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// Copyright 2015-2016 Brian Smith.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
/// RSA PKCS#1 1.5 signatures.
use {bits, der, digest, error, pkcs8};
use rand;
use std;
use super::{blinding, bigint, bigint::Prime, N};
use arithmetic::montgomery::{R, RR, RRR};
use untrusted;
/// An RSA key pair, used for signing. Feature: `rsa_signing`.
/// After constructing an `RSAKeyPair`, construct one or more
/// `RSASigningState`s that reference the `RSAKeyPair` and use
/// `RSASigningState::sign()` to generate signatures. See `ring::signature`'s
/// module-level documentation for an example.
pub struct RSAKeyPair {
n: bigint::Modulus<N>,
e: bigint::PublicExponent,
p: PrivatePrime<P>,
q: PrivatePrime<Q>,
qInv: bigint::Elem<P, R>,
oneRR_mod_n: bigint::One<N, RR>,
qq: bigint::Modulus<QQ>,
q_mod_n: bigint::Elem<N, R>,
n_bits: bits::BitLength,
// `RSAKeyPair` is immutable. TODO: Make all the elements of `RSAKeyPair`
// implement `Sync` so that it doesn't have to do this itself.
unsafe impl Sync for RSAKeyPair {}
impl RSAKeyPair {
/// Parses an unencrypted PKCS#8-encoded RSA private key.
/// Only two-prime (not multi-prime) keys are supported. The public modulus
/// (n) must be at least 2047 bits. The public modulus must be no larger
/// than 4096 bits. It is recommended that the public modulus be exactly
/// 2048 or 3072 bits. The public exponent must be at least 65537.
/// This will generate a 2048-bit RSA private key of the correct form using
/// OpenSSL's command line tool:
/// ```sh
/// openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA \
/// -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 \
/// -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537 | \
/// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -outform der > rsa-2048-private-key.pk8
/// ```
/// This will generate a 3072-bit RSA private key of the correct form:
/// ```sh
/// openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA \
/// -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 \
/// -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537 | \
/// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -outform der > rsa-2048-private-key.pk8
/// ```
/// Often, keys generated for use in OpenSSL-based software are stored in
/// the Base64 “PEM” format without the PKCS#8 wrapper. Such keys can be
/// converted to binary PKCS#8 form using the OpenSSL command line tool like
/// this:
/// ```sh
/// openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -outform der \
/// -in rsa-2048-private-key.pem > rsa-2048-private-key.pk8
/// ```
/// Base64 (“PEM”) PKCS#8-encoded keys can be converted to the binary PKCS#8
/// form like this:
/// ```sh
/// openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -outform der \
/// -in rsa-2048-private-key.pem > rsa-2048-private-key.pk8
/// ```
/// The private key is validated according to [NIST SP-800-56B rev. 1]
/// section, crt_pkv (Intended Exponent-Creation Method Unknown),
/// with the following exceptions:
/// * Section, Step 1: Neither a target security level nor an
/// expected modulus length is provided as a parameter, so checks
/// regarding these expectations are not done.
/// * Section, Step 3: Since neither the public key nor the
/// expected modulus length is provided as a parameter, the consistency
/// check between these values and the private key's value of n isn't done.
/// * Section, Step 5: No primality tests are done, both for
/// performance reasons and to avoid any side channels that such tests
/// would provide.
/// * Section, Step 6, and, Step 7:
/// * *ring* has a slightly looser lower bound for the values of `p`
/// and `q` than what the NIST document specifies. This looser lower
/// bound matches what most other crypto libraries do. The check might
/// be tightened to meet NIST's requirements in the future.
/// - The validity of the mathematical relationship of `dP`, `dQ`, `e`
/// and `n` is verified only during signing. Some size checks of `d`,
/// `dP` and `dQ` are performed at construction, but some NIST checks
/// are skipped because they would be expensive and/or they would leak
/// information through side channels. If a preemptive check of the
/// consistency of `dP`, `dQ`, `e` and `n` with each other is
/// necessary, that can be done by signing any message with the key
/// pair.
/// * `d` is not fully validated, neither at construction nor during
/// signing. This is OK as far as *ring*'s usage of the key is
/// concerned because *ring* never uses the value of `d` (*ring* always
/// uses `p`, `q`, `dP` and `dQ` via the Chinese Remainder Theorem,
/// instead). However, *ring*'s checks would not be sufficient for
/// validating a key pair for use by some other system; that other
/// system must check the value of `d` itself if `d` is to be used.
