Add new_from_u64 to IsaacRng and Isaac64Rng

Cherry-picked from adcd8e56595a6 [by Paul Dicker, 19th October]

I have implemented it as a function instead of a trait, as that makes it easy to
add it to every RNG ont at a time.

I split the `init` function in two instead of the current version that uses a
bool to select between two paths. This makes it more clear how the seed is used.
The current `mix` macro has to be defined in the function, and would have to be
duplicated. Therefore I converted it to a seperate function.

I precalculated the values a...h, but am not sure this is a good idea. It makes
the resulting code smaller, and gives a small performance win. Because it are
'magic' values anyway, I thought why not?
This commit is contained in:
Diggory Hardy 2017-12-15 11:54:12 +00:00
parent a5d006180d
commit 38e16ed95d
3 changed files with 354 additions and 242 deletions

@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ pub struct Closed01<F>(pub F);
/// The standard RNG. This is designed to be efficient on the current
/// platform.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct StdRng {
rng: IsaacWordRng,

@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ const RAND_SIZE: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
/// [3]: Jean-Philippe Aumasson, [*On the pseudo-random generator ISAAC*]
/// (
pub struct IsaacRng {
rsl: [w32; RAND_SIZE],
mem: [w32; RAND_SIZE],
@ -98,85 +96,84 @@ pub struct IsaacRng {
cnt: u32,
static EMPTY: IsaacRng = IsaacRng {
cnt: 0,
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
impl Clone for IsaacRng {
fn clone(&self) -> IsaacRng {
IsaacRng {
rsl: self.rsl,
mem: self.mem,
a: self.a,
b: self.b,
c: self.c,
cnt: self.cnt,
impl fmt::Debug for IsaacRng {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "IsaacRng {{}}")
fn mix(a: &mut w32, b: &mut w32, c: &mut w32, d: &mut w32,
e: &mut w32, f: &mut w32, g: &mut w32, h: &mut w32) {
*a ^= *b << 11; *d += *a; *b += *c;
*b ^= *c >> 2; *e += *b; *c += *d;
*c ^= *d << 8; *f += *c; *d += *e;
*d ^= *e >> 16; *g += *d; *e += *f;
*e ^= *f << 10; *h += *e; *f += *g;
*f ^= *g >> 4; *a += *f; *g += *h;
*g ^= *h << 8; *b += *g; *h += *a;
*h ^= *a >> 9; *c += *h; *a += *b;
impl IsaacRng {
/// Creates an ISAAC random number generator using an u64 as seed.
/// If `seed == 0` this will produce the same stream of random numbers as
/// the reference implementation when used unseeded.
pub fn new_from_u64(seed: u64) -> IsaacRng {
let mut a = w(0x1367df5a);
let mut b = w(0x95d90059);
let mut c = w(0xc3163e4b);
let mut d = w(0x0f421ad8);
let mut e = w(0xd92a4a78);
let mut f = w(0xa51a3c49);
let mut g = w(0xc4efea1b);
let mut h = w(0x30609119);
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator using the default
/// fixed seed.
pub fn new_unseeded() -> IsaacRng {
let mut rng = EMPTY;
let mut mem = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
a += w(seed as u32);
b += w((seed >> 32) as u32);
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
mix(&mut a, &mut b, &mut c, &mut d, &mut e, &mut f, &mut g, &mut h);
mem[i ] = a; mem[i+1] = b;
mem[i+2] = c; mem[i+3] = d;
mem[i+4] = e; mem[i+5] = f;
mem[i+6] = g; mem[i+7] = h;
// A second pass does not improve the quality here, because all of
// the seed was already available in the first round.
