrap();
let big_c: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(c).unwrap();
assert_eq!(big_a.gcd(&big_b), big_c);
check(10, 2, 2);
check(10, 3, 1);
check(0, 3, 3);
check(3, 3, 3);
check(56, 42, 14);
check(3, -3, 3);
check(-6, 3, 3);
check(-4, -2, 2);
fn test_lcm() {
fn check(a: isize, b: isize, c: isize) {
let big_a: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(a).unwrap();
let big_b: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(b).unwrap();
let big_c: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(c).unwrap();
assert_eq!(big_a.lcm(&big_b), big_c);
check(1, 0, 0);
check(0, 1, 0);
check(1, 1, 1);
check(-1, 1, 1);
check(1, -1, 1);
check(-1, -1, 1);
check(8, 9, 72);
check(11, 5, 55);
fn test_abs_sub() {
let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
let one: BigInt = One::one();
assert_eq!((-&one).abs_sub(&one), zero);
let one: BigInt = One::one();
let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
assert_eq!(one.abs_sub(&one), zero);
let one: BigInt = One::one();
let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
assert_eq!(one.abs_sub(&zero), one);
let one: BigInt = One::one();
let two: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(one.abs_sub(&-&one), two);
fn test_from_str_radix() {
fn check(s: &str, ans: Option<isize>) {
let ans =|n| {
let x: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(n).unwrap();
assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix(s, 10).ok(), ans);
check("10", Some(10));
check("1", Some(1));
check("0", Some(0));
check("-1", Some(-1));
check("-10", Some(-10));
check("+10", Some(10));
check("--7", None);
check("++5", None);
check("+-9", None);
check("-+3", None);
check("Z", None);
check("_", None);
// issue 10522, this hit an edge case that caused it to
// attempt to allocate a vector of size (-1u) == huge.
let x: BigInt = format!("1{}", repeat("0").take(36).collect::<String>()).parse().unwrap();
let _y = x.to_string();
fn test_lower_hex() {
let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", a), "a");
assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", hello), "-48656c6c6f20776f726c6421");
assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8x}", a), "♥♥♥♥+0xa");
fn test_upper_hex() {
let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", a), "A");
assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", hello), "-48656C6C6F20776F726C6421");
assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8X}", a), "♥♥♥♥+0xA");
fn test_binary() {
let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-224055342307539".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", a), "1010");
assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", hello),
assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8b}", a), "♥+0b1010");
fn test_octal() {
let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", a), "12");
assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", hello), "-22062554330674403566756233062041");
assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8o}", a), "♥♥♥+0o12");
fn test_display() {
let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "10");
assert_eq!(format!("{}", hello), "-22405534230753963835153736737");
assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8}", a), "♥♥♥♥♥+10");
fn test_neg() {
assert!(-BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1, 1, 1]) == BigInt::new(Minus, vec![1, 1, 1]));
assert!(-BigInt::new(Minus, vec![1, 1, 1]) == BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1, 1, 1]));
let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
assert_eq!(-&zero, zero);
fn test_negative_shr() {
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-1) >> 1, BigInt::from(-1));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-2) >> 1, BigInt::from(-1));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-3) >> 1, BigInt::from(-2));
assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-3) >> 2, BigInt::from(-1));
fn test_random_shr() {
use rand::Rng;
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for p in rng.gen_iter::<i64>().take(1000) {
let big = BigInt::from(p);
let bigger = &big << 1000;
assert_eq!(&bigger >> 1000, big);
for i in 0..64 {
let answer = BigInt::from(p >> i);
assert_eq!(&big >> i, answer);
assert_eq!(&bigger >> (1000 + i), answer);
fn test_iter_sum() {
let result: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(-1234567).unwrap();
let data: Vec<BigInt> = vec![
assert_eq!(result, data.iter().sum());
assert_eq!(result, data.into_iter().sum());
fn test_iter_product() {
let data: Vec<BigInt> = vec![
let result = data.get(0).unwrap() * data.get(1).unwrap() * data.get(2).unwrap()
* data.get(3).unwrap() * data.get(4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, data.iter().product());
assert_eq!(result, data.into_iter().product());
fn test_iter_sum_generic() {
let result: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(-1234567).unwrap();
let data = vec![-1000000, -200000, -30000, -4000, -500, -60, -7];
assert_eq!(result, data.iter().sum());
assert_eq!(result, data.into_iter().sum());
fn test_iter_product_generic() {
let data = vec![1001, -1002, 1003, -1004, 1005];
let result = data[0].to_bigint().unwrap() * data[1].to_bigint().unwrap()
* data[2].to_bigint().unwrap() * data[3].to_bigint().unwrap()
* data[4].to_bigint().unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, data.iter().product());
assert_eq!(result, data.into_iter().product());