/// In addition to the NIST requirements, *ring* requires that `p > q` and
/// that `e` must be no more than 33 bits.
/// See [RFC 5958] and [RFC 3447 Appendix A.1.2] for more details of the
/// encoding of the key.
/// [NIST SP-800-56B rev. 1]:
/// http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-56Br1.pdf
/// [RFC 3447 Appendix A.1.2]:
/// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#appendix-A.1.2
/// [RFC 5958]:
/// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5958
pub fn from_pkcs8(input: untrusted::Input)
-> Result<RSAKeyPair, error::Unspecified> {
const RSA_ENCRYPTION: &'static [u8] =
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let (der, _) = pkcs8::unwrap_key_(&RSA_ENCRYPTION,
pkcs8::Version::V1Only, input)?;
/// Parses an RSA private key that is not inside a PKCS#8 wrapper.
/// The private key must be encoded as a binary DER-encoded ASN.1
/// `RSAPrivateKey` as described in [RFC 3447 Appendix A.1.2]). In all other
/// respects, this is just like `RSAKeyPair::from_pkcs8()`. See the
/// documentation for `from_pkcs8()` for more details.
/// It is recommended to use `RSAKeyPair::from_pkcs8()` (with a
/// PKCS#8-encoded key) instead.
/// [RFC 3447 Appendix A.1.2]:
/// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#appendix-A.1.2
/// [NIST SP-800-56B rev. 1]:
/// http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-56Br1.pdf
pub fn from_der(input: untrusted::Input)
-> Result<RSAKeyPair, error::Unspecified> {
input.read_all(error::Unspecified, |input| {
der::nested(input, der::Tag::Sequence, error::Unspecified, |input| {
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let version = der::small_nonnegative_integer(input)?;
if version != 0 {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let n = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let e = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let d = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let p = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let q = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let dP = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let dQ = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
let qInv = bigint::Positive::from_der(input)?;
// Our implementation of CRT-based modular exponentiation used
// requires that `p > q` so swap them if `p < q`. If swapped,
// `qInv` is recalculated below. `p != q` is verified
// implicitly below, e.g. when `q_mod_p` is constructed.
let ((p, dP), (q, dQ, qInv)) = match q.verify_less_than(&p) {
Ok(_) => ((p, dP), (q, dQ, Some(qInv))),
Err(_) => ((q, dQ), (p, dP, None)),
let n_bits = n.bit_length();
// XXX: Some steps are done out of order, but the NIST steps
// are worded in such a way that it is clear that NIST intends
// for them to be done in order. TODO: Does this matter at all?
// - Step 1.
// Step 1.a is omitted, as explained above.
// Step 1.b is omitted per above. Instead, we chek that the
// public modulus is 2048 to
// limit of 4096 bits is primarily due to lack of testing of
// larger key sizes; see, in particular,
// https://www.mail-archive.com/openssl-dev@openssl.org/msg44586.html
// and
// https://www.mail-archive.com/openssl-dev@openssl.org/msg44759.html.
// Also, this limit might help with memory management decisions
// later.
// Step 1.c. We validate e >= 2**16 = 65536, which, since e is odd,
// implies e >= 65537.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let (n, e) = super::check_public_modulus_and_exponent(
n, e, bits::BitLength::from_usize_bits(2048),
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
// says to skip Step 2.
// Step 3.
// Step 3.a is done below, out of order.
// Step 3.b is unneeded since `n_bits` is derived here from `n`.
// says to skip Step 4. (We don't need to
// recover the prime factors since they are already given.)
// - Step 5.
// Steps 5.a and 5.b are omitted, as explained above.
// Step 5.c.
// TODO: First, stop if `p < (√2) * 2**((nBits/2) - 1)`.
// Second, stop if `p > 2**(nBits/2) - 1`.
2016-11-26 00:47:38 -10:00
let half_n_bits = n_bits.half_rounded_up();
if p.bit_length() != half_n_bits {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let p = p.into_odd_positive()?;
// TODO: Step 5.d: Verify GCD(p - 1, e) == 1.
// Steps 5.e and 5.f are omitted as explained above.
// Step 5.g.
// TODO: First, stop if `q < (√2) * 2**((nBits/2) - 1)`.