// Not doing the second pass has the small advantage that if `seed == 0`
// this method produces exactly the same state as the reference
// implementation when used unseeded.
let mut rng = IsaacRng {
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
mem: mem,
a: w(0),
b: w(0),
c: w(0),
cnt: 0,
// Prepare the first set of results
/// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
/// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
/// randomly).
fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
let mut a = w(0x9e3779b9); // golden ratio
let mut b = a;
let mut c = a;
let mut d = a;
let mut e = a;
let mut f = a;
let mut g = a;
let mut h = a;
macro_rules! mix {
() => {{
a ^= b << 11; d += a; b += c;
b ^= c >> 2; e += b; c += d;
c ^= d << 8; f += c; d += e;
d ^= e >> 16; g += d; e += f;
e ^= f << 10; h += e; f += g;
f ^= g >> 4; a += f; g += h;
g ^= h << 8; b += g; h += a;
h ^= a >> 9; c += h; a += b;
for _ in 0..4 {
if use_rsl {
macro_rules! memloop {
($arr:expr) => {{
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
a += $arr[i ]; b += $arr[i+1];
c += $arr[i+2]; d += $arr[i+3];
e += $arr[i+4]; f += $arr[i+5];
g += $arr[i+6]; h += $arr[i+7];
self.mem[i ] = a; self.mem[i+1] = b;
self.mem[i+2] = c; self.mem[i+3] = d;
self.mem[i+4] = e; self.mem[i+5] = f;
self.mem[i+6] = g; self.mem[i+7] = h;
} else {
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
self.mem[i ] = a; self.mem[i+1] = b;
self.mem[i+2] = c; self.mem[i+3] = d;
self.mem[i+4] = e; self.mem[i+5] = f;
self.mem[i+6] = g; self.mem[i+7] = h;
/// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
/// See also the pseudocode desciption of the algorithm at the top of this
/// file.
@ -245,13 +242,6 @@ impl IsaacRng {
// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
impl Clone for IsaacRng {
fn clone(&self) -> IsaacRng {
impl Rng for IsaacRng {
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
@ -274,67 +264,128 @@ impl Rng for IsaacRng {
// it optimises to a bitwise mask).
self.rsl[self.cnt as usize % RAND_SIZE].0
fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
impls::fill_bytes_via_u32(self, dest)
impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u32]> for IsaacRng {
fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u32]) {
// make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
// - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u32));
/// Creates a new ISAAC-64 random number generator.
/// The author Bob Jenkins describes how to best initialize ISAAC here:
/// The answer is included here just in case:
/// "No, you don't need a full 8192 bits of seed data. Normal key sizes will do
/// fine, and they should have their expected strength (eg a 40-bit key will
/// take as much time to brute force as 40-bit keys usually will). You could
/// fill the remainder with 0, but set the last array element to the length of
/// the key provided (to distinguish keys that differ only by different amounts
/// of 0 padding). You do still need to call randinit() to make sure the initial
/// state isn't uniform-looking."
/// "After publishing ISAAC, I wanted to limit the key to half the size of r[],
/// and repeat it twice. That would have made it hard to provide a key that sets
/// the whole internal state to anything convenient. But I'd already published
/// it."
/// And his answer to the question "For my code, would repeating the key over
/// and over to fill 256 integers be a better solution than zero-filling, or
/// would they essentially be the same?":
/// "If the seed is under 32 bytes, they're essentially the same, otherwise
/// repeating the seed would be stronger. randinit() takes a chunk of 32 bytes,
/// mixes it, and combines that with the next 32 bytes, et cetera. Then loops
/// over all the elements the same way a second time."
fn init(key: [w32; RAND_SIZE]) -> IsaacRng {
// These numbers are the result of initializing a...h with the
// fractional part of the golden ratio in binary (0x9e3779b9)
// and applying mix() 4 times.
