Use Path instead of PathBuf in's compile().

This commit is contained in:
Brian Smith 2017-03-18 10:54:33 -10:00
parent 25add85a54
commit c4698ae457

View File

@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ fn ring_build_rs_main() {
let _ = rayon::join(check_all_files_tracked,
|| build_c_code(out_dir, &target));
|| build_c_code(&target, &out_dir));
fn pregenerate_asm_main() {
@ -399,14 +399,9 @@ impl Target {
pub fn is_debug(&self) -> bool { self.is_debug }
fn build_c_code(out_dir: PathBuf, target: &Target) {
let mut lib_target = out_dir.clone();
let lib_target = lib_target.as_path();
let mut test_target = out_dir.clone();
let test_target = test_target.as_path();
fn build_c_code(target: &Target, out_dir: &Path) {
let lib_target = out_dir.join("libring-core.a");
let test_target = out_dir.join("libring-test.a");
let includes_modified = RING_INCLUDES.par_iter()
@ -432,14 +427,11 @@ fn build_c_code(out_dir: PathBuf, target: &Target) {
let use_pregenerated = std::fs::metadata(".git").is_err();
let asm_dir = if use_pregenerated {
} else {
let pregenerated = PathBuf::from(PREGENERATED);
let asm_dir = if use_pregenerated { &pregenerated } else { out_dir };
let perlasm_src_dsts =
perlasm_src_dsts(&asm_dir, target.arch(), Some(target.os()),
perlasm_src_dsts(asm_dir, target.arch(), Some(target.os()),
if !use_pregenerated {
@ -462,10 +454,10 @@ fn build_c_code(out_dir: PathBuf, target: &Target) {
// XXX: Ideally, ring-test would only be built for `cargo test`, but Cargo
// can't do that yet.
let ((), ()) = rayon::join(
|| build_library("ring-core", lib_target, &asm_srcs[..], &srcs[..],
&target, out_dir.clone(), includes_modified),
|| build_library("ring-test", test_target, &[], &test_srcs[..],
&target, out_dir.clone(), includes_modified));
|| build_library("ring-core", &lib_target, &asm_srcs[..], &srcs[..],
&target, out_dir, includes_modified),
|| build_library("ring-test", &test_target, &[], &test_srcs[..],
&target, out_dir, includes_modified));
if target.env() != "msvc" {
let libcxx = if use_libcxx(target) {
@ -482,15 +474,15 @@ fn build_c_code(out_dir: PathBuf, target: &Target) {
fn build_library(lib_name: &str, out_path: &Path, additional: &[PathBuf],
lib_src: &[PathBuf], target: &Target, out_dir: PathBuf,
includes_modified: SystemTime) {
lib_src: &[PathBuf], target: &Target, out_dir: &Path,
includes_modified: SystemTime) {
// Compile all the (dirty) source files into object files.
let objs = additional.into_par_iter().chain(lib_src.into_par_iter())
target.env() != "msvc" ||
f.extension().unwrap().to_str().unwrap() != "S")
.map(|f| compile(f, target, out_dir.clone(), includes_modified))
.map(|f| compile(f, target, out_dir, includes_modified))
.map(|v| vec![v])
&|mut a: Vec<String>, b: Vec<String>| -> Vec<String> {
@ -498,8 +490,9 @@ fn build_library(lib_name: &str, out_path: &Path, additional: &[PathBuf],
//Rebuild the library if necessary.
// Rebuild the library if necessary.
if objs.par_iter()
.map(|f| Path::new(f))
.any(|p| need_run(&p, out_path, includes_modified)) {
let mut c = gcc::Config::new();
@ -533,16 +526,16 @@ fn build_library(lib_name: &str, out_path: &Path, additional: &[PathBuf],
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", lib_name);
fn compile(p: &Path, target: &Target, mut out_dir: PathBuf,
fn compile(p: &Path, target: &Target, out_dir: &Path,
includes_modified: SystemTime) -> String {
out_dir.push(p.file_name().expect("There is a filename"));
if need_run(&p, out_dir.as_path(), includes_modified) {
let mut out_path = out_dir.clone().join(p.file_name().unwrap());
if need_run(&p, &out_path, includes_modified) {
let ext = p.extension().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
let mut c = if target.env() != "msvc" || ext != "asm" {
cc(p, ext, target, &out_dir)
cc(p, ext, target, &out_path)
} else {
yasm(p, target, &out_dir)
yasm(p, target, &out_path)
println!("{:?}", c);
@ -552,7 +545,7 @@ fn compile(p: &Path, target: &Target, mut out_dir: PathBuf,
panic!("Failed to compile {:?}", p)
out_dir.to_str().expect("Invalid path").into()
out_path.to_str().expect("Invalid path").into()
fn cc(file: &Path, ext: &str, target: &Target, out_dir: &Path) -> Command {