// Second, stop if `q > 2**(nBits/2) - 1`.
if p.bit_length() != q.bit_length() {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let q = q.into_odd_positive()?;
// TODO: Step 5.h: Verify GCD(p - 1, e) == 1.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let n = n.into_modulus::<N>()?;
let oneRR_mod_n = bigint::One::newRR(&n)?;
let q_mod_n_decoded = q.try_clone()?.into_elem(&n)?;
// Step 5.i
// Because we just check the bit length of p - q, we accept if the
// difference is exactly 2**(n_bits/2 - 100), even though the spec
// says that is the largest value that should be rejected. We assume
// there are no security implications to this simplification.
// 3.b is unneeded since `n_bits` is derived here from `n`.
let p_mod_n = {
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let p = p.try_clone()?;
let p_minus_q_bits = {
// Modular subtraction isn't necessary since we already
// verified q < p, but we're doing modular subtraction
// to avoid having to implement non-modular subtraction.
// Modular subtraction without having already verified
// q < p would be wrong.
let p_minus_q =
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
bigint::elem_sub(p_mod_n, &q_mod_n_decoded, &n)?;
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let min_pq_bitlen_diff = half_n_bits.try_sub(
if p_minus_q_bits <= min_pq_bitlen_diff {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
// - Step 3.a (out of order).
2016-11-26 00:47:38 -10:00
// Verify that p * q == n. We restrict ourselves to modular
// multiplication. We rely on the fact that we've verified
// 0 < q < p < n. We check that q and p are close to sqrt(n)
// and then assume that these preconditions are enough to
// let us assume that checking p * q == 0 (mod n) is equivalent
// to checking p * q == n.
let q_mod_n = {
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let clone = q_mod_n_decoded.try_clone()?;
bigint::elem_mul(oneRR_mod_n.as_ref(), clone, &n)?
2016-11-26 00:47:38 -10:00
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let p_mod_n = p.try_clone()?.into_elem(&n)?;
let pq_mod_n = bigint::elem_mul(&q_mod_n, p_mod_n, &n)?;
2016-11-26 00:47:38 -10:00
if !pq_mod_n.is_zero() {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
// - Step 6.
// Step 6.a, partial.
// First, validate `2**half_n_bits < d`. Since 2**half_n_bits
// has a bit length of half_n_bits + 1, this check gives us
// 2**half_n_bits <= d, and knowing d is odd makes the
// inequality strict.
if !(half_n_bits < d.bit_length()) {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
// XXX: This check should be `d < LCM(p - 1, q - 1)`, but we
// don't have a good way of calculating LCM, so it is omitted,
// as explained above.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let d = d.into_odd_positive()?;
// Step 6.b is omitted as explained above.
// - Step 7.
// Step 7.a.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let p = PrivatePrime::new(p, dP)?;
// Step 7.b is done out-of-order below.
let q_mod_p = q.try_clone()?.into_elem(&p.modulus)?;
// Step 7.c.
let qInv = if let Some(qInv) = qInv {
} else {
// We swapped `p` and `q` above, so we need to calculate
// `qInv`. Step 7.f below will verify `qInv` is correct.
let q_mod_p = bigint::elem_mul(p.oneRR.as_ref(),
bigint::elem_inverse_consttime(q_mod_p, &p.modulus, &p.oneR)?
// Steps 7.d and 7.e are omitted per the documentation above,
// and because we don't (in the long term) have a good way to
// do modulo with an even modulus.
// Step 7.f.
let qInv =
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
bigint::elem_mul(p.oneRR.as_ref(), qInv, &p.modulus)?;
bigint::verify_inverses_consttime(&qInv, q_mod_p, &p.modulus)?;
// Step 7.b (out of order).
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let q = PrivatePrime::new(q, dQ)?;
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let qq = bigint::elem_mul(&q_mod_n, q_mod_n_decoded, &n)?
Ok(RSAKeyPair {
/// Returns the length in bytes of the key pair's public modulus.
/// A signature has the same length as the public modulus.
2016-08-22 17:56:40 -10:00
pub fn public_modulus_len(&self) -> usize {
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struct PrivatePrime<M: Prime> {
modulus: bigint::Modulus<M>,
exponent: bigint::OddPositive,
oneR: bigint::One<M, R>,
oneRR: bigint::One<M, RR>,
oneRRR: bigint::One<M, RRR>,
impl<M: Prime> PrivatePrime<M> {
/// Constructs a `PrivatePrime` from the private prime `p` and `dP` where
/// dP == d % (p - 1).
fn new(p: bigint::OddPositive, dP: bigint::Positive)
-> Result<Self, error::Unspecified> {
// [NIST SP-800-56B rev. 1] - Steps 7.a & 7.b.