let mut a = w(0x1367df5a);
let mut b = w(0x95d90059);
let mut c = w(0xc3163e4b);
let mut d = w(0x0f421ad8);
let mut e = w(0xd92a4a78);
let mut f = w(0xa51a3c49);
let mut g = w(0xc4efea1b);
let mut h = w(0x30609119);
for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
*rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
self.cnt = 0;
self.a = w(0);
self.b = w(0);
self.c = w(0);
let mut mem = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
macro_rules! memloop {
($arr:expr) => {{
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
a += $arr[i ]; b += $arr[i+1];
c += $arr[i+2]; d += $arr[i+3];
e += $arr[i+4]; f += $arr[i+5];
g += $arr[i+6]; h += $arr[i+7];
mix(&mut a, &mut b, &mut c, &mut d,
&mut e, &mut f, &mut g, &mut h);
mem[i ] = a; mem[i+1] = b;
mem[i+2] = c; mem[i+3] = d;
mem[i+4] = e; mem[i+5] = f;
mem[i+6] = g; mem[i+7] = h;
// Do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of `mem`
let mut rng = IsaacRng {
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
mem: mem,
a: w(0),
b: w(0),
c: w(0),
cnt: 0,
// Prepare the first set of results
impl Rand for IsaacRng {
fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> IsaacRng {
let mut key = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
unsafe {
let ptr = key.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE * 4);
impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u32]> for IsaacRng {
fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u32]) {
*self = Self::from_seed(seed);
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
/// be any length, although the maximum number of elements used is
/// 256 and any more will be silently ignored. A generator
/// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
/// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u32]) -> IsaacRng {
let mut rng = EMPTY;
let mut key = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
impl Rand for IsaacRng {
fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> IsaacRng {
let mut ret = EMPTY;
unsafe {
let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
// make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
// - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill `key`.
let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u32));
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE * 4);
for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in key.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
*rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
ret.cnt = 0;
ret.a = w(0);
ret.b = w(0);
ret.c = w(0);
return ret;
impl fmt::Debug for IsaacRng {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "IsaacRng {{}}")
@ -393,4 +444,21 @@ mod test {
vec!(3676831399, 3183332890, 2834741178, 3854698763, 2717568474,
1576568959, 3507990155, 179069555, 141456972, 2478885421));
fn test_isaac_new_uninitialized() {
// Compare the results from initializing `IsaacRng` with
// `new_from_u64(0)`, to make sure it is the same as the reference
// implementation when used uninitialized.
// Note: We only test the first 16 integers, not the full 256 of the
// first block.
let mut rng = IsaacRng::new_from_u64(0);
let vec = (0..16).map(|_| rng.next_u32()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected: [u32; 16] = [
0x71D71FD2, 0xB54ADAE7, 0xD4788559, 0xC36129FA,
0x21DC1EA9, 0x3CB879CA, 0xD83B237F, 0xFA3CE5BD,
0x8D048509, 0xD82E9489, 0xDB452848, 0xCA20E846,
0x500F972E, 0x0EEFF940, 0x00D6B993, 0xBC12C17F];
assert_eq!(vec, expected);

@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ const RAND_SIZE: usize = 1 << RAND_SIZE_LEN;
/// [1]: Bob Jenkins, [*ISAAC and RC4*]
/// (
pub struct Isaac64Rng {
rsl: [w64; RAND_SIZE],
mem: [w64; RAND_SIZE],
@ -82,84 +80,83 @@ pub struct Isaac64Rng {
cnt: u32,
static EMPTY_64: Isaac64Rng = Isaac64Rng {
cnt: 0,
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
mem: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
a: w(0), b: w(0), c: w(0),
// Cannot be derived because [u64; 256] does not implement Clone
impl Clone for Isaac64Rng {
fn clone(&self) -> Isaac64Rng {
Isaac64Rng {
rsl: self.rsl,
mem: self.mem,
a: self.a,
b: self.b,
c: self.c,
cnt: self.cnt,
impl fmt::Debug for Isaac64Rng {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Isaac64Rng {{}}")
fn mix(a: &mut w64, b: &mut w64, c: &mut w64, d: &mut w64,
e: &mut w64, f: &mut w64, g: &mut w64, h: &mut w64) {
*a -= *e; *f ^= *h >> 9; *h += *a;
*b -= *f; *g ^= *a << 9; *a += *b;
*c -= *g; *h ^= *b >> 23; *b += *c;
*d -= *h; *a ^= *c << 15; *c += *d;
*e -= *a; *b ^= *d >> 14; *d += *e;
*f -= *b; *c ^= *e << 20; *e += *f;
*g -= *c; *d ^= *f >> 17; *f += *g;
*h -= *d; *e ^= *g << 14; *g += *h;
impl Isaac64Rng {
/// Create a 64-bit ISAAC random number generator using the
/// default fixed seed.
pub fn new_unseeded() -> Isaac64Rng {
let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
/// Creates an ISAAC-64 random number generator using an u64 as seed.
/// If `seed == 0` this will produce the same stream of random numbers as
/// the reference implementation when used unseeded.
pub fn new_from_u64(seed: u64) -> Isaac64Rng {
let mut a = w(0x647c4677a2884b7c);
let mut b = w(0xb9f8b322c73ac862);
let mut c = w(0x8c0ea5053d4712a0);
let mut d = w(0xb29b2e824a595524);
let mut e = w(0x82f053db8355e0ce);
let mut f = w(0x48fe4a0fa5a09315);
let mut g = w(0xae985bf2cbfc89ed);
let mut h = w(0x98f5704f6c44c0ab);
let mut mem = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
a += w(seed);
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
mix(&mut a, &mut b, &mut c, &mut d, &mut e, &mut f, &mut g, &mut h);
mem[i ] = a; mem[i+1] = b;
mem[i+2] = c; mem[i+3] = d;
mem[i+4] = e; mem[i+5] = f;
mem[i+6] = g; mem[i+7] = h;
// A second pass does not improve the quality here, because all of
// the seed was already available in the first round.
// Not doing the second pass has the small advantage that if `seed == 0`
// this method produces exactly the same state as the reference
// implementation when used unseeded.
let mut rng = Isaac64Rng {
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
mem: mem,
a: w(0),
b: w(0),
c: w(0),
cnt: 0,
// Prepare the first set of results
/// Initialises `self`. If `use_rsl` is true, then use the current value
/// of `rsl` as a seed, otherwise construct one algorithmically (not
/// randomly).
fn init(&mut self, use_rsl: bool) {
let mut a = w(0x9e3779b97f4a7c13); // golden ratio
let mut b = a;
let mut c = a;
let mut d = a;
let mut e = a;
let mut f = a;
let mut g = a;
let mut h = a;
macro_rules! mix {
() => {{
a -= e; f ^= h >> 9; h += a;
b -= f; g ^= a << 9; a += b;
c -= g; h ^= b >> 23; b += c;
d -= h; a ^= c << 15; c += d;
e -= a; b ^= d >> 14; d += e;
f -= b; c ^= e << 20; e += f;
g -= c; d ^= f >> 17; f += g;
h -= d; e ^= g << 14; g += h;
for _ in 0..4 {
if use_rsl {
macro_rules! memloop {
($arr:expr) => {{
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
a += $arr[i ]; b += $arr[i+1];
c += $arr[i+2]; d += $arr[i+3];
e += $arr[i+4]; f += $arr[i+5];
g += $arr[i+6]; h += $arr[i+7];
self.mem[i ] = a; self.mem[i+1] = b;
self.mem[i+2] = c; self.mem[i+3] = d;
self.mem[i+4] = e; self.mem[i+5] = f;
self.mem[i+6] = g; self.mem[i+7] = h;
} else {
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
self.mem[i ] = a; self.mem[i+1] = b;
self.mem[i+2] = c; self.mem[i+3] = d;
self.mem[i+4] = e; self.mem[i+5] = f;
self.mem[i+6] = g; self.mem[i+7] = h;
/// Refills the output buffer (`self.rsl`)
/// See also the pseudocode desciption of the algorithm at the top of this
/// file.
@ -228,13 +225,6 @@ impl Isaac64Rng {
// Cannot be derived because [u32; 256] does not implement Clone
impl Clone for Isaac64Rng {
fn clone(&self) -> Isaac64Rng {
impl Rng for Isaac64Rng {
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
@ -262,27 +252,79 @@ impl Rng for Isaac64Rng {
// it optimises to a bitwise mask).
self.rsl[self.cnt as usize % RAND_SIZE].0
fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
impls::fill_bytes_via_u64(self, dest)
/// Creates a new ISAAC-64 random number generator.
fn init(key: [w64; RAND_SIZE]) -> Isaac64Rng {
// These numbers are the result of initializing a...h with the
// fractional part of the golden ratio in binary (0x9e3779b97f4a7c13)
// and applying mix() 4 times.
