Building *ring* =============== *ring*'s Rust crate is named `ring`. See to see what the latest version is and to see how to add a dependency on it to your project. When hacking on *ring* itself, you can build it using `cargo build` and `cargo test` as usual. *ring* includes some C, C++, and assembly language components, and its build script ( builds all those things automatically. Packaged Builds --------------- When you build *ring* from its package (e.g. the ones on, you only need the Rust toolchain and a C/C++ compiler. For Windows targets, the packaged crate contains precompiled object files for the assembly language modules so no macro assembler is required. On other platforms, *ring*'s build script assumes the C/C++ compiler knows how to build `.S` files (assembly language sources with C preprocessor directives). Builds directly from Git ------------------------ If you want to hack on *ring* then you need to build it directly from its Git repository. There are some additional requirements for doing this that do not apply when building from * For any target for which *ring* has assembly language implementations of primitives (32- and 64- bit Intel, and 32- and 64-bit ARM), Perl must be installed and in `$PATH`. * For Windows targets except ARM64, `target/tools/windows/nasm/nasm[.exe]` is used as the assembler. The version to use and how to download it is documented in [.github/workflows/ci.yml](.github/workflows/ci.yml). * For Windows ARM64 target, Clang is used as the C compiler and the assembler. See below "Building for Windows ARM64" section. Cross Compiling --------------- When you build *ring* for a target that is different than the one you are using for the build process you need to install the rust tool chain and a C/C++ compiler that can produce binaries for the intended target. Besides the required dependencies you need to set the environment variables `TARGET_CC` and `TARGET_AR` to the full path of the cross-compiler and the cross-archiver respectively. Supported Toolchains -------------------- *ring* targets the current stable release of Rust and Cargo. We also verify that the current beta and nightly releases work. On Windows, *ring* supports the x86_64-pc-windows-msvc and i686-pc-windows-msvc targets best. These targets require the “Visual C++ Build Tools 2015” package or Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or later to be installed. *ring* now also supports the aarch64-pc-windows-msvc target. For the detailed instructions please see the next section. Patches to get it working on other variants, including in particular Visual Studio 2017 ([#338]), Windows Universal Platform, Windows XP (the v140_xp toolchain; [#339]), and the -gnu targets ([#330]) are welcome. For other platforms, GCC 4.6 or later and Clang 3.5 or later are currently supported best. The build script passes options to the C/C++ compiler that are GCC- and Clang- specific. Pull requests to support other compilers will be considered. Note in particular that if you are cross-compiling an x86 build on a 64-bit version of Linux, then you need to have the proper gcc-multilibs and g++-multilibs packages or equivalent installed. Building for Windows ARM64 -------------------------- Windows ARM64 target requires the “Visual C++ Build Tools 2019” package or Visual Studio 2019 or later to be installed. “Desktop development with C++” workflow should be installed, as well as “MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ ARM64 build tools” component. To build *ring* for Windows ARM64, you will need to install Clang as it is used as the C compiler and the assembler for that platform. You can either use the version of Clang installed by Visual Studio, a standalone version from, or a mingw64 version of Clang, for example, from [llvm-mingw project]( If you're buiding *ring* on an ARM64 device like Surface Pro X, please note that and llvm-mingw have native ARM64 versions of Clang available. Also, if you're building *ring* on an ARM64 device, you might want to use `aarch64-pc-windows-msvc` Rustup toolchain, which can be installed using `rustup toolchain add aarch64-pc-windows-msvc`. When building on an ARM64 device, due to a bug in the Visual Studio installer, if you're using `rustc` version < 1.55 you would need to run `cargo build` / `cargo test` commands from x86_arm64 Developer Command Prompt. You can use `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsx86_arm64.bat` batch script to configure the environment. If you use `rustc` 1.55 beta or newer, you can run `cargo` commands without configuring the dev environment beforehand. Additional Features that are Useful for Development --------------------------------------------------- The `slow_tests` feature runs additional tests that are too slow to run during a normal edit-compile-test cycle. The `test_logging` feature prints out the input test vectors when a test fails. [#321]: [#330]: [#334]: [#336]: [#337]: [#338]: [#339]: [#340]: