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Building ring
Supported Toolchains and Cross-compiling
ring currently requires a C (but not C++) toolchain.
When cross-compiling, a sysroot for the target is usually required too;
mk/install-build-tools.sh documents, in code,
one way to get a working toolchain for various targets. TARGET_CC
(or equivalents) must be set. mk/cargo.sh
documents, in code, one way to successfully cross-compile for various targets.
Except for Windows x86/x86-64 targets, ring's build script assumes the
C/C++ compiler knows how to build .S
files (assembly language sources
with C preprocessor directives) for target architectures for which we have
assembly language code (ARM, Aarch64, i686, x86-64).
For Windows targets, “Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022” (or a higher edition of Visual Studio, like Community, Standard, or Enterprise). The “Desktop development with C++” workflow must be installed. Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.5 is supported; earlier versions of Visual Studio may work.
For Windows ARM64 targets (aarch64-pc-windows-msvc), the Visual Studio Build
Tools “VS 2022 C++ ARM64 build tools” and "clang" components must be installed.
Add Microsoft's provided version of clang
to %PATH%
, which will allow the
build to work in GitHub Actions without installing anything:
$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\Llvm\x64\bin"
If you (locally) have “Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022” instead, use:
$env:Path += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\x64\bin"
Packaged Builds
The ring crate released on crates.io needs fewer tools than are required for building ring from Git. Perl isn't required because the output of the Perl build steps is packaged into the crate. For Windows x86 and x86-64, the packaged crate contains precompiled object files for the assembly language modules so no macro assembler.
Builds directly from Git
If you want to hack on ring then you need to build it directly from its Git repository. There are some additional requirements for doing this that do not apply when building from crates.io:
For any target for which ring has assembly language implementations of primitives (32- and 64- bit Intel, and 32- and 64- bit ARM), Perl must be installed. Perl must be in
must be set. -
For Windows x86 and x86-64 targets only,
is used as the assembler. The version to use and how to download it is documented in mk/install-build-tools.ps1.
Additional Features that are Useful for Development
The slow_tests
feature runs additional tests that are too slow to run during
a normal edit-compile-test cycle.
The test_logging
feature prints out the input test vectors when a test fails.