// Copyright 2017 Brian Smith. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY // SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. #![cfg(feature = "alloc")] use ring::{ error, io::der, rand, rsa, signature::{self, KeyPair}, test, test_file, }; #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] use wasm_bindgen_test::{wasm_bindgen_test as test, wasm_bindgen_test_configure}; #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] wasm_bindgen_test_configure!(run_in_browser); #[test] fn rsa_from_pkcs8_test() { test::run( test_file!("rsa_from_pkcs8_tests.txt"), |section, test_case| { assert_eq!(section, ""); let input = test_case.consume_bytes("Input"); let error = test_case.consume_optional_string("Error"); match (rsa::KeyPair::from_pkcs8(&input), error) { (Ok(_), None) => {} (Err(e), None) => panic!("Failed with error \"{}\", but expected to succeed", e), (Ok(_), Some(e)) => panic!("Succeeded, but expected error \"{}\"", e), (Err(actual), Some(expected)) => assert_eq!(format!("{}", actual), expected), }; Ok(()) }, ); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn test_signature_rsa_pkcs1_sign() { let rng = rand::SystemRandom::new(); test::run( test_file!("rsa_pkcs1_sign_tests.txt"), |section, test_case| { assert_eq!(section, ""); let digest_name = test_case.consume_string("Digest"); let alg = match digest_name.as_ref() { "SHA256" => &signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, "SHA384" => &signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA384, "SHA512" => &signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA512, _ => panic!("Unsupported digest: {}", digest_name), }; let private_key = test_case.consume_bytes("Key"); let msg = test_case.consume_bytes("Msg"); let expected = test_case.consume_bytes("Sig"); let result = test_case.consume_string("Result"); let key_pair = rsa::KeyPair::from_der(&private_key); if result == "Fail-Invalid-Key" { assert!(key_pair.is_err()); return Ok(()); } let key_pair = key_pair.unwrap(); // XXX: This test is too slow on Android ARM Travis CI builds. // TODO: re-enable these tests on Android ARM. let mut actual = vec![0u8; key_pair.public().modulus_len()]; key_pair .sign(alg, &rng, &msg, actual.as_mut_slice()) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(actual.as_slice() == &expected[..], result == "Pass"); Ok(()) }, ); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn test_signature_rsa_pss_sign() { test::run( test_file!("rsa_pss_sign_tests.txt"), |section, test_case| { assert_eq!(section, ""); let digest_name = test_case.consume_string("Digest"); let alg = match digest_name.as_ref() { "SHA256" => &signature::RSA_PSS_SHA256, "SHA384" => &signature::RSA_PSS_SHA384, "SHA512" => &signature::RSA_PSS_SHA512, _ => panic!("Unsupported digest: {}", digest_name), }; let result = test_case.consume_string("Result"); let private_key = test_case.consume_bytes("Key"); let key_pair = rsa::KeyPair::from_der(&private_key); if key_pair.is_err() && result == "Fail-Invalid-Key" { return Ok(()); } let key_pair = key_pair.unwrap(); let msg = test_case.consume_bytes("Msg"); let salt = test_case.consume_bytes("Salt"); let expected = test_case.consume_bytes("Sig"); let rng = test::rand::FixedSliceRandom { bytes: &salt }; let mut actual = vec![0u8; key_pair.public().modulus_len()]; key_pair.sign(alg, &rng, &msg, actual.as_mut_slice())?; assert_eq!(actual.as_slice() == &expected[..], result == "Pass"); Ok(()) }, ); } // `KeyPair::sign` requires that the output buffer is the same length as // the public key modulus. Test what happens when it isn't the same length. #[test] fn test_signature_rsa_pkcs1_sign_output_buffer_len() { // Sign the message "hello, world", using PKCS#1 v1.5 padding and the // SHA256 digest algorithm. const MESSAGE: &[u8] = b"hello, world"; let rng = rand::SystemRandom::new(); const PRIVATE_KEY_DER: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../src/rsa/signature_rsa_example_private_key.der"); let key_pair = rsa::KeyPair::from_der(PRIVATE_KEY_DER).unwrap(); // When the output buffer is not exactly the right length, `sign()` returns // an error (and does not panic or invoke UB). if `sign` doesn't check that // the length is correct at the beginning then there are various possible // failure points when the output buffer is too small. for len in 0..key_pair.public().modulus_len() + 1 { let mut signature = vec![0; len]; assert_eq!( len == key_pair.public().modulus_len(), key_pair .sign(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, &rng, MESSAGE, &mut signature) .is_ok() ); } } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn test_signature_rsa_pkcs1_verify() { let sha1_params = &[ ( &signature::RSA_PKCS1_1024_8192_SHA1_FOR_LEGACY_USE_ONLY, 1024, ), ( &signature::RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA1_FOR_LEGACY_USE_ONLY, 2048, ), ]; let sha256_params = &[ ( &signature::RSA_PKCS1_1024_8192_SHA256_FOR_LEGACY_USE_ONLY, 1024, ), (&signature::RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA256, 2048), ]; let sha384_params = &[ (&signature::RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA384, 2048), (&signature::RSA_PKCS1_3072_8192_SHA384, 3072), ]; let sha512_params = &[ ( &signature::RSA_PKCS1_1024_8192_SHA512_FOR_LEGACY_USE_ONLY, 1024, ), (&signature::RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA512, 2048), ]; test::run( test_file!