let mut a = w(0x647c4677a2884b7c);
let mut b = w(0xb9f8b322c73ac862);
let mut c = w(0x8c0ea5053d4712a0);
let mut d = w(0xb29b2e824a595524);
let mut e = w(0x82f053db8355e0ce);
let mut f = w(0x48fe4a0fa5a09315);
let mut g = w(0xae985bf2cbfc89ed);
let mut h = w(0x98f5704f6c44c0ab);
let mut mem = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
macro_rules! memloop {
($arr:expr) => {{
for i in (0..RAND_SIZE/8).map(|i| i * 8) {
a += $arr[i ]; b += $arr[i+1];
c += $arr[i+2]; d += $arr[i+3];
e += $arr[i+4]; f += $arr[i+5];
g += $arr[i+6]; h += $arr[i+7];
mix(&mut a, &mut b, &mut c, &mut d,
&mut e, &mut f, &mut g, &mut h);
mem[i ] = a; mem[i+1] = b;
mem[i+2] = c; mem[i+3] = d;
mem[i+4] = e; mem[i+5] = f;
mem[i+6] = g; mem[i+7] = h;
// Do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of `mem`
let mut rng = Isaac64Rng {
rsl: [w(0); RAND_SIZE],
mem: mem,
a: w(0),
b: w(0),
c: w(0),
cnt: 0,
// Prepare the first set of results
impl Rand for Isaac64Rng {
fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> Isaac64Rng {
let mut key = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
unsafe {
let ptr = key.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE * 8);
impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u64]> for Isaac64Rng {
fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u64]) {
// make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
// - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill rng.rsl.
let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u64));
for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in self.rsl.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
*rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
self.cnt = 0;
self.a = w(0);
self.b = w(0);
self.c = w(0);
*self = Self::from_seed(seed);
/// Create an ISAAC random number generator with a seed. This can
@ -291,34 +333,17 @@ impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u64]> for Isaac64Rng {
/// constructed with a given seed will generate the same sequence
/// of values as all other generators constructed with that seed.
fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u64]) -> Isaac64Rng {
let mut rng = EMPTY_64;
let mut key = [w(0); RAND_SIZE];
impl Rand for Isaac64Rng {
fn rand<R: Rng>(other: &mut R) -> Isaac64Rng {
let mut ret = EMPTY_64;
unsafe {
let ptr = ret.rsl.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8;
// make the seed into [seed[0], seed[1], ..., seed[seed.len()
// - 1], 0, 0, ...], to fill `key`.
let seed_iter = seed.iter().map(|&x| x).chain(repeat(0u64));
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, RAND_SIZE * 8);
for (rsl_elem, seed_elem) in key.iter_mut().zip(seed_iter) {
*rsl_elem = w(seed_elem);
ret.cnt = 0;
ret.a = w(0);
ret.b = w(0);
ret.c = w(0);
return ret;
impl fmt::Debug for Isaac64Rng {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Isaac64Rng {{}}")
@ -382,6 +407,25 @@ mod test {
fn test_isaac_new_uninitialized() {
// Compare the results from initializing `IsaacRng` with
// `new_from_u64(0)`, to make sure it is the same as the reference
// implementation when used uninitialized.
// Note: We only test the first 16 integers, not the full 256 of the
// first block.
let mut rng = Isaac64Rng::new_from_u64(0);
let vec = (0..16).map(|_| rng.next_u64()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expected: [u64; 16] = [
0xF67DFBA498E4937C, 0x84A5066A9204F380, 0xFEE34BD5F5514DBB,
0x4D1664739B8F80D6, 0x8607459AB52A14AA, 0x0E78BC5A98529E49,
0xFE5332822AD13777, 0x556C27525E33D01A, 0x08643CA615F3149F,
0xD0771FAF3CB04714, 0x30E86F68A37B008D, 0x3074EBC0488A3ADF,
0x270645EA7A2790BC, 0x5601A0A8D3763C6A, 0x2F83071F53F325DD,
assert_eq!(vec, expected);
fn test_rng_clone() {
let seed: &[_] = &[1, 23, 456, 7890, 12345];