2.4 KiB
- try to remove unnecessary uses of cloned()
- use expand, expand_cloned and cloned_bounds everywhere
- replace instances of |(key, _)| with fn first()
- rename insert_overwrite to insert_forceful
- make all iterators cutsom types as is standardised in libraries for some reason(?)
- take a look around idiomatic rust for a bit
- review method parameter names for all public functions
- make try_from_bounds trait return TryFromBoundsError rather than mapping the option all the time
- make a StartBoundWrapper that uses BoundOrd to implement ord and use that instead of storing the startbound twice
- replace
where applicatble in docs - replace rust types URL links with direct rust links
- normalize the description of the project beteen:
- the first line of the crate levele docs/readme
- the description meta-data section on github
- the descriptio meta-data field in the Cargo.toml
make specifc RangeMap, RangeSet, RangeInclusiveMap... types for signature simplification - alternatively add just the one generic SafeRangeBoundsMap + Set that just add unwraps everywhere to simplify signatures on known-"Safe" symmetric types such as Range
add rangemap's insert function to finally make range_bounds_map a superset of rangemap
add remove_at_point(), clear(), etc..
add a multi-dimentional version of RandBounds{Map,Set} by compositing Normal 1D RangeBoundsSets together in a big Vec or something.
open questions
- should we implement FromIterator? If so which insert should we use? (At the moment we do implement it using insert_strict())
- should append_* functions not change the base if they fail half way?
after publish tasks
- add links to [
] and map after docs.rs is live with the docs, and generally check for dead links on docs and readme - tell people in issues of other rangemap libraries about my library stonks advertising
new todos
the docs annoy me with sometimes including "Basic usage:" and sometimes not, this may not be unique just the btree_cursors function docs though.
no examples in the docs for Cursors and CursorsMut unlike Entry docs for some other collections which have nice docs.
remove unused dependencies
update cut docs to say they just return (K, V) now
same with gaps docs except with I instead of &I now
grep for docs on doubleiterator and change to single now