("rsa_pkcs1_verify_tests.txt"), |section, test_case| { assert_eq!(section, ""); let digest_name = test_case.consume_string("Digest"); let params: &[_] = match digest_name.as_ref() { "SHA1" => sha1_params, "SHA256" => sha256_params, "SHA384" => sha384_params, "SHA512" => sha512_params, _ => panic!("Unsupported digest: {}", digest_name), }; let public_key = test_case.consume_bytes("Key"); // Sanity check that we correctly DER-encoded the originally- // provided separate (n, e) components. When we add test vectors // for improperly-encoded signatures, we'll have to revisit this. let key_bits = untrusted::Input::from(&public_key) .read_all(error::Unspecified, |input| { der::nested(input, der::Tag::Sequence, error::Unspecified, |input| { let n_bytes = der::positive_integer(input)?.big_endian_without_leading_zero(); let _e = der::positive_integer(input)?; // Because `n_bytes` has the leading zeros stripped and is big-endian, there // must be less than 8 leading zero bits. let n_leading_zeros = usize::try_from(n_bytes[0].leading_zeros()).unwrap(); assert!(n_leading_zeros < 8); Ok((n_bytes.len() * 8) - n_leading_zeros) }) }) .expect("invalid DER"); let msg = test_case.consume_bytes("Msg"); let sig = test_case.consume_bytes("Sig"); let is_valid = test_case.consume_string("Result") == "P"; for &(alg, min_bits) in params { let width_ok = key_bits >= min_bits; let actual_result = signature::UnparsedPublicKey::new(alg, &public_key).verify(&msg, &sig); assert_eq!(actual_result.is_ok(), is_valid && width_ok); } Ok(()) }, ); } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn test_signature_rsa_pss_verify() { test::run( test_file!("rsa_pss_verify_tests.txt"), |section, test_case| { assert_eq!(section, ""); let digest_name = test_case.consume_string("Digest"); let alg = match digest_name.as_ref() { "SHA256" => &signature::RSA_PSS_2048_8192_SHA256, "SHA384" => &signature::RSA_PSS_2048_8192_SHA384, "SHA512" => &signature::RSA_PSS_2048_8192_SHA512, _ => panic!("Unsupported digest: {}", digest_name), }; let public_key = test_case.consume_bytes("Key"); // Sanity check that we correctly DER-encoded the originally- // provided separate (n, e) components. When we add test vectors // for improperly-encoded signatures, we'll have to revisit this. assert!(untrusted::Input::from(&public_key) .read_all(error::Unspecified, |input| der::nested( input, der::Tag::Sequence, error::Unspecified, |input| { let _ = der::positive_integer(input)?; let _ = der::positive_integer(input)?; Ok(()) } )) .is_ok()); let msg = test_case.consume_bytes("Msg"); let sig = test_case.consume_bytes("Sig"); let is_valid = test_case.consume_string("Result") == "P"; let actual_result = signature::UnparsedPublicKey::new(alg, &public_key).verify(&msg, &sig); assert_eq!(actual_result.is_ok(), is_valid); Ok(()) }, ); } // Test for `primitive::verify()`. Read public key parts from a file // and use them to verify a signature. #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn test_signature_rsa_primitive_verification() { test::run( test_file!("rsa_primitive_verify_tests.txt"), |section, test_case| { assert_eq!(section, ""); let n = test_case.consume_bytes("n"); let e = test_case.consume_bytes("e"); let msg = test_case.consume_bytes("Msg"); let sig = test_case.consume_bytes("Sig"); let expected = test_case.consume_string("Result"); let public_key = signature::RsaPublicKeyComponents { n: &n, e: &e }; let result = public_key.verify(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_2048_8192_SHA256, &msg, &sig); assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), expected == "Pass"); Ok(()) }, ) } #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[test] fn rsa_test_keypair_coverage() { const PRIVATE_KEY: &[u8] = include_bytes!("rsa_test_private_key_2048.p8"); let key_pair = rsa::KeyPair::from_pkcs8(PRIVATE_KEY).unwrap(); // Test that `signature::KeyPair::PublicKey` is `rsa::PublicKey`; if it // were a separate type then it would need to be tested separately. let _: &rsa::PublicKey = key_pair.public_key(); test_public_key_coverage(key_pair.public()); // Test clones. test_public_key_coverage(&key_pair.public().clone()); // Test `Debug` assert_eq!( format!("RsaKeyPair {{ public: {:?} }}", key_pair.public_key()), format!("{:?}", key_pair) ); } fn test_public_key_coverage(key: &rsa::PublicKey) { // Test `AsRef<[u8]>` const PUBLIC_KEY: &[u8] = include_bytes!("rsa_test_public_key_2048.der"); assert_eq!(key.as_ref(), PUBLIC_KEY); // Test `Debug`. const PUBLIC_KEY_DEBUG: &str = include_str!("rsa_test_public_key_2048_debug.txt"); assert_eq!(PUBLIC_KEY_DEBUG, format!("{:?}", key)); let components = rsa::PublicKeyComponents::>::from(key); const PUBLIC_KEY_MODULUS_BE_BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!("rsa_test_public_modulus.bin"); assert_eq!(PUBLIC_KEY_MODULUS_BE_BYTES, &components.n); const _65537: &[u8] = &[0x01, 0x00, 0x01]; assert_eq!(_65537, &components.e); }