503 lines
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503 lines
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//! Utilities to drive safe and lazy parsing of ELF structures.
use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::Range};
use crate::endian::EndianParse;
use crate::file::Class;
pub enum ParseError {
/// Returned when the ELF File Header's magic bytes weren't ELF's defined
/// magic bytes
BadMagic([u8; 4]),
/// Returned when the ELF File Header's `e_ident[EI_CLASS]` wasn't one of the
/// defined `ELFCLASS*` constants
/// Returned when the ELF File Header's `e_ident[EI_DATA]` wasn't one of the
/// defined `ELFDATA*` constants
/// Returned when parsing an ELF struct with a version field whose value wasn't
/// something we support and know how to parse.
UnsupportedVersion((u64, u64)),
/// Returned when parsing an ELF structure resulted in an offset which fell
/// out of bounds of the requested structure
/// Returned when parsing a string out of a StringTable failed to find the
/// terminating NUL byte
/// Returned when parsing a table of ELF structures and the file specified
/// an entry size for that table that was different than what we had
/// expected
BadEntsize((u64, u64)),
/// Returned when trying to interpret a section's data as the wrong type.
/// For example, trying to treat an SHT_PROGBIGS section as a SHT_STRTAB.
UnexpectedSectionType((u32, u32)),
/// Returned when trying to interpret a segment's data as the wrong type.
/// For example, trying to treat an PT_LOAD section as a PT_NOTE.
UnexpectedSegmentType((u32, u32)),
/// Returned when a section has a sh_addralign value that was different
/// than we expected.
/// Returned when parsing an ELF structure out of an in-memory `&[u8]`
/// resulted in a request for a section of file bytes outside the range of
/// the slice. Commonly caused by truncated file contents.
SliceReadError((usize, usize)),
/// Returned when doing math with parsed elf fields that resulted in integer overflow.
/// Returned when parsing a string out of a StringTable that contained
/// invalid Utf8
/// Returned when parsing an ELF structure and the underlying structure data
/// was truncated and thus the full structure contents could not be parsed.
/// Returned when parsing an ELF structure whose on-disk fields were too big
/// to represent in the native machine's usize type for in-memory processing.
/// This could be the case when processessing large 64-bit files on a 32-bit machine.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
/// Returned when parsing an ELF structure out of an io stream encountered
/// an io error.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::error::Error for ParseError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
ParseError::BadMagic(_) => None,
ParseError::UnsupportedElfClass(_) => None,
ParseError::UnsupportedElfEndianness(_) => None,
ParseError::UnsupportedVersion(_) => None,
ParseError::BadOffset(_) => None,
ParseError::StringTableMissingNul(_) => None,
ParseError::BadEntsize(_) => None,
ParseError::UnexpectedSectionType(_) => None,
ParseError::UnexpectedSegmentType(_) => None,
ParseError::UnexpectedAlignment(_) => None,
ParseError::SliceReadError(_) => None,
ParseError::IntegerOverflow => None,
ParseError::Utf8Error(ref err) => Some(err),
ParseError::TryFromSliceError(ref err) => Some(err),
ParseError::TryFromIntError(ref err) => Some(err),
ParseError::IOError(ref err) => Some(err),
#[cfg(all(feature = "nightly", not(feature = "std")))]
impl core::error::Error for ParseError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn core::error::Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
ParseError::BadMagic(_) => None,
ParseError::UnsupportedElfClass(_) => None,
ParseError::UnsupportedElfEndianness(_) => None,
ParseError::UnsupportedVersion(_) => None,
ParseError::BadOffset(_) => None,
ParseError::StringTableMissingNul(_) => None,
ParseError::BadEntsize(_) => None,
ParseError::UnexpectedSectionType(_) => None,
ParseError::UnexpectedSegmentType(_) => None,
ParseError::UnexpectedAlignment(_) => None,
ParseError::SliceReadError(_) => None,
ParseError::IntegerOverflow => None,
ParseError::Utf8Error(ref err) => Some(err),
ParseError::TryFromSliceError(ref err) => Some(err),
ParseError::TryFromIntError(ref err) => Some(err),
impl core::fmt::Display for ParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
match *self {
ParseError::BadMagic(ref magic) => {
write!(f, "Invalid Magic Bytes: {magic:X?}")
ParseError::UnsupportedElfClass(class) => {
write!(f, "Unsupported ELF Class: {class}")
ParseError::UnsupportedElfEndianness(endianness) => {
write!(f, "Unsupported ELF Endianness: {endianness}")
ParseError::UnsupportedVersion((found, expected)) => {
"Unsupported ELF Version field found: {found} expected: {expected}"