// Proof that `dP < p - 1`:
// If `dP < p` then either `dP == p - 1` or `dP < p - 1`. Since `p` is
// odd, `p - 1` is even. `d` is odd, and an odd number modulo an even
// number is odd. Therefore `dP` must be odd. But then it cannot be
// `p - 1` and so we know `dP < p - 1`.
// The proof that `dQ < q - 1` is the same.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let dP = dP.into_odd_positive()?;
// XXX: Steps 7.d and 7.e are omitted. We don't check that
// `dP == d % (p - 1)` because we don't (in the long term) have a good
// way to do modulo with an even modulus. Instead we just check that
// `1 <= dP < p - 1`. We'll check it, to some unknown extent, when we
// do the private key operation, since we verify that the result of the
// private key operation using the CRT parameters is consistent with `n`
// and `e`. TODO: Either prove that what we do is sufficient, or make
// it so.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let p = p.into_modulus()?;
let oneRR = bigint::One::newRR(&p)?;
let oneRR_clone = oneRR.try_clone()?;
let oneR = bigint::One::newR(&oneRR, &p)?;
let oneRRR = bigint::One::newRRR(oneRR_clone, &p)?;
Ok(PrivatePrime {
modulus: p,
exponent: dP,
oneR: oneR,
oneRR: oneRR,
oneRRR: oneRRR,
fn elem_exp_consttime<M, MM>(c: &bigint::Elem<MM>, p: &PrivatePrime<M>)
-> Result<bigint::Elem<M>, error::Unspecified>
where M: bigint::NotMuchSmallerModulus<MM>,
M: Prime {
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let c_mod_m = bigint::elem_reduced(c, &p.modulus)?;
let c_mod_m = bigint::elem_mul(p.oneRRR.as_ref(), c_mod_m, &p.modulus)?;
bigint::elem_exp_consttime(c_mod_m, &p.exponent, &p.oneR, &p.modulus)
// Type-level representations of the different moduli used in RSA signing, in
// addition to `super::N`. See `super::bigint`'s modulue-level documentation.
2016-11-26 00:47:38 -10:00
enum P {}
unsafe impl Prime for P {}
unsafe impl bigint::SmallerModulus<N> for P {}
unsafe impl bigint::NotMuchSmallerModulus<N> for P {}
enum QQ {}
unsafe impl bigint::SmallerModulus<N> for QQ {}
unsafe impl bigint::NotMuchSmallerModulus<N> for QQ {}
2016-11-26 00:47:38 -10:00
// `q < p < 2*q` since `q` is slightly smaller than `p` (see below). Thus:
// q < p < 2*q
// q*q < p*q < 2*q*q.
// q**2 < n < 2*(q**2).
unsafe impl bigint::SlightlySmallerModulus<N> for QQ {}
enum Q {}
unsafe impl Prime for Q {}
unsafe impl bigint::SmallerModulus<N> for Q {}
unsafe impl bigint::SmallerModulus<P> for Q {}
// q < p && `p.bit_length() == q.bit_length()` implies `q < p < 2*q`.
unsafe impl bigint::SlightlySmallerModulus<P> for Q {}
unsafe impl bigint::SmallerModulus<QQ> for Q {}
unsafe impl bigint::NotMuchSmallerModulus<QQ> for Q {}
/// State used for RSA Signing. Feature: `rsa_signing`.
/// # Performance Considerations
/// Every time `sign` is called, some internal state is updated. Usually the
/// state update is relatively cheap, but the first time, and periodically, a
/// relatively expensive computation (computing the modular inverse of a random
/// number modulo the public key modulus, for blinding the RSA exponentiation)
/// will be done. Reusing the same `RSASigningState` when generating multiple
/// signatures improves the computational efficiency of signing by minimizing
/// the frequency of the expensive computations.
/// `RSASigningState` is not `Sync`; i.e. concurrent use of an `sign()` on the
/// same `RSASigningState` from multiple threads is not allowed. An
/// `RSASigningState` can be wrapped in a `Mutex` to be shared between threads;
/// this would maximize the computational efficiency (as explained above) and
/// minimizes memory usage, but it also minimizes concurrency because all the
/// calls to `sign()` would be serialized. To increases concurrency one could
/// create multiple `RSASigningState`s that share the same `RSAKeyPair`; the
/// number of `RSASigningState` in use at once determines the concurrency
/// factor. This increases memory usage, but only by a small amount, as each
/// `RSASigningState` is much smaller than the `RSAKeyPair` that they would
/// share. Using multiple `RSASigningState` per `RSAKeyPair` may also decrease
/// computational efficiency by increasing the frequency of the expensive
/// modular inversions; managing a pool of `RSASigningState`s in a
/// most-recently-used fashion would improve the computational efficiency.
