2024-05-09 07:50:08 +01:00

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// Copyright 2021 Developers of the Rand project.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
/// Number of ticks.
const N: usize = 8;
/// Ticks used for the sparkline.
static TICKS: [char; N] = ['▁', '▂', '▃', '▄', '▅', '▆', '▇', '█'];
/// Render a sparkline of `data` into `buffer`.
pub fn render_u64(data: &[u64], buffer: &mut String) {
match data.len() {
0 => {
1 => {
if data[0] == 0 {
} else {
buffer.push(TICKS[N - 1]);
_ => {}
let max = data.iter().max().unwrap();
let min = data.iter().min().unwrap();
let scale = ((N - 1) as f64) / ((max - min) as f64);
for i in data {
let tick = (((i - min) as f64) * scale) as usize;
/// Calculate the required capacity for the sparkline, given the length of the
/// input data.
pub fn required_capacity(len: usize) -> usize {
len * TICKS[0].len_utf8()
/// Render a sparkline of `data` into a newly allocated string.
pub fn render_u64_as_string(data: &[u64]) -> String {
let cap = required_capacity(data.len());
let mut s = String::with_capacity(cap);
render_u64(data, &mut s);
debug_assert_eq!(s.capacity(), cap);
/// Render a sparkline of `data` into `buffer`.
pub fn render_f64(data: &[f64], buffer: &mut String) {
match data.len() {
0 => {
1 => {
if data[0] == 0. {
} else {
buffer.push(TICKS[N - 1]);
_ => {}
for x in data {
assert!(x.is_finite(), "can only render finite values");
let max = data.iter().fold(f64::NEG_INFINITY, |a, &b| a.max(b));
let min = data.iter().fold(f64::INFINITY, |a, &b| a.min(b));
let scale = ((N - 1) as f64) / (max - min);
for x in data {
let tick = ((x - min) * scale) as usize;
/// Render a sparkline of `data` into a newly allocated string.
pub fn render_f64_as_string(data: &[f64]) -> String {
let cap = required_capacity(data.len());
let mut s = String::with_capacity(cap);
render_f64(data, &mut s);
debug_assert_eq!(s.capacity(), cap);
mod tests {
fn render_u64() {
let data = [2, 250, 670, 890, 2, 430, 11, 908, 123, 57];
let mut s = String::with_capacity(super::required_capacity(data.len()));
super::render_u64(&data, &mut s);
println!("{}", s);
assert_eq!("▁▂▆▇▁▄▁█▁▁", &s);
fn render_u64_as_string() {
let data = [2, 250, 670, 890, 2, 430, 11, 908, 123, 57];
let s = super::render_u64_as_string(&data);
println!("{}", s);
assert_eq!("▁▂▆▇▁▄▁█▁▁", &s);
fn render_f64() {
let data = [2., 250., 670., 890., 2., 430., 11., 908., 123., 57.];
let mut s = String::with_capacity(super::required_capacity(data.len()));
super::render_f64(&data, &mut s);
println!("{}", s);
assert_eq!("▁▂▆▇▁▄▁█▁▁", &s);
fn render_f64_as_string() {
let data = [2., 250., 670., 890., 2., 430., 11., 908., 123., 57.];
let s = super::render_f64_as_string(&data);
println!("{}", s);
assert_eq!("▁▂▆▇▁▄▁█▁▁", &s);