ParseError::BadOffset(offset) => {
write!(f, "Bad offset: {offset:#X}")
ParseError::StringTableMissingNul(offset) => {
"Could not find terminating NUL byte starting at offset: {offset:#X}"
ParseError::BadEntsize((found, expected)) => {
"Invalid entsize. Expected: {expected:#X}, Found: {found:#X}"
ParseError::UnexpectedSectionType((found, expected)) => {
"Could not interpret section of type {found} as type {expected}"
ParseError::UnexpectedSegmentType((found, expected)) => {
"Could not interpret section of type {found} as type {expected}"
ParseError::UnexpectedAlignment(align) => {
"Could not interpret section with unexpected alignment of {align}"
ParseError::SliceReadError((start, end)) => {
write!(f, "Could not read bytes in range [{start:#X}, {end:#X})")
ParseError::IntegerOverflow => {
write!(f, "Integer overflow detected")
ParseError::Utf8Error(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
ParseError::TryFromSliceError(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
ParseError::TryFromIntError(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
ParseError::IOError(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
impl From<core::str::Utf8Error> for ParseError {
fn from(err: core::str::Utf8Error) -> Self {
impl From<core::array::TryFromSliceError> for ParseError {
fn from(err: core::array::TryFromSliceError) -> Self {
impl From<core::num::TryFromIntError> for ParseError {
fn from(err: core::num::TryFromIntError) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl From<std::io::Error> for ParseError {
fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> ParseError {
/// Trait for safely parsing an ELF structure of a given class (32/64 bit) with
/// an given endian-awareness at the given offset into the data buffer.
/// This is the trait that drives our elf parser, where the various ELF
/// structures implement ParseAt in order to parse their Rust-native representation
/// from a buffer, all using safe code.
pub trait ParseAt: Sized {
/// Parse this type by using the given endian-awareness and ELF class layout.
/// This is generic on EndianParse in order to allow users to optimize for
/// their expectations of data layout. See EndianParse for more details.
fn parse_at<E: EndianParse>(
endian: E,
class: Class,
offset: &mut usize,
data: &[u8],
) -> Result<Self, ParseError>;
/// Returns the expected size of the type being parsed for the given ELF class
fn size_for(class: Class) -> usize;
/// Checks whether the given entsize matches what we need to parse this type
/// Returns a ParseError for bad/unexpected entsizes that don't match what this type parses.
fn validate_entsize(class: Class, entsize: usize) -> Result<usize, ParseError> {
let expected = Self::size_for(class);
match entsize == expected {
true => Ok(entsize),
false => Err(ParseError::BadEntsize((entsize as u64, expected as u64))),
/// Lazy-parsing iterator which wraps bytes and parses out a `P: ParseAt` on each `next()`
pub struct ParsingIterator<'data, E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt> {
endian: E,
class: Class,
data: &'data [u8],
offset: usize,
// This struct doesn't technically own a P, but it yields them
// as it iterates
pd: PhantomData<&'data P>,
impl<'data, E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt> ParsingIterator<'data, E, P> {
pub fn new(endian: E, class: Class, data: &'data [u8]) -> Self {
ParsingIterator {
offset: 0,
pd: PhantomData,
impl<'data, E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt> Iterator for ParsingIterator<'data, E, P> {
type Item = P;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.data.is_empty() {
return None;
Self::Item::parse_at(self.endian, self.class, &mut self.offset, self.data).ok()
/// Lazy-parsing table which wraps bytes and parses out a `P: ParseAt` at a given index into
/// the table on each `get()`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ParsingTable<'data, E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt> {
endian: E,
class: Class,
data: &'data [u8],
// This struct doesn't technically own a P, but it yields them
pd: PhantomData<&'data P>,
impl<'data, E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt> ParsingTable<'data, E, P> {
pub fn new(endian: E, class: Class, data: &'data [u8]) -> Self {
ParsingTable {
pd: PhantomData,
/// Get a lazy-parsing iterator for the table's bytes
pub fn iter(&self) -> ParsingIterator<'data, E, P> {
ParsingIterator::new(self.endian, self.class, self.data)
/// Returns the number of elements of type P in the table.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
self.data.len() / P::size_for(self.class)
/// Returns whether the table is empty (contains zero elements).
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Parse the element at `index` in the table.