pub struct RSASigningState {
key_pair: std::sync::Arc<RSAKeyPair>,
blinding: blinding::Blinding,
impl RSASigningState {
/// Construct an `RSASigningState` for the given `RSAKeyPair`.
pub fn new(key_pair: std::sync::Arc<RSAKeyPair>)
-> Result<Self, error::Unspecified> {
Ok(RSASigningState {
key_pair: key_pair,
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
blinding: blinding::Blinding::new(),
/// The `RSAKeyPair`. This can be used, for example, to access the key
/// pair's public key through the `RSASigningState`.
pub fn key_pair(&self) -> &RSAKeyPair { self.key_pair.as_ref() }
/// Sign `msg`. `msg` is digested using the digest algorithm from
/// `padding_alg` and the digest is then padded using the padding algorithm
/// from `padding_alg`. The signature it written into `signature`;
/// `signature`'s length must be exactly the length returned by
/// `public_modulus_len()`. `rng` is used for blinding the message during
/// signing, to mitigate some side-channel (e.g. timing) attacks.
/// Many other crypto libraries have signing functions that takes a
/// precomputed digest as input, instead of the message to digest. This
/// function does *not* take a precomputed digest; instead, `sign`
/// calculates the digest itself.
/// Lots of effort has been made to make the signing operations close to
/// constant time to protect the private key from side channel attacks. On
/// x86-64, this is done pretty well, but not perfectly. On other
/// platforms, it is done less perfectly. To help mitigate the current
/// imperfections, and for defense-in-depth, base blinding is always done.
/// Exponent blinding is not done, but it may be done in the future.
#[allow(non_shorthand_field_patterns)] // Work around compiler bug.
pub fn sign(&mut self, padding_alg: &'static ::signature::RSAEncoding,
rng: &rand::SecureRandom, msg: &[u8], signature: &mut [u8])
-> Result<(), error::Unspecified> {
let mod_bits = self.key_pair.n_bits;
if signature.len() != mod_bits.as_usize_bytes_rounded_up() {
return Err(error::Unspecified);
let &mut RSASigningState {
key_pair: ref key,
blinding: ref mut blinding,
} = self;
let m_hash = digest::digest(padding_alg.digest_alg(), msg);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
padding_alg.encode(&m_hash, signature, mod_bits, rng)?;
// RFC 8017 Section 5.1.2: RSADP, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem
// with Garner's algorithm.
// Step 1. The value zero is also rejected.
// TODO: Avoid having `encode()` pad its output, and then remove
// `Positive::from_be_bytes_padded()`.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let base = bigint::Positive::from_be_bytes_padded(
let base = base.into_elem(&key.n)?;
// Step 2.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let result = blinding.blind(base, key.e, &key.oneRR_mod_n, &key.n, rng,
|c| {
// Step 2.b.i.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let m_1 = elem_exp_consttime(&c, &key.p)?;
let c_mod_qq = bigint::elem_reduced_once(&c, &key.qq)?;
let m_2 = elem_exp_consttime(&c_mod_qq, &key.q)?;
// Step 2.b.ii isn't needed since there are only two primes.
// Step 2.b.iii.
let p = &key.p.modulus;
let m_2 = bigint::elem_widen(m_2);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let m_1_minus_m_2 = bigint::elem_sub(m_1, &m_2, p)?;
let h = bigint::elem_mul(&key.qInv, m_1_minus_m_2, p)?;
// Step 2.b.iv. The reduction in the modular multiplication isn't
// necessary because `h < p` and `p * q == n` implies `h * q < n`.
// Modular arithmetic is used simply to avoid implementing
// non-modular arithmetic.
let h = bigint::elem_widen(h);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let q_times_h = bigint::elem_mul(&key.q_mod_n, h, &key.n)?;
let m_2 = bigint::elem_widen(m_2);
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let m = bigint::elem_add(m_2, q_times_h, &key.n)?;
// Step 2.b.v isn't needed since there are only two primes.
// Verify the result to protect against fault attacks as described
// in "On the Importance of Checking Cryptographic Protocols for
// Faults" by Dan Boneh, Richard A. DeMillo, and Richard J. Lipton.
