Building *ring* =============== Supported Toolchains and Cross-compiling ---------------------------------------- *ring* currently requires a C (but not C++) toolchain. When cross-compiling, a sysroot for the target is usually required too; [mk/](mk/ documents, in code, one way to get a working toolchain for various targets. `TARGET_CC` and `TARGET_AR` (or equivalents) must be set. [mk/](mk/ documents, in code, one way to successfully cross-compile for various targets. Except for Windows x86/x86-64 targets, *ring*'s build script assumes the C/C++ compiler knows how to build `.S` files (assembly language sources with C preprocessor directives) for target architectures for which we have assembly language code (ARM, Aarch64, i686, x86-64). For Windows targets, “Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022” (or a higher edition of Visual Studio, like Community, Standard, or Enterprise). The “Desktop development with C++” workflow must be installed. Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.5 is supported; earlier versions of Visual Studio may work. For Windows ARM64 targets (aarch64-pc-windows-msvc), the Visual Studio Build Tools “VS 2022 C++ ARM64 build tools” and "clang" components must be installed. Add Microsoft's provided version of `clang` to `%PATH%`, which will allow the build to work in GitHub Actions without installing anything: ``` $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\Llvm\x64\bin" ``` If you (locally) have “Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022” instead, use: ``` $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\x64\bin" ``` Packaged Builds --------------- The *ring* crate released on needs fewer tools than are required for building *ring* from Git. Perl isn't required because the output of the Perl build steps is packaged into the crate. For Windows x86 and x86-64, the packaged crate contains precompiled object files for the assembly language modules so no macro assembler. Builds directly from Git ------------------------ If you want to hack on *ring* then you need to build it directly from its Git repository. There are some additional requirements for doing this that do not apply when building from * For any target for which *ring* has assembly language implementations of primitives (32- and 64- bit Intel, and 32- and 64- bit ARM), Perl must be installed. Perl must be in `$PATH` or `$PERL_EXECUTABLE` must be set. * For Windows x86 and x86-64 targets only, `target/tools/windows/nasm/nasm[.exe]` is used as the assembler. The version to use and how to download it is documented in [mk/install-build-tools.ps1](mk/install-build-tools.ps1). Additional Features that are Useful for Development --------------------------------------------------- The `slow_tests` feature runs additional tests that are too slow to run during a normal edit-compile-test cycle. The `test_logging` feature prints out the input test vectors when a test fails.