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Result<P, ParseError> {
if self.data.is_empty() {
return Err(ParseError::BadOffset(index as u64));
let entsize = P::size_for(self.class);
let mut start = index
if start > self.data.len() {
return Err(ParseError::BadOffset(index as u64));
P::parse_at(self.endian, self.class, &mut start, self.data)
impl<'data, E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt> IntoIterator for ParsingTable<'data, E, P> {
type IntoIter = ParsingIterator<'data, E, P>;
type Item = P;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
ParsingIterator::new(self.endian, self.class, self.data)
// Simple convenience extension trait to wrap get() with .ok_or(SliceReadError)
pub(crate) trait ReadBytesExt<'data> {
fn get_bytes(self, range: Range<usize>) -> Result<&'data [u8], ParseError>;
impl<'data> ReadBytesExt<'data> for &'data [u8] {
fn get_bytes(self, range: Range<usize>) -> Result<&'data [u8], ParseError> {
let start = range.start;
let end = range.end;
.ok_or(ParseError::SliceReadError((start, end)))
pub(crate) fn test_parse_for<E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt + core::fmt::Debug + PartialEq>(
endian: E,
class: Class,
expected: P,
) {
let size = P::size_for(class);
let mut data = vec![0u8; size];
for (n, elem) in data.iter_mut().enumerate().take(size) {
*elem = n as u8;
let mut offset = 0;
let entry = P::parse_at(endian, class, &mut offset, data.as_ref()).expect("Failed to parse");
assert_eq!(entry, expected);
assert_eq!(offset, size);
pub(crate) fn test_parse_fuzz_too_short<E: EndianParse, P: ParseAt + core::fmt::Debug>(
endian: E,
class: Class,
) {
let size = P::size_for(class);
let data = vec![0u8; size];
for n in 0..size {
let buf = data.split_at(n).0;
let mut offset: usize = 0;
let error = P::parse_at(endian, class, &mut offset, buf).expect_err("Expected an error");
matches!(error, ParseError::SliceReadError(_)),
"Unexpected Error type found: {error}"
mod read_bytes_tests {
use super::ParseError;
use super::ReadBytesExt;
fn get_bytes_works() {
let data = &[0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let subslice = data.get_bytes(1..3).expect("should be within range");
assert_eq!(subslice, [1, 2]);
fn get_bytes_out_of_range_errors() {
let data = &[0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let err = data.get_bytes(3..9).expect_err("should be out of range");
matches!(err, ParseError::SliceReadError((3, 9))),
"Unexpected Error type found: {err}"
mod parsing_table_tests {
use crate::endian::{AnyEndian, BigEndian, LittleEndian};
use super::*;
type U32Table<'data, E> = ParsingTable<'data, E, u32>;
fn test_u32_validate_entsize() {
assert!(matches!(u32::validate_entsize(Class::ELF32, 4), Ok(4)));
u32::validate_entsize(Class::ELF32, 8),
Err(ParseError::BadEntsize((8, 4)))
fn test_u32_parse_at() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let mut offset = 2;
let result = u32::parse_at(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, &mut offset, data.as_ref())
.expect("Expected to parse but:");
assert_eq!(result, 0x05040302);
fn test_u32_table_len() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
assert_eq!(table.len(), 2);
fn test_u32_table_is_empty() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, &[]);
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, data.get(0..1).unwrap());
fn test_u32_table_get_parse_failure() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1];
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
Err(ParseError::SliceReadError((0, 4)))
fn test_lsb_u32_table_get() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
assert!(matches!(table.get(0), Ok(0x03020100)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(1), Ok(0x07060504)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(7), Err(ParseError::BadOffset(7))));
fn test_any_lsb_u32_table_get() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(AnyEndian::Little, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
assert!(matches!(table.get(0), Ok(0x03020100)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(1), Ok(0x07060504)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(7), Err(ParseError::BadOffset(7))));
fn test_msb_u32_table_get() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(BigEndian, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
assert!(matches!(table.get(0), Ok(0x00010203)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(1), Ok(0x04050607)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(7), Err(ParseError::BadOffset(7))));
fn test_any_msb_u32_table_get() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(AnyEndian::Big, Class::ELF32, data.as_ref());
assert!(matches!(table.get(0), Ok(0x00010203)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(1), Ok(0x04050607)));
assert!(matches!(table.get(7), Err(ParseError::BadOffset(7))));
fn test_u32_table_get_unaligned() {
let data = vec![0u8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
let table = U32Table::new(LittleEndian, Class::ELF32, data.get(1..).unwrap());
assert!(matches!(table.get(0), Ok(0x04030201)));