// This check is cheap assuming `e` is small, which is ensured
// during `RSAKeyPair` construction. Note that this is the only
// validation of `e` that is done other than basic checks on its
// size, oddness, and minimum value, since the relationship of `e`
// to `d`, `p`, and `q` is not verified during `RSAKeyPair`
// construction.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
let computed = m.try_clone()?;
let computed =
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
bigint::elem_mul(&key.oneRR_mod_n.as_ref(), computed, &key.n)?;
let verify = bigint::elem_exp_vartime(computed, key.e, &key.n)?;
let verify = verify.into_unencoded(&key.n)?;
bigint::elem_verify_equal_consttime(&verify, &c)?;
// Step 3.
2017-05-17 21:35:53 -10:00
mod tests {
// We intentionally avoid `use super::*` so that we are sure to use only
// the public API; this ensures that enough of the API is public.
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
use core;
use {rand, signature, test};
use std;
use super::super::blinding;
use untrusted;
// `RSAKeyPair::sign` requires that the output buffer is the same length as
// the public key modulus. Test what happens when it isn't the same length.
fn test_signature_rsa_pkcs1_sign_output_buffer_len() {
// Sign the message "hello, world", using PKCS#1 v1.5 padding and the
// SHA256 digest algorithm.
const MESSAGE: &'static [u8] = b"hello, world";
let rng = rand::SystemRandom::new();
const PRIVATE_KEY_DER: &'static [u8] =
let key_bytes_der = untrusted::Input::from(PRIVATE_KEY_DER);
let key_pair = signature::RSAKeyPair::from_der(key_bytes_der).unwrap();
let key_pair = std::sync::Arc::new(key_pair);
let mut signing_state =
// The output buffer is one byte too short.
let mut signature =
vec![0; signing_state.key_pair().public_modulus_len() - 1];
assert!(signing_state.sign(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, &rng, MESSAGE,
&mut signature).is_err());
// The output buffer is the right length.
assert!(signing_state.sign(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, &rng, MESSAGE,
&mut signature).is_ok());
// The output buffer is one byte too long.
assert!(signing_state.sign(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, &rng, MESSAGE,
&mut signature).is_err());
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
// Once the `Blinding` in an `RSAKeyPair` has been used
// `blinding::REMAINING_MAX` times, a new blinding should be created. we
// don't check that a new blinding was created; we just make sure to
// exercise the code path, so this is basically a coverage test.
fn test_signature_rsa_pkcs1_sign_blinding_reuse() {
const MESSAGE: &'static [u8] = b"hello, world";
let rng = rand::SystemRandom::new();
const PRIVATE_KEY_DER: &'static [u8] =
let key_bytes_der = untrusted::Input::from(PRIVATE_KEY_DER);
let key_pair = signature::RSAKeyPair::from_der(key_bytes_der).unwrap();
let key_pair = std::sync::Arc::new(key_pair);
let mut signature = vec![0; key_pair.public_modulus_len()];
let mut signing_state =
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
for _ in 0..(blinding::REMAINING_MAX + 1) {
let prev_remaining = signing_state.blinding.remaining();
let _ = signing_state.sign(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, &rng,
MESSAGE, &mut signature);
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
let remaining = signing_state.blinding.remaining();
assert_eq!((remaining + 1) % blinding::REMAINING_MAX,
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
// When we fail to randomly generate an invertible blinding factor too many
// times in a loop, we fail. This checks that we fail in a reasonable way
// when that happens.
fn test_signature_rsa_pkcs1_sign_blinding_creation_failure() {
const MESSAGE: &'static [u8] = b"hello, world";
const PRIVATE_KEY_DER: &'static [u8] =
let key_bytes_der = untrusted::Input::from(PRIVATE_KEY_DER);
let key_pair = signature::RSAKeyPair::from_der(key_bytes_der).unwrap();
2016-12-11 00:14:45 -10:00
// The inversion itself is blinded. This blinding factor must be
// non-zero.
let mut inverse_blinding_factor =
vec![0u8; key_pair.public_modulus_len()];
inverse_blinding_factor[0] = 1;
let zero = vec![0u8; key_pair.public_modulus_len()];
let mut bytes = std::vec::Vec::new();
for _ in 0..100 {
let rng = test::rand::FixedSliceSequenceRandom {
bytes: &bytes[..],
current: core::cell::UnsafeCell::new(0),
let key_pair = std::sync::Arc::new(key_pair);
let mut signing_state =
let mut signature =
vec![0; signing_state.key_pair().public_modulus_len()];
let result = signing_state.sign(&signature::RSA_PKCS1_SHA256, &rng,
MESSAGE